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Everything posted by Trandoshan

  1. Oblivion got me interested in Archery. Bought a composite bow seven years ago. More recently, I acquired a Hunting Bow about a year ago. Ate my first fresh killed deer 3 months ago. Store bought Venison will NEVER compare. Fallout made me go out and buy a rifle two months ago... more specifically a HOWA series 1500 Japanese make. I've taken it to the practice range a few time, and although I feel like I've gone from a nerd to a redneck, It's the best feeling to fire off a rifle........ .... .... properly :D
  2. Thank you for telling me about that person who was looking for my mod at http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/231288-find-a-lost-mod/page__p__2047272#en...

    I've already explained to him in a PM that I no longer have the mod, and despite the fact I have others like it... Let's say I'm ashamed that the only mods I've made are dirty. I appreciate you keeping me informed.

  3. Excellent. Thank you for ruining the secret of 'American' capitalism. Our forefathers sacrificed much to subjugate foreign people, that includes sacrificing our forefathers. Though, it starts a little earlier than slavery. Starts right after World War Two, when America had toppled Eruope economically due to the devastation in the European and Asian super powers. French, British, German, Italian, Russian, and Japanese industry had all fallen under due to the war. This meant that America was the sole supplier of stable product in the world. Our economy rocketed. Companies became so rich, they began to impose jurisdiction through wealth into other lands. Then came the slaves... Of course, here comes the reason I quoted you "So how long can we exploit others?" Not long. We are no longer the sole industry on the planet. Germany has recovered to the 5th position in the financial power and production scale, and China now holds our heads in a noose economically speaking. We are no longer able to pose unlimited financial jurisdiction on other countries, because they now have a means of imposing that same jurisdiction on us. We're coming to a close, perhaps not today, but in the next fifty years we may not be number one. I believe Obama's presidency is a sure sign of this change. We now see our government treating other governments like *gasp* equals. Of course, I'm sure that question was rhetorical anyways.... So nothing of value was gained on your end. Source: Germany's Economy being 5th largest CIA Fact Book... if you can trust them :)
  4. Human kind cannot continue to exist without 2....... Since they can't be both 1 gender, I would have to go with 2.
  5. You know, (I say this purely for the thought) the fantasy perception of females by males (being, women being damsels in distress and males needing to accomplish all roles in life.) was culturally and lawfully enforced up until the woman's movements of the 1900s and previously Native American culture. So in reality, males have been trying to force that fantasy ideal on women throughout history. It wasn't until the 70's (?) that women openly served in militaries around the world or held jobs (WWI) that men previously held in times forgotten. Perhaps the 'gaming perception' of women is basically man's way of coping with his inherent loss of dominance in society... hmmm....
  6. IT'S A MIRACLE! PRAISE GOD! In other words, strange things that are unexplainable have been labeled as the work of god. Perhaps (and I mean this to no offense) Jesus walking on water was a glitch (Water Walking glitch Fixed in patch 13234123512.131.1b)
  7. A thread full of adults calling our/my generation degenerate. Debates can become so cold sometimes. I just got off of my job, and I've finally finished my 30+ hours of study for my nursing program in college this week, so I will put my two cents into this debate. Before I begin my counter-argument, I have to ask a few questions. Since when is having children at young ages considered fashionable to our generation? I believe a more proper way of saying that in a way that is less demeaning to our generation, grandpa/grandma, is sexual intercourse out of wedlock and (in most cases, although its popularity is debatable) unprotected. Having children young are not what we 16-21 year old children want. I'm very serious. You see.... having sex at age 16-18 is fashionable in not only the United States, but around the world. It has also been around for more than our generation. Teens and young adults had intercourse in the 40's when the age of rock descended upon great Britain. Maybe even popular before the 40's, possibly it happened with teenage cavemen :laugh: . Placing this on our generation is very.... rude? I did not know any girl in my high school that WANTS or WANTED to get pregnant, and I don't know anyone other than people in their 30+'s at my college that want children. I also don't know anyone who treats their child as pets, it goes against the instinctive nature of women to do such things. Debatable, but I will post links to several psychological research studies that support that statement. Buying a car has never been an act of safety, lol. The United States didn't make seat belts required till the 80's, and even when the model T hit the market, it was about status more than safety. Heh, putting the blame on us for poor driving habit is rude too. Now don't get me wrong, there are young people who act as fools on the road, but can you place that on our generation? I've seen people in their 60s drive like total ****s just as much as 18 year olds with their shiny new permit. Drugs and smoking were 'fashionable' in the 1700s-1980's, but now they are portrayed as a tool of satan. Government anti-drug and smoking campaigns in the school have done an excellent job of reducing drug usage in schools. It wasn't our generation that targeted ourselves for smoking in heavy ad campaigns (I don't know of any 18 year old CEOs of Camel Cigarettes.... but tell me if there are). Marlboro brainwashed your generation first with those aggressive ads too. In summary, it isn't fashionable until the media (Owned by people of greater age, mind you) push it into our heads with billboards, movies, and other advertisement. Also, not all kids live in the hood..... but..... sadly this thread makes it 'appear' that the 'HOOD' has come to represent my generation, and I am not pleased..... - - - - - - IF by any chance you were not solely aiming at the new generation, Vindekarr, then the above counter-argument becomes invalid. If that is the case, what you have stated is true of all generations alive today in some extent. Of course, this is a thread about kids these days, so my confusion is well placed. 8)
