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Everything posted by Billy1969

  1. Could you enlighten us on why exactly bethesda.net is a good thing? I haven't seen anything positive about it, quite the contrary: absolutely disastrous forum software (Jive), rampant mod theft, entitlement, whines, insults, death threats, as good as no moderation, no permanent bans even if you get caught red handed stealing stuff, and the list goes on. Hell, it even makes the steam forums look professional in comparison. So I'm really curious.
  2. The workaround fix is to disable ambient occlusion in the fallout 4 profile, maybe NVIDIA will fix it in the next driver or release a hotfix one.
  3. Maybe it's true, took them eight years to make a sequel to fallout 3... using the CK that's pretty damn possible lmao
  4. Thank you for this! The solution was changing the iMultiSample line in my Fallout.ini file to iMultiSample=0 , for some reason it was correct in my FO3 ini file but not in NV, it had value 16, now walls are back to normal and as a bonus I even have a good FPS boost lol.
  5. I have this annoying glitch with my custom ENB where in the Dead Money DLC, more specifically in the Sierra Madre Casino (the hallways behind the bar) the wall textures are going invisible which lets me see through walls. This is so far the only place in FNV that has the bug, I had the same problem in FO3 in the Water purifier offices but I could fix it by disabling the transparency fix in enblocal.ini, in FNV however the fransparency fixes were already disabled in my ENB and I still have the dissapearing walls bug in Sierra Madre Casino. Below is my enblocal.ini: There's nothing different pertaining to textures in my enbseries.ini, my hope is that someone experienced the same problem and found the solution and post it here :smile: Edit: also, steam overlay is (and was already) disabled and still the same problem, that was the second most popular solution I found on google.
  6. Wow. I can't understand how a multi million corporation like Nvidia didn't shield it's contest vs. proxy voting. This just adds up to the already mind boggling pile of things that are wrong with this whole ordeal.
  7. One word: Compression. PC can handle compressed textures while consoles cannot, so same mod will take a lot more space on consoles.
  8. Well, the boycott discussion quickly changed to the unteempth paid mods debate, who didn't see that one coming? Fact is, the modmakers that expect (or know? Maybe beth contacted them again and they have now prior knowledge) paid modding to be back, will never participate in a boycott as that would be bad publicity, especially towards their future console customers. Probably they have already their excel spreadsheet ready with projected revenue ð and it's looking so good that they wouldn't complain even if beth would feed them poop every day lol. So my conclusion is boycott is impossible as not enough people would participate. And don't quote me, as I don't care if paid mods will be back or not...
  9. Oh you know I'm not a revolutionary and I'm not saying a boycott is an empowering cause :) I merely stated my opinion that a boycott, if properly organised, could make some things change for the better. However, I have absolutely neither the time nor the drive, the will or competence to organize something like that, I would merely be a supporter, and in the end I'm pretty sure the whole beth.net thing will implode in it's own incompetence if nothing changes in the foreseeable future with or without a boycott. As for lelcat I won't even make the effort to address you again, you seem to be immune to discussion and reason, instead you even claim the current state of affairs at Beth.net is just fine, and that in itself is mind boggling for most of us. Plus in every post on Nexus since you registered here you are either looking for conflict, stating how the Nexus is in fact a police state that does nothing good (one wonders why you are here in the first place) and more of such nice behavior. For you also it's just a matter of time before you step on the wrong toes once too much and vanish from here as quickly as you came :)
  10. I think you misunderstood me, I am not promoting for the MA's to have total control over the comments as they have here on Nexus, which wouldn't imo not be bad, but my opinion doesn't matter, I try to reach a consensus foremost, but merely that moderators from Bethesda would remove the insults, abuse and other irrelevant comments. Free speech is nice, but it should never be used as excuse for insults and the like. I agree that merely downloading a mod isn't enough to protect MA's from troll ratings, but it would be a first step, and it would require more effort from possible offenders to do their thing, I'm open to suggestions if you have better ideas of course. Judging a mod from screenshots and descriptions alone is not very objective either, I can assure you I could come up with a nice description and take some nice screenshots but deliver a crap mod in less than a day work :) It wouldn't be very fair if I got 5 stars from thousands of users judging only the package and not the content. And the mod theft, yes I can understand Beth got overwhelmed at the start, either by not foreseeing this to happen or by having to little staff to take care of the problem, but they had plenty of time now to rectify the initial fiasco and unfortunately they didn't, imo this is the most important gripe even and should be a priority for them as high up as getting PS4 mods to finally work. Lastly, as I pointed out boycott is an extreme measure, I agree, but sometimes it takes extreme measures to get the change we want.
  11. That's the most compelling point that I think could be made here. Expanding and better serving an audience even if the early days are rough. That is precisely why I wrote we have to agree on common grounds, regardless of our differences in opinions about console mods, paid modding etc... we clearly have to discuss about and agree a consensus on what the vast majority of us want changed, my list of points is not set in stone, I merely summed up the complaints I read most here on Nexus and on Beth.net both. Also a boycott is some sort of 'last resort', something we should use only if Bethesda keeps up not listening to valid complaints. So a first step could be making up a list of things we can all agree on that should be changed and submit this, through a designated spokesperson everyone can agree on also and mail/post/contact Bethesda before taking more extreme measures. And these measures should not be taken to promote any other agenda than the improvement of 'working conditions" for the MA's.
