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Everything posted by naomis8329

  1. I have 6, used to have 10 but my daughter took 2 and two went to a neighbour down the road :D
  2. I've got two that do this. Mother and son lol :smile: Mum gets cross with son as she did it first and I love her to pieces, her sons (4 of them) used to be quite standoffish but since they got older they follow me everywhere. Their Mum brings in the biggest leaves and feathers she can find and is very proud of them. Her sons bring in mice, usually still alive and proceed to kill them in the kitchen, when ends up looking like a slaughterhouse by the time I get up in the morning :D
  3. I prefer KFC myself. Oh, good morning Nexus :D
  4. omg I'm watching cupcake wars on TV and then this, I want one NOW. Oh Morning Nexus :) xxx
  5. The ponies the cavalry ride into battle ate all the grass. And rocks. And dirt. And sand and whatever else land is made of. In Skyrim, the evil horsies eat ground, buildings, armor, even people's skin, and they poop red diamonds with exclamation marks. :psyduck: http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/Bj27XsJq5X8/maxresdefault.jpg Nothing is safe anymore. :ohdear: Looks like Skyrim met Minecraft lmao
  6. Morning. @lv000 just remember to do a board, write out what you want to produce and how its going to work use the top down system or tree diagram to help you plan the site. Remember to also ask the client what THEY want on the flier, the important bits and points of reference :) You'll be fine kiddo, you know where I am :D
  7. Morning. Heavy day today. Speak laterz
  8. Thanks honey. It feels like dominoes, one falls everything goes with it :S
  9. Morning. Sorry not been around had another loss to deal with and then to cap it all my eldest son, who borrowed my iPhone as his phone had locked, lost said phone at the park yesterday. I'm totally devastated as it had the only photos and videos I had of my grandson learning to ride his first 2 wheeler bike, my god daughter walking, my grand daughters water fights etc etc etc. Silly? Maybe but pictures help my memory which is shoddy to say the least. Oh well, it is only a thing and not a person like my aunt. Rant over. Love you guys xxx
  10. it does an update and this includes the Enhanced stuff which is approximately 11Gb :)
  11. I'm beginning to wonder if you've all gone nuts since I've been out of action
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