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Posts posted by lonewolfkai

  1. Well I can't wait for this game then. Sounds awesome. I'll probably be a swordsman myself. I love giant swords. LOL, i even made one for Oblivion. Anyways, I have a Wii and it'll be interesting to see how they program the controls for it.


    Btw, Mr. Master, is that a MH monster on your avatar? That thing looks awesome.

  2. I really liked Castlevania 2 for the nes. It had a unique RPG-like feel to it and the flame whip was just awesome. But, I haven't really played any of the other games after Castlevania 3 though, which btw, I liked too.
  3. I downloaded a few armor and clothing replacement mods but I don't like seeing everyone in Tamriel wearing them. Is there a way to leave the NPCs with their standard armors and have my character with the new look? Thanks in advance.


    Just look for any armor mod in the files, nearly all of them are for the pc only.

  4. XD i've never tried UV well that sounds awesome i guess I'll take a look at that meaning I'm gonna get myself some awesome duel wield weapons done :D


    It's the best combat mod out there, but as stated, just be sure to read the entire readme for all the features on it.

  5. lol, that was regarding the midas magic mod, which is in this thread, and related to his topic since it involved morphing.


    But hey, I'll back off. Disregard the question.

    No, it wasn't. About Midas, yes, but that's not the purpose of the thread, merely the answer. You have questions about it, as on the mod's page.


    "...related to his topic since it involved morphing."



    Vaguely. It's still more proper and courteous to post such a question in the Mod Detectives thread.


    This topic has served it's purpose.


    Let's not bump it with further discussion.


    I also said, " Disregard the question."


    Here, I'll just go ahead and make it easier too and delete out the question from the first post.


    Also, the Mod Detectives thread is for mods that actually do exist and you know that they exist, is it not? You're not supposed to ask if one exists and not know.

  6. OOO and MMM without FCOM? That sounds like something that might be causing this.


    Aren't those two standalone mods without FCOM? FCOM just combines them. Perhaps its OOO vs MMM that's the problem. I'm guessing there, but I use MMM without either OOO or FCOM and I don't have that kind of issue.

  7. Yep, it is possible to make a spell to toggle on and off it's effect, the only thing you'd need is a control variable to check wich action perform each time you cast it.


    I'd do a quest script to store it, something like:

    scn myTagMyQuestScript
    Begin GameMode
    short giveSpell
    short controlVar
    float fQuestDelayTime
    if giveSpell == 0
    player addSpell myTagMySpell
    set giveSpell to 1; add it only once
    set fQuestDelayTime to 30


    And then the spell script would have to be something like:

    scn myTagMySpellScript
    Begin ScriptEffectStart
    if myTagMyQuest.controlVar == 0
    ; let's turn on
    ; insert code here
    set myTagMyQuest.controlVar to 1
    ; let's turn off
    ; insert code here
    set myTagMyQuest.controlVar to 0


    Remember that if you addItem, EquipItem, UnequipItem and RemoveItem you must wait a frame between adding and equipping or between unequipping and removing, so you'll need a counter inside the spell script just to wait for that frame. Use ScriptEffectElapsedSeconds to get an accurate timming.


    Good luck!



    I was hoping there was an option in the CS that I just wasn't seeing. I'm not very good with scripting, and what's listed I have no clue on, but at least it's pointing me to the right direction. I thank you for the reply. First things first though, I have to try to figure out how to "paste over" the armor to a new boundequipment spell. There's a lot of separate meshes.

  8. I'm wanting to make a spell that alter's your form, ie shapeshifting, and I'm wanting it to do so with the use of a spell. Is it possible to make a spell effect that turns off and on by casting and then recasting to turn it off? The only other way I know to do it is just to make it a timed spell.


    What I'm thinking of is using a similar spell to what the Mythic Dawn uses to change their unarmored stature to the full bound armor set.

  9. I read about half this post.

    :blink: huh :blink:


    Lol, I'm just poking fun of your post. You said you only [bothered to] read half the posts on this topic and it struck me funny in a slightly offensive way. Why should someone read all of your posts if you're not going to bother reading theirs?


