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Everything posted by lonewolfkai

  1. I see this as being the proverbial nail in the coffin.
  2. That is undeniably your opinion which is not shared by many. (See what I did there :teehee:) Therein lies the problem and why Windows is so darn popular. :wallbash: (Your signature is funny btw :thumbsup: )
  3. That's some good points. I personally use several other security measures, even though its a gaming pc only. Another thing that comes to mind is if Linux, or any other OS, does start getting popular, and I'm talking on par to Windows, we'll probably be seeing just as many hacks/exploits as Windows currently. One of the reaons why Windows is attack so much is because of how much more it is used over other OS.
  4. I've never had any issues with what you've listed here on W7, and I've been using it straight out the box with defaults on. I use that PC almost exclusively for my PC gaming. In regards to Linux, and this is my ignorance, but what'll happen is just the same thing as what you stated, but in reverse. Users will have to have an emulator of some sort, either for Linux or for Windows. But again, that's just my ignorance. I know nothing of Linux other than that it is another OS.
  5. I seem to recall a panic of similarity when Vista came out. The day Microsoft stops supporting games from its OS is the day they pull the trigger on themselves. They would be stupid to do that. I agree with Dark0ne here. Valve is just not wanting to cooperate with the competition, which is ironic because neither did Microsoft before their monopoly judgement from years back, which that is also understandable for both considering they are a business out to make money.
  6. Maybe LA will let Sony bring SWG back........ I doubt it.
  7. Debating on whether to try it or not. I'm still sore over LA shutting down SWG. >:(
  8. I tried a mod once, but it ended up giving me a virus. :(
  9. Actually its used for irritability here in the states as well, at least in my state. You can also try using SDR. Not only does it do what you ask, but it overhauls a lot of the sneaking functions both on PC and NPC. It's a seriously great mod for those that enjoy sneaking.
  10. It is possible to remove them, or any other spell for that matter. I personally use a mod that puts in a spell deleter. However, there is a possible problem with removing one of those. I think it's Heal Minor Wound. The game will force you to default to that particular spell if there is ever a problem with a different spell you might be using such as a mod-added one or a custom spell you made. Think of that starter spell as a failsafe. If something goes wrong, the game switches to that starter spell, and if that starter spell isnt there....
  11. BOSS thread at the Bethsoft Forums. It's a very important utility that rearranges mods so that they will be more load order correct, which is important for game stability. It also has other information on your specific mods such as if they need to be cleaned or if there are known conflicts with other mods.
  12. Sure does. In fact, I was just thinking today that gaming companies need to go back to the basics and stop worrying so much about trying to get a piece of the billion-dollar gaming industry pie. Focus on the game, not the money. The money will come if the game is good. However, I will give one example of an excellent game that didn't get enough hype. It comes from where my avatar came from: Okami. It was one of the best games I've ever played, even up to today, yet was considered a failure because it didn't sell enough and most certainly didn't get enough recognition.
  13. Released toolkits are nice! I wouldn't trust a trainer nowadays though. Too many of them out there with other motives besides just trying to help out the public in fixing their games.
  14. I still won't play it, and I still think it was stupid for LA shutting down SWG for this.
  15. Is this it? There's also a separate LightGuts version if you use that. Thank you! :D You're most welcome. :smile:
  16. With the exception of how the pw is made, change that practice of using the same one then Hoof, hackers are now onto stuff like that. If they get one password, they get all your game accounts. About your World Event rewards missout, I think if you go to a waypoint and leave the area it doesn't count you as being there. I'd wait until after the event is over if someone happens to be around and rezzes you. :thumbsup:
  17. Same here Ironman, but I'm also one of those "look under the hood" type mod users. :turned:
  18. Is this it? There's also a separate LightGuts version if you use that.
  19. I name my mod's readmes as Readme and have done so for as long as I've been modding, which is longer than my "join" date btw. I also do not know how the Nexus Mod Manager handles things nor use it myself, but I'm taking it that it simply dumps the file into your data folder, continents and all. I can see where that would lead to a problem. NMM needs to be fixed to change that if you ask me. Like an automatic name change. This should be put on NMM's shoulders since this is a mod manager issue and not necessarily an issue with mods/modders.
  20. What's an ARPG? I take it's Something(A) Role Playing Game?
  21. wow, that is a huge difference! The vanilla graphics reminds me of KOTOR graphics.
  22. I may have to pick up a copy of Freelancer. Your description of the game makes me want to try it blake00.
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