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Everything posted by naomis8329

  1. I'm running on High and Ultra settings but it will not start. Have had to re-install the game, but it will patch up to v1.06 ie Patch 5. I will then try to rollback once more. Its a total pain in the neck to be honest.
  2. The loot loophole was corrected in the latest patch unfortunately. Great job EA/Bioware... the fact that the game no longer runs properly doesn't seem to bother them at all lol http://www.vg247.com/2015/03/03/dragon-age-inquisition-patch-5-notes/
  3. I haven't tried it yet but, wont it try to update on starting the game each time??? I know the only thing to do besides that is to wait for the mod manager and mods to be updated to the newer Patch version but hey, why make the game so difficult to mod. I had quadruplets agreeing to accept Ser Barris as their Knight Commander yesterday, and all my soldiers seemed to have the same parents also in one battle scene. Its most disconcerting lol
  4. I know I haven't a clue what they've done. I've got the latest patch but the save wont run coz it was made on a newer patch???? Errrmm, I'm confused lol
  5. something definitely not right. Have repaired the game and will try again.
  6. and now because of the latest patch, the game won't work at all lol... Well done EA
  7. It won't play with or without mods lol. Goodness knows what they've done :sad: Thank goodness I've kept a copy of my working game patches :)
  8. Just had to download the new patch ie v1.06 as the game wouldn't play without it. The problem... the game won't start. It loads and I get the preloading screen before the EA Games banner then CTD. Anyone else having this problem???
  9. Thanks Thandal, Good to hear from you too (been a tough time of late). PC Spec: AMD Athlon II x 4 640 Processor 3.00Ghz RAM 4Gb Windows 7 64-bit Operating System Nvidia GeForce GT430 1Gb dedicated Ram Nvidia Driver 347.52 (last updated this morning) DirectX runtime version 11.0 If there is anything else please let me know. Thanks for all the help :smile:
  10. As there is no Technical Section I am posting here. I have started having problems with DAI white screening. I have updated my graphic drivers and have taken off the enabling script on my startup shortcut. I have rewritten the patches and downloaded the latest one. I had no problem with my other character but then I had passed the "Finding Skyhold" phase when the latest patch was released. I have been trying for over 24 hours now to find a solution to no avail. I get to Solas telling me about the Foci and my character telling him to prove himself (my character is a human female mage), the picture fades out and I expect him to start talking about scouting etc and then... nothing. I can here, fire in the background from the lantern that Solas has lit before our chat and if I click my left mouse button I can here her firing her staff. I've waited for over 30 minutes for it to "catch up" with itself but nothing happens. I have "Googled" and done all the posted "fixes" including, as I said, the updating of my drivers, checking the patches, cleaning my registry etc. Can anyone else give me an idea as to what the devil is going on and assist. Thanks for looking and any help you can give.
  11. My son Mark, did exceptionally well in his GCSE's this year despite his breakdown last November. He is still in recovery and is going from strength to strength. Never give up on yourself or your children... life is definitely worth the effort. My love to you all as usual. Naomi xxxx
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AurianaValoria1


      Excellent news, Naomis. :) I hope things continue to go well for you and your family.
    3. VisseNekku5746


      *Thumbs up* Life is worth it :) Keep it going
    4. Ithildin


      Congratulations to him, and to his family! :)
  12. I've suddenly noticed that I can no longer smith, sit or perform any nominated actions. If I try to smith using the grindstone, work bench or forge I suddenly get out my lute and start playing. Same with sitting at a table, or on a chair to wait. I can't see anything that could be making things change and I'm totally stumped. I have tried the console command player.tai and my player does absolutely nothing just stands there looking like a lemon lol. Any help would be appreciated.
  13. I did try praying for rain for Pagafyr... I think we got it up here in the NW of UK instead of where he is lol. Sorry to the rest of the UK for the current state of the weather... I did my best. Family is doing well. Eldest son finds out about his GCSE grades next week and hopefully all will be well and he will be returning to school in September to do A'levels. Youngest son starts his GCSEs and the long slog towards them. Youngest daughter is still driving me to distraction even thou...
    1. Deleted54170User


