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Everything posted by lonewolfkai

  1. Oh, I thought the author is no longer supporting the mod.
  2. Did you try asking in the Mod Detectives Thread?
  3. You more than welcome to look at the mod I made that might have what you're looking for. Check the signature for it.
  4. I guess no ones ever heard of the withdrawal method.... I'd consider that a "safe position," albeit risky still.
  5. Correction Lonewolf, there is. :biggrin: Here is a pic. Image with SSAO, Cell Shading, Godrays, Color Effects, and Depth of Field The effect you are referring to is called Cell Shading. There are shaders that can achieve this effect in Oblivion with the drawback of a performance hit. Depending on your PC you may or may not notice the increased strain on your system. Some systems will be brought to a crawl, others will just shrug it off. OBGE, Oblivion Graphics Extender is what you'll need to use these additional shaders. There are a handful of interesting shaders included in the download. Just read the Description page on in the link I provided you and follow the instructions carefully or you will have issues. But if you follow the information given OBGE and the Shaders will work without a hitch. I use a handful of shaders that require OBGE. Enjoy. :thumbsup: That's pretty cool. I had completely forgot about OBGE for some reason.
  6. Floydian1 is a she actually, and you can trust her words. She is very knowledgeable.
  7. Don't mean to play forum police here, but let's try to stay on topic here please. Thanks.
  8. I am a little arachnophobic myself. They give me some serious willies in RL. But, here's the funny thing. I actually like seeing them in the game. And guess who my favorite comic book hero is? Yep, it's Spider-man.
  9. *sigh* This is another armor from that Russian site that we can't link here. Hmm, looks like it might be part of Dragonknight armor here on the Nexus though: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=30222 Not quite the same thing, but at least you know what it's base is. You could probably just duplicate it with Nifscope and GIMP. Delete the mid-section of the armor and just recolor it.
  10. Nah it says only ask if you know the mod exists and cant find it. I dont know if it does or not. Well, yeah, technically it does say that, but a lot of posters ask for that kind of help anyways.
  11. Might want to ask in the Mod Detectives thread in the General Mod section.
  12. Someone over at the Beth forums had this same sort of topic. They had some problems though. He basically ended up having to reinstall EVERYTHING and he had like 300+ mods at the time, including having to redo his Bash patch. However, I think he was also getting a whole new computer or something and not just reinstalling Windows. Desu, are you "ridin' dirty"?
  13. I refuse to vote on this. Mods aren't about popularity. And just as a side note, often the best mods are the ones that don't get public recognition
  14. Hmm, judging by the pictures of the mod, it didn't look that way to me. Lots of provocative pictures. But hey, I really don't have an issue with it. It's just not my thing. Maybe my Khajiit knight friend, Tigger, whom I sometimes travel with would like her :thumbsup: I do like the voice set of Imoen though. Brings back fond memories of BG2.
  15. No thanks. Cats just aren't apart of my fetishes.... Nice hair style though. :D
  16. Wow, talk about necro'd. But to answer your post, no, oblivion and mechs... that just doesn't mix to well imo.
  17. Which is a bunch of crap if you ask me. You still have to have the original for it to even work which means you'd have to buy it. I have never understood why Beth was so adamant about that. If anything, it would help increase it's sales of an older game. makes no sense whatsoever. Because some of the resources Bethesda didn't actually own - they just had the right to use it for morrowind. EDIT: It'd be like lending your car to a friend - and then he goes and gives it to someone else. Your friend has permission to use the car, but not to let others use it as well. Ahh, so some of the components used to make Morrowind wasn't owned by Beth? Now that makes sense. I can understand why it can't be done then.
  18. Which is a bunch of crap if you ask me. You still have to have the original for it to even work which means you'd have to buy it. I have never understood why Beth was so adamant about that. If anything, it would help increase it's sales of an older game. makes no sense whatsoever.
  19. I've always just used the CT_Addpose Template (http://www.4shared.com/file/XVHUOaIj/CTAddPose_template_0_2.html), and added the poses into the scripts they have built. TEC used to have a guide for that, but it's down :( Thanks - that should help enormously. With this I should be able to just slot them in where needed. Thanks again. :) Don't forget to release them too Ms. Slof when you get done :laugh: It would be greatly appreciated. :biggrin:
  20. This delicate problem is fully related to the topic. Or do we have to be literal in everything we do here? I beg to differ. This is a topic created with the intent to help people find mods on request. Not to discuss permissions etc, thus being offtopic. Explanations why peoples' requests cannot be fulfilled have place here. Your personal opinion on their relevance doesn't. Maybe you can go make your postcount up someplace else? I won't answer next time and will directly click report button. If that's Morroblivion, then google it. No links allowed. If not... then maybe details? Just any? I think what should be said in this case is that "Permission is not allowed for redistribution" and then leave it at that. I believe that's what LHamaria was trying to say. and yes, Coendou, more info is going to be needed there. That's way too vague to help us figure it out. I agree that it does sound a lot like Morroblivion, which combines Morrowind and Oblivion, which is also considered wrong for some reason: (That's a whole different topic in itself and I won't get into that here since it would be off topic.)
  21. I believe that's a mix of several mods. But don't take my word for it, really don't. However the third armor from the left is Andragorn's. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=26490 Personaly I would really like to know what armor and helm the 4th character from the left is wearing. You'd be correct sir, or at least partly. All of those armors are mash-ups and modifications of other armors. Two I recognize is Andragorn's as stated above, and the other is Battlemage Armory. The other two I'm unsure of, but do recognize some of their features. What your a little wrong about is Andragorn's armor. It is mostly Andragorns, if not all, but it has been modified on several points.
  22. Don't know the mod, but I'd guess the sword on his back is probably a "prop" sword mesh that is attached to his armor. I noticed when he is swinging it around, a mesh of the sword is still there on his back. So in essence, the sword is actually just a part of the armor. If he were to take the armor off, you'd see that the sword would be gone too.
  23. MODS THAT USE CONTENT FROM OTHER GAMES (EVEN IF BOTHS GAME ARE MADE FROM BETHESDA) AND BREAK THE EULA AGREEMENT BETHESDA HAS MADE ARE NOT ALLOWED. END OF STORY. Its just the way it is. Bethesda has kindly asked Nexus to ban morroblivion content for that reason. @ OP You should try Tamriel Worldspace Modding Project if your looking for more regions LOL AmpolX. No need to use rude caps. I perfectly understand the rules of the modding agreements. However, that doesn't change my opinion. The mod is just a way to combine both games. As I have stated in the previous post, YOU HAVE TO HAVE THE ORIGINAL MORROWIND GAME (capped for your convenience since you seem to need to use it). This is why I do not understand why Beth has banned it. But, they have the rule, and as said rule, its unchangable. So sure, that is their end of story, but that's not the end of my opinion on the matter of it. As long as the mod requires the original game, I see no reason why it should be banned. If anything, this mod would actually help to sell further copies of the game! And to the OP, the Hammerfell mod I mentioned earlier other than Elsweyr just got released: http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?/topic/1114870-relzwipz-hammerfell/ downloadable here: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34484
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