  12. All right. A boycott. An extreme but probably very efficient way to get Bethesda change what we want them to change in the way they deal (or rather don't deal) with mod authors and their work. For this to work you will need the majority of mod authors to follow suit in a very well organised, synchronised and thought out manner, only a few people removing their mods from beth.net will have no effect if the majority just leaves them up. Well, first we have to find common ground, regardless of what we want in the future with moving to paid mods or not, regardless if we want to support consoles or not. So please, forget about these for a moment, and let's please focus on what unites us instead of arguing over the things that divide us. Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm assuming the vast majority of MA's is not happy about the current state of affairs at bethesda.net. The most relevant and common points of conflict are: the lack of moderation in the forums,the nonexistence of it in the mod comments,the ability to rate a mod you didn't even download,the nvidia contest problems (I added this although most of us didn't even participate, but the amateurish vibe of the whole thing is appalling)and of course last but not least the total lack of quickly and efficiently dealing with 'stolen" mods, (feel free to add to this list, these are just the things on top of my mind) Ok, now as you can see this is already a serious common ground of problems we want to see fixed, like yesterday, but unfortunately are not likely to be fixed anytime soon. Yes, I am aware Beth released a road map that is supposed to fix some of these things, but that was like one month ago and nothing changed. Sometimes Gstaff will pop up and type something that could come out of a standard letter you send to your customers to keep them patiently waiting. Now, imho the only way to see this fixed in a timely manner is to effectively boycott (temporarily until we get the majority of our gripes resolved) beth.net and remove the mods from there to provoke an outcry from mod users that will undoubtly get Beth's attention. Imagine a dozen threads per hour with 'where are the mods?' and I can guarantee you action will be taken swiftly. Again, as I said this would only work if the majority of MA's do this in a synchronized and organised manner, we'll have to agree on a timeline, on a person that would be spokesperson (and I'm not candidate thank you) that can communicate clearly and politely our problems to bethesda in a post or mail that would be made public before the boycott effectively starts, let's say we give them two weeks to resolve their errors and then the boycott would be effective. Short of this kind of action, again I reiterate based on common ground, not on our differences in opinions regarding paid modding, consoles and whatnot, I am afraid nothing or barely next to nothing will change at all. This is just my idea and my feelings toward this whole situation that seems to divide, aggravate and generally degrade the atmosphere between MA's greatly, and we don't want that. Tell me what you think.
  13. never mind, lol, staying out of it. Anyway I'm pro-boycott, so OP doesn't have to feel alone :)
  14. Seems that competition was nothing more than a bait to have mods posted on beth.net, and it seems it served it's purpose well enough.
  15. Yeah, I reported all of those also with links to the original mods here on Nexus. And they're still up... No words, seriously.
  16. This is how you bend over and when they're done you even say thank you very much please come again, wtf are you doing serving the very site that puts you into misery first? It already baffles me anyone beside the thieves are posting their mods there in the first place, but now you bow down and serve the thieves den first? That's it, they have won... congratulations for having no spines.
  17. Lelcat and MasterMagnus, why don't you two get married and move permanently to Beth.crap I see you post there all the time also, all you do here is criticize the Nexus and it's rules, throw troll bait and get on people's nerves, so gtfo thank you very much. P.S.: and yes I hate most console users, the level of entitlement is unseen, the level of whining is unheard of, and the lack of intelligence is baffling.
  18. I played Bethesda games since their very first one, Arena. Fallout 4 is the worst game they ever published in my opinion. Bob The Builder vs voiced protagonist vs console dialogue vs no RPG, no choices, nothing. I hate it, seriously.
  19. Wow some peeps in this thread need to be hit in the head with a frying pan to wake them up, and those not happy on Nexus can take their business elsewhere and don't let the door hit you on the way out! Here's the deal: Jackasses steal mods, get applauded by the console plebs, modders have enough, modders remove their stuff from bethesda.thievesnet and possibly here, modders quit.Selfish modders still upload their stuf to thieves.net, selfish modders support thieves.net, selfish modders don't have any solidarity towards their fellow modders, result: rest of modders still get brutalized, whined at, troll-rated, insulted in mod comments, etc etc. What should be done: Everyone and their grandma remove their mods from bethesda.wtf, result: no more mods for the plebs, result 2 : huge outcry from the plebs punishing Bethesda, MS and Sony, WAAAAAAAAh WAAAAAAAhaAa May MODZ AR gone! BUHAAAAAA! End result: Bethesda does something about the situation, everyone re-uploads their stuff, everyone is happy. Here, simple, clear even for people with few brain cells.
  20. If no one would post their mods on beth.derp they would have a big problem and things would change quickly. Frankly I don't understand people uploading their mods there at all, s#*! site, s#*! forum, s#*! users iow massive s#*!.
  21. changing Sentry Bots into X-Box consoles that you can explode in one unarmed hit.
  22. Bethesda shouldn't be all cocky, especially since they hosted killable kids and nude mods all weekend for the poor little innocent souls to grab...
  23. post your load order and system specs, also do you use any loading screens replacer mod or just the vanilla loading screens?
  24. I find it especially disturbing that he created a second account on beth.net "RobsGotaGun" that he uses to praise himself and tell Leo's creations are not like the 'junk found on Nexus'. Believe me, I'm old enough to have seen it all, just check the RobsGotaGun character post summary and the clues just pop off the screen, plus he uses the same punctuation, same wording, lol what a pathetic individual.
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