      Thanks for thinking the Big Sky Country. I wish yours and you the best.
  14. I only use OOO and Cobl and until yesterday all was well. I went to Nornalhurst to do the Light of Dawn quest and found that doors wouldn't activate, containers wouldn't open (crashed, static video nothing). I did some research and thought I would upgrade to 1.35 as these problems and more, seemed to be rectified. The instructions then said I was to remove all previous installs of OOO, all files etc before installing. The problem is I have no idea what files. I used an exe install so therefore had no list of files to go on. I am trying the patches for 1.34 beta 3 and beta 5 to see if this resolves the problems I am having. If this does not work then I will have no alternative but to remove OOO from my Oblivion installation and install 1.35 Full instead. I require some help however, is there an alternative fix for the containers and doors if not then can someone let me know what files need to be removed and list these for me ie the textures, meshes and sounds and the associated internal folders. Thanks for your assistance in this matter. I'm thoroughly enjoying playing Oblivion once more and hope that this will rekindle the desire for me to play Skyrim :)
  15. Glad to see you got it sorted and I agree with Thandal, please let us know what you did to get it working. I didn't have Ultimate and don't run through Steam just Origin as I have disked and non-disked versions and bought mine direct through Origin. Hope you have fun playing once more and that you are as excited as we are about the impending release of DA:I :D
  16. Do you have any mods installed and if so which ones. Which Character races and genders are you having problems with and is this the first time you've played the game or have you returned to it in anticipation of DA:I?? Which product are you using ie. digital download, steam, origin, disc, ultimate etc etc etc... I'll try to help you as much as I can but I need further details to be able to assist further.
  17. Unfortunately no... you have to remove it and take it back a save or two. Hope this helps and sorts your problem. Let us know and enjoy the game once more :D
  18. what other mods do you have. do you have Improved Atmosphere for example. Let me have a list and I'll take a look. Like I said for me it was Advanced Tactics and IA. Without looking at your mod list I wont know for definite.
  19. what mods do you have. I've had the invisible enemy problem but at Cousland Castle. Reaching a cut scene used to help me, but there isn't one until you reach the warden tower here . I would say its a mod conflict somewhere.
  20. Unfortunately it is Advanced Tactics. Quickbar may also cause a problem but I've not had an issue with it. There is only one way to resolve this and that is to take off Advanced Tactics until you obtain the quests from all the sources in Redcliffe. As far as I am aware this is the only area affected by this mod and to my knowledge there is no other fix for it. If Quickbar is an issue there are other mods out there that do add extra quickbars to the game. Hope this helps and let me know if it resolves the issues you are having.
  21. I need help guys.... which one is best PS4 or XBox 1???? My son's 16 in two days and wants a new console... I need help. Also do any of you know a decent mid range phone that is compatible with Snapchat and Facebook apps as his Samsung Galaxy Ace doesn't like them. It also needs a reversible camera and a must for social media. I think he wants to take it dancing :D Love ya xxx
  22. My son had a nervous breakdown due to pressure of school work in November. He's getting better but as with any mental health problem its peaks and troughs. My daughter Nicola gave birth to a healthy baby girl, Macie-lee on 9th March. She was born early due to liver problems that Nicola was having but after a 10 day stay in hospital they came home and both are doted on by all the family. It was the longest 42 hours of my life but to witness the birth of my grand daughter was an amazing...
    1. Ithildin


      I'm glad to hear your son's improving, and that your new granddaughter and her mom are home. Congratulations to you and your family. *hugs*
    2. Deleted54170User


      Prayers are the quest for answers. I hope you found answers to help you in your times seeking them.

      Hello?! You know what I would like right now? I would like a little Xmas in August. Even a cool rain would help bring the temperature down a little.

      Pray for Rain, Plz naomis8329. Pretty Plz, With sugar on top!

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