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Posts posted by lonewolfkai

  1. sound verry weired but i dont upload my mods here anyway due to admins banning people so much. i think if a new commenting system is made then we also need to change the baning system so banning is not permanit. we loose so many good modders over being baned forever. thats a wicked thing to do to people.


    Actually your were banned previously as "Warlock2008", and all associated accounts and your mods deleteed by admin.




    since you created this one you continued your habit of ratings abuse, and troll like and flame bait posts.





    I may be old, but I am not blind.




    actually his new account posts doesnt seem too bad. there were some questionable posts, especially in the beginning, but he was giving out some 10's too :whistling:

  2. I think we all agree, that the numerical rating system did say more about the mindset of the person rating and the effort the creator put into promoting his MOD than about the quality of a MOD.


    I think that the non endorsement should be removed! (under the condition that the prerequisite for rating is downloading and playing).


    I like it - I endorse it

    I read the description and don't like what I read - I look elsewhere

    I try it and it does not give me what I want or what the description promised - I do nothing


    A system that tells me xxxx downloads versus xxxx endorsements tells me all I need to know about a MOD, again under the download and Play restriction.


    the problem with this is not everyone that downloads will endorse or not endorse the mod. look at my mod for example. i have 668 downloads, but only 9 endorsements, and that was done while in the 1-10 rating system. if anything, that says that 659 people just didnt bother with rating it at all. does that mean the mod is terrible? not necessarily. some people are just lazy and won't bother rating/endorsing. there are several excellent mods out there with very little endorsements at all, but with your idea of a system, they'd be missed.


    also, what if there is a feature on a mod that you try and you don't like it and it's something the author can fix? if you do nothing like you suggest, he/she won't know to fix it.

  3. I think the rating changes are good, buuuuut I still feel there should be a neutral rating in there somewhere. I have never cared for 1-10 ratings. There's just too much variation there for an accurate rating and I agree that a lot of people tend to rate 1 or 10, not in between. However, I think a 1,2,3 or C,B,A system might be better. 1 being the worst and 3 being the best. There are several files out there that are good efforts, but really shouldn't deserve a high score so to say or a worst score either because there might be some improvements that could potentially make it a 3. This is where the 2 would come in to play. I dunno, just some thoughts I had when I read over the changes. Overall, I think the endorsement change will be better for the community.


    Also, I'd like to say that I am very excited about the prospect of each file having its own forum-like section complete with separate threads rather than just a single commenting section. I think this is an awesome idea and am looking forward to seeing implemented.


    as always, keep up the great job guys! :thanks:

  4. A Nif-Skope tutorial can be found by clicking the "Help" tab, but what I want to know is what program do you use to edit DDS texture files? :confused:


    unfortunately things like my problem aren't covered by the tutorials i've watched, but i've also found out my problem is going to have to be solved by means of 3dsmax or blender.


    as far as texture files, i think GIMP is wonderful.

  5. well i've finally figured out what i wanted. i added three "prop" weapons to my sword mesh. but now, one weapon stays on my back like its supposed to, but the other two swing around with my true weapon.... any ideas on what i did wrong with it?


    heres the images:




  6. Thanks for the help guys! I had all the steps done, but i dont think i had my children increased, which was probably why the copied mesh wasnt showing up in the game.
  7. The town looks excellent! and is that the mine i see in the distance in one of those screenies?


    as far as the moat, well i'm so-so on moats anyways, but i personally like whole land layouts instead with maybe a stream or something.

  8. my first console game was actually the second commerically released console ever made. the pong system, and i dont mean the one made for other consoles. this system was only used for pong. there were no cartridges. just turn it on and pong came on.


    incidentally, the first console game ever released commercially was an asteroids type game.

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