    Don't take me serious though. I'm just joshing. :whistling:


    But to get back on topic, I think stealth/cloaking for mechs would be an awesome addition to the genre. Can you imagine sneaking up on a mech and then popping out of stealth to unload a full alpha strike?! That gives me thrill chills!

  10. I read about half of the posts on this thread then did a search after watching the trailer. Hopefully the game can still go off as I heard they had some legal stuffs to work out. Also I noticed that the building although it did not fully blow up went into various stages of disrepair after being hit. I think what would make a game like this or any game more immerse and heaps better would be geomod. Actually destroying what you hit like taking an entire building down or burning a hole through a mountain would make games so much better. The computers now with quad core procs could handle this. It would also be very cool if you could park your mech and go on foot exploring and of course with a vast array of weapons available to a foot soldier.


    Also noticed after he ejected he was above the mech and noted 3 things I felt like pointing out.


    1. He did look up to make sure his chute was fully deployed which was realistic. But I think (if I remember correctly) you need 300 - 500 feet of drop and wind resistence for your chute to properly deploy and operate.


    2. He was using a round chute instead of a square or (cell chute) which makes me wonder if this is the future and the round chute has been around since WWII why use it? I mean SF units and other spec op units and free-fall units use a cell why not a mech warrior?


    3. The blast from his mech going into melt down would likely kill him anyway so he should have been ejected at an angle. That and maybe he should be wearing a suit like from Crysis where he could become invisible to the enemy while being dangled in the air this of course also applies to his chute. Maybe instead of a chute an escape pod?


    I would still play it as I like mech games.



    I read about half this post.

  11. well the legal issue just revolved around the use of some of the models from the original battletech series, the warhammer, marauder, archer ect. They belonged to a japanese company, if I recall correctly, and used originally in one of thier anime series. Worst case they will have to you different models, if you recall those were not used in some of the later video games because of this very issue "lisence expired"but they would be very much around at the time this game is set in. If you are trying to stay true to the original game/stories that is.


    Yeah, that probably won't be much of a big deal. As long as I can still get my Mad Cat and Mad Cat markII, I'll be happy.


    Btw, I love that signature Artmiser!

  12. Having a lot of fun with this so far. One thing I don't like is the generic-ness of items that are found. There's no special weapons so far that I can tell. Don't really care for some of the weapon graphics either. The dragon parts are absolutely fun! They really implimented that very well. I just wish you could attack ground enemies. Hopefully an expansion or patch might adjust that. I really like the game because of this feature. I still like Oblivion more though, but will have to say the dragon part makes this game stand apart.
  13. I actually missed this title. Apparently it didn't get a lot of advertising. I was in best buy the other day and they had a demo of it playing on a tv and i was like WOW! That looks sweet! I'm trying this out, but I'm debating on whether or not to wait for pricing to come down.


    Got a question for those that have played it though. Can you save the game any time you want like in Oblivion or do you have like missions/quests you can't save in the middle of?


    You can save anywhere like Oblivion.



    Sweet. Games that don't allow you to save at anytime annoy the crap out of me.

  14. I actually missed this title. Apparently it didn't get a lot of advertising. I was in best buy the other day and they had a demo of it playing on a tv and i was like WOW! That looks sweet! I'm trying this out, but I'm debating on whether or not to wait for pricing to come down.


    Got a question for those that have played it though. Can you save the game any time you want like in Oblivion or do you have like missions/quests you can't save in the middle of?

  15. I got bored with GW after two weeks. But I probably didn't get a guild fast enough or something. I'm actually thinking of trying it out again with the other expansions. I wanted to try that assassin class.
  16. Never really cried, but got pretty sad on several games.


    Shadow of the Collussus was pretty sad when the horse falls.

    Final Fantasy X had a pretty sad ending too.

    Dark Ages of Camelot (a MMO) when all my friends left.

    And I've gotten sad a lot of times when a game I'm really into ends, but not particularly for a sad ending, but because the story is now over. I get the same feeling when reading a good book series.

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