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Everything posted by naomis8329

  1. My blood pressure just went through the roof. I am so sorry - and angry - that they did this to your family. They did the same with me at my grandmothers funeral. They insisted against the official known appointment and made it secretly half an hour earlier. As I stood at the chapel waiting, they secretly left the graveyard i just saw them around 200m away ruining as it dawned upon me what they had done. I know how you feel honey. Families hey what can you do? At least friends are chosen for whom they are warts and all. That's why I love you guys xxx
  2. I agree with you there honey. I remember a saying "You can choose your friends, but not your family." and that is so right. They either embarrass the hell out of us or ignore us so what's the point. (I personally go for the former were my kids are concerned as it pushes their buttons and I have such a giggle at it.) We're strong and we'll get over it. You're right, it is their loss. I guess I wanted them to have an aunt and uncles near to them, with cousins etc. Do we really neeeeed them, no, would we like them in our lives, at this moment in time not a chance, but it would be nice to have that extension, but it isn't needed. We are a family, a big one and have managed on our own for many years. We will prevail and be there for each other no matter what. xxx
  3. Thanks guys... I know we'll get over these things eventually but its hard. We're a close unit and do things together all the time. We're supportive and fight each others corner when we have to and even when there are fall outs, they rarely last too long as we wont allow it. We hate having divisions within the family so work hard to iron out the kinks and get everything back on track. I guess I should've listened to you Werne, especially after the debacle with my own folks but, as usual, I hoped for the best and totally forgot to plan for the worst. We live and learn, but hopefully we will not be jaded by the experience. Love you guys xxx
  4. Yesterday was one of the worst days of our lives (as a family that is). We went to the funeral of my father-in-law, it was beautifully done and all but, we definitely were not wanted there. There was an invisible line drawn and we were not allowed across it. One of my brother's-in-law was with us, which was lovely and to be honest he needed us. None of the other family members gave a toss about him and the pain he was in. We were kept separate from the rest of the family from the start and even tried to stop my husband from carrying the casket into the chapel. We then found out that they had lied about the day and time Dad died and the fact that Will could've been there in time to say goodbye to his father has knocked the wind out of him. To say we are all devastated is an understatement. I had hoped that the loss of both Mum and Dad would've brought the family together. That any slight, real or imagined, could have been laid to rest and a new era arising from it. To say I doubt we will see any of them again is an understatement. To say that I wont regret never seeing any of them again is so true I could cry with frustration and, yes, loss. My brothers-in-law I will miss and will try to keep in touch with at least one of them, the other, well he'll have to try harder in my eyes. I guess, as usual, I looked at the world through rose colored glasses, and, once again, it bit me on the ass. Good morning Nexus and I hope all is well with you.
  5. Hot and humid here. Torrential rain one moment and sun and heat the next :)
  6. My daughter is indeed pregnant. She needs another scan in a couple of weeks, but all is well and we can breathe normally :)
  7. Funny how us women can do things like that without really trying. The other thing is that a child can change things too without trying. My daughter's 10 weeks pregnant, she's normally a size 6, she has put on two stone already and is now a size 8 but I don't know exactly where she's put the weight on as she could still fall down a grid if she wasn't looking where she was going. She cries at the drop of a hat, especially at the most unexpected things on the TV be it either a program or a song. She is having a scan today to check if she is having 1 or 2 as there is a history of it in the family and, like I said, there's nothing to her physically. All in all she (and the baby) have us running round in circles without trying :)
  8. but if you'd not put them in your mouth then it wouldn't have happened either. We tell children from a young age not to put things in their mouths that could damage them... I see you are regenerating somewhat since your good lady has announced her news :)
  9. and the tongue piercing just proves my point even more :laugh: :woot: :laugh: :woot: :laugh: :woot:
  10. And a little insane :woot: Yeah, just a little bit... :laugh: and hormonal and wonderful and special.... ...and a little soft around the edges... :whistling: One thing to look forward to is the big increase in the mammary glandshttp://yoursmiles.org/tsmile/want/t2824.gif Oh yeah. :cool: Please remember that these "mammary glands" were for the purpose of feeding and nurturing offspring, not a grown male child of questionable age. Whilst they may get larger (an in a fair few women stay that way) please take into account the fact that your good lady wife may want to feed your child herself and once the hormones kick in in the 2nd/3rd trimester, said glands start to lactate. Honestly, it is so true about what they say about men and growing up lmao :D :D :D
  11. And a little insane :woot: Yeah, just a little bit... :laugh: and hormonal and wonderful and special.... We have a new Prince and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge believe it was all worth it :)
  12. that is definitely my house. I have six kitties 1 pure black, 2 black with white bellies, 2 black with white shoulders and faces, one white with black markings. and I'm not a cat person. the dog is feeling ganged up on so is my hubbie lol
  13. omg the cat pics have had me in hysterics thanks guys... That snow leopard is absolutely a must have, I adore snow tigers too :D I have found the sound card for me http://uk.creative.com/p/bundled-offers/gigaworks-t40-series-ii-entertainment-pack?utm_source=eDialog&utm_medium=Mailer&utm_campaign=Mailer_uk_180713 I want... I wonder if Santa's taking orders :happy:
  14. I needed that picture to make me smile... Thanks hun
  15. I'm just replaying Witcher 2 and have the Enhanced Edition. I love CDProjeckt they give you the upgrade for free and like you say its a full 11Gb in size and is amazing in what it gives you. Always watch through to the end of the credits as the spoilers are amazing also :) Oh by the way, good morning.
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