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Everything posted by lonewolfkai

  1. You'll be stiring up the pot with that. She and the other administrators here had some.... let's say disagreements, which resulted in her leaving.
  2. I actually plan on installing this some time, but it may be awhile. My to-test file is fairly extensive atm and I barely have time to play.
  3. You'll need to fix what Condor linked to before you can finish the patch. Just to note, an important ongoing game is just that. A game save you've been playing for awhile and think it's an important character. For example, my main game is a 200+ hour character. It's important to me. So I often backup the save game file. You should be okay to install the mod with a current game though without having to start a new one. I did that with my 200+ hour game and have had no problems at all so far. If you do that, I'd jsut be sure to back up your save game file. You'll also need to go to an isolated cell and wait there for four days to reset spawn points. I'd suggest the Testinghall. Also, the one plugin from WAC you'll need to avoid for sure with overhauls is Overspawn, unless you can patch it yourself to work with what you have. From what I understand, there's also an issue with Factions, though I'm not sure whether its from the main esp/esm or one of the individual plugins. I just know that WAC will revert some of the overhaul factions, especially MMM's, back to vanilla factions. Further, there's an issue with the Gladiator plugin that won't let you finish the Arena quest, so just be aware of that.
  4. Only thing that I can think that has something of that magnitude is Kvatch Rebuilt. It bascially lets you rebuild the entire city and gives you the chance of becoming the count.
  5. I am a she n.n; Don't know if you just typo'd the omission of the S or if you were mistaken. Sorry n.n; and yes you are correct. Was a typo, my sincerest apologies. Haven't had my coffee today :happy: Race might be a Lop Ears elf. Not available on Nexus, but Google 'KumaKumaKokuma' and you'll find it. Can't access the site where I am so I can't give you a proper link, sorry~ The hair is from the SKS Ren's pack by StephenKang. It's not publicly available, I'm afraid. The armour is Hentai's Dark Sisterhood Armor. Don't mean to correct, but the Lop Ear Elf race is available on Nexus from Modular BP ++: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=37368
  6. nm. Gonna shut my mouth to prevent a post war.... although I'm pretty furious.
  7. I'd suggest you look into Marts Monster Mod. :thumbsup:
  8. Personally, I'd rather not have TESNexus shut down for that, that's why. Ripped content being publicly uploaded in the first place is a violation from where it came from, if said ripped game material has such a statement, which most of them do. I personally feel the same as you, seeing how there is no commerically made products made of it, thus no monetary income, which I could see the violation then if there was, however, it is the rules. And the law says do it or risk being shut down.
  9. I'm a little confused at some of your sentences, but the Elsweyr mod I think is only patched by Onra so that it'd work with his heightmaps, he didn't make it and it doesn't require them. There's also several other areas that are added as well that don't require them as well. But Onra has a pretty good description about some of those mods that may or may not be compatible in his readme/description: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=27235
  10. That's the general way to do it. The Imperial you're copying from is stock vanilla, correct?
  11. yeah, does kinda stink. I don't think she ever finished the Dune project for it either.
  12. Is that the same as Elsweyr the Deserts of Anequina? I believe the one that mccrab linked to replaces the one you linked to. I'm not the uploader though, so you'd have to ask him/her to be for certain. I can tell you though that the one mccrab linked to is the most up to date version as of a month ago, and from my understanding, the mod will no longer be updated.
  13. Here's Hammerfell However, it is in a separate world cell, rather than opened like Elsweyr. Nonetheless, it is the best Hammerfell mod out there, and is still having content added to it.
  14. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/cat.php?id=77
  15. I can't recommend any companions besides creatures as I don't use any, so what I'm saying below applies to creatures and some of it possibly to NPC companions, but I don't know for sure. For creature companions I use my mods and for reasons of my own they are hosted on Planet Elder Scrolls and TES Alliance under the same user name. However, if you want companions with menus to tell them what to do, you won't find them with my companions. They do well enough with their AI packages and script and no menus for what I personally need. They will sneak when you do and are activated to Follow and Wait. Their AI takes care of the rest. As far as friendly fire it's tied in with their aggression and confidence. You would need restrict their aggression to 10 or less to avoid this, but that won't work on it's own as they will tolerate a certain number of hits then attack you. Also, if their aggression is too low they may fail to fight and I've found 10 to be the magic number. You also need to make sure their Personality is less than 20 and preferably 10 otherwise you also get the non fighting issue which is a real pain if you're using FCOM or any other overhaul with bigger and badder enemies. As I said in my post above yours, you need to make them Player Owned and/or add a line to the companions script to tell them to ignore friendly fire to make it work properly. Edited for spelling despite the spell checker... :ermm: Some really great info here Maigrets! Thank you. I will definately check this out. It maybe that I had the aggression and personality set too high for the pet. :thumbsup: Don't worry about the notes about editting. I have to edit nearly all my posts! :laugh:
  16. I use a mod to help control that. It makes so that you can hit them multiple times without them turning on you. I can't remember the name of it though. I'll look it up when I get home. There's actually a couple of them. I think the one I use is a 5-hitter. But I remember seeing one that had up to 20 hits.
  17. Modifying the texture is the easiest way to remove an unwanted part (take Apachii's Goddess Store, for example) but it'll also decreases the quality of that texture. I always end up with a purplish-green highlight when saving dark textures for the 2nd time. I suggest getting Blender to remove it. I recommend LHammonds' compiled version; no more hassle of looking around. If blender failed you, I can send you the modified earrings-only version. But it's better if you tried yourself. ^ This really would be the better solution. Blender can edit anything that Nifscope can't.
  18. Companions are too much fun :D Especially my pet dragon. Unfortunatley, he likes to take off after enemies and stometimes disturbs a nest of hornets!
  19. I always get the latest version when I update, even if its a beta. The makers are very reliable in the stability of it.
  20. Well actually, I dont use CM, that was just an example since it's the most popular. But a script sounds like a good idea. Perhaps having it trigger the StopCombat after reaching a certain distance to the PC. Hmm, I'll have to think about that some more then. Thanks for the response.
  21. I thought there was a mod that did this already, but no fruit came from searching and inquiring. So, is there a way to prevent companions, such as CM Partners or the like, from taking far away off and leaving you behind in order to pursue a fleeing enemy?
  22. Yep that's it. I had it written down on my list to test, but couldn't recall it. I was going to look it up tonight and reply to you. Good searching. :thumbsup:
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