  8. You could also try Crafty Bits. I believe it allows you to create platforms, and other things in-game. Not sure about making villages or anything. I was asking around about a mod that was attempting to simulate what they were doing in the Fallout 'Real Time Settler (RTS)' mod. I've been hearing rumors of a team that is trying to bring that to Oblivion.
  9. Woah... we went from wanting new beast races to wanting dongs... wow.
  10. I'm a sad person. I have very few 'friends' outside of the black box that consumes my life daily. I agree with the title of this thread because my ego (Well, lack of in real life) and lack of social skills have been ruined because of gaming and modding. I might appear as an pretty headstrong guy in the forums, but in reality I'm the shiest person you may ever meet... It's funny how the internet and gaming anonymity can cause personality dysfunction. It's that barrier between what is real and what is not, and the barrier between whether that guy can physically harm you if you piss him off or him getting perturbed and unable to do anything to you online that makes people love forums like this so much. You lose a sense of self when your life is centered around e-mails, games, and forums. You sort of lose your 'voice' when that shell called anonymous is removed. Oh... and you get to actually fact-check online to support arguments between other anonymous people. You can't do that off-line, and your every word risks embarrassment. An intimate relationship suffers even more under that auspice. Glad to get that off my chest.
  11. I believe the first comment made him rage... He deleted everything... It's a shame, I wanted to see what everyone was demeaning...
  12. You see, I have no balls when it comes to asking other modders 'how they did something'. I mean, I could ask Slof... but to tell the truth she scares the living crap out of me. Burmecian did the MOGmod, and Burmecian race mod. I'd ask him/her, but I already know he/she has 3DS studio max. I would certainly like to make a Sierra/Larc or Pohkiel race from Legend of Mana if I knew how, and I know chances are nobody wants to do it so I don't ask. I've tried, buddy. I can understand your anger and I hope you understand that I can't do this until I know how. I'm not trying to make myself look any better in the process of saying I don't know how to do it. I can do simple things. Armor, weapons, and adjustments to existing models. That's my limit because I have blender, and limited knowledge of its use. Oh, and about crotches... did you know that body mods take care of that minus textures?
  13. Does the street kid even know how to operate a land-warrior system? Is he given any training in the use of it? Infrared is very useful if you have the slightest clue on how to use it. Doesn't advance equipment require some sort of experience in order to even use it?
  14. Yeah... That's exactly what has stopped me from making new beast races. It's the head that never seems to want to parent correctly. It's the reason there are no major floods of beast mods. If I could find out how to rig the head properly, and get it into the game without the game exploding I would be in good shape. I think the best I've done was my Royal Argonian race... Of course, I then had a problem rigging the cobra hood to the head properly, and it resulted in clipping. I'm glad someone decided to take the project up again ^_^. It seems any attempt to change the original head mesh in anyway causes problems with animation and therefore makes it unusable in oblivion. I wish i had an answer, but I never got a response from the troubleshooting board.
  15. It seems a topic like this pops up every month, and I agree in whole. I need a new beast race every once in a while. Male or female, it doesn't matter. I was particularly interested in a thread that promoted an Anubis race, and one author decided to try his hand at it. Sadly, nobody has heard from him/her. Edit Can I interest you in another Imperial Retex lol. Seriously. They find new ways to make an imperial stubby/taller/darker/lighter/prettier every day.
  16. Ahh just like the Real Time Setteler mod in Fallout 3... By the way, has anyone heard about a group that was trying to bring an RTS like mod to Oblivion? I'd certainly like to know if they still exist if they ever had existed. It's actually relevant to the topic too.
  17. Oh, hey. This is the Oblivion forums. So I guess he was asking if someone will or had done it for Oblivion. Which I will reply to. @killzone12 Not enough good furry modders in the nexus to make a working face model, Sadly. I've tried making them myself and failed to even get them into the game. I'm amazed how Burmecian did his/her races on Oblivion. I'm sure it's just blender limitation of some sort. Can I interest you in an imperial retex/resize? heh...
  18. That's quite a wide spray of H20 vapor coming from that object. It must be some sort of heavy-thrust rocket. I think I agree with ninja's hypothesis, a space program rocket. That's about the only object on earth that has that enough thrust to produce a trail like that. It's speed and observable distance tells me it's going quite fast (mach3 +), but it's no anti-gravity technology that we see in most UFO chaser videos. The vapor trail is proof of this.
  19. Hey man... I haven't seen you on in ages... I haven't seen you on since march. I miss you man, and hope that your affairs work themselves out.
  20. I suppose the true moral of this debate is that we should hope that the grid never falls. The pessimism will kill us all. heh... ... I guess if the power grid failure doesn't kill us first, the will.
  21. Good to see someone visit me every once in a while despite my inactivity. Many thanks.
  22. OK... Zombie Survival.... Weapons Brains clothing Brains Inventory Brains Vehicle Brains Stonghold Brains Sidekick Brains Soundtrack RE: your brains (Jonathan Coultron) Final boss Brains Last Words BRAINS!!!! I think as a zombie.... I might do some good surviving.
  23. Replying to your comment on my page.

    I'll be on more often. I just need to finish a few modding projects, and I'll be much more active. Thank you for caring.

  24. They adjust the forums often don't they. I do have trouble adjusting, but I love these forums either way.
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