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Everything posted by ToppDog

  1. Thanks! Looks like I saved that in the wrong mesh. Got it working :)
  2. Okay, I tried it a few times, & I must be doing something wrong. Chunkmerge says it created the collision successfully, & I can see that it has been added with Nifscope alpha, but when I test it in-game there is no collision. Here is the nif after adding the collision: http://i.imgur.com/oT1FOjT.png
  3. Ha, you're right! Maybe the site was just down for a little while. I was typing in "skyfox chunkmerge" & kept getting a site down page when clicking the links. Gonna see what I can do with this puppy now :) Yeah, I thought of using the collision from the interior porch, but the models are actually quite a bit different when you overlap them, so I'm going to try to create collision for this model, where for the interior porch I actually wanted to delete part of it.
  4. The face actually looks really good. The hands might be a bit big, but I think they were big for vanilla too. Very impressive for only a few days work!
  5. I'm trying to add collision to the wrcastlestonetower01porch mesh to use in my mod. I'm not exactly sure how to do it, but I know I need to use chunkmerge. The site where it is linked seems to be down. Does anyone know where I can get it or where there may be a tutorial on how to add collision to a vanilla item that is missing it? I don't need to edit the item, so I already know I don't have to import it into Blender, etc. I just need to convert the existing mesh into collision & add it in the nif.
  6. It is truly sad that Bethesda didn't put in the ability to pivot in place or move backwards, since any real horse can do these things, & do so in almost every other game that uses four legged mounts.
  7. It worked !!! Thanks. Funny, I thought I tried it that way too at some point. Hopefully you won't mind if I add your name to my credits section now :)
  8. Let me give that a try. Your description makes it look like you are deleting ALL collision from the item, but that picture doesn't look like it. If it deletes all of it, there already is a no collision version of this in the game, which I am already using. It just doesn't work as well as I would like.
  9. I am trying to create a new static architecture item that removes an invisible wall from the top of the structure. I have done the steps the way I thought was correct, but whenever I try to assign the new mesh to the new structure in the CK, it always crashes the CK. Any ideas what I am doing wrong? Here's a screenshot of what I did... http://i.imgur.com/4DsgB1m.png This is the edited version I am trying to add to my mod... http://i.imgur.com/YP2SnBr.png Everything seems to be correct, so I don't know why I cannot create a new item using this edited mesh, but it crashes every single time.
  10. The chest & nipple areas still look off. Kids are completely flat chested, & their nipples are lower & more towards the center. If this is only a texture, then it is easy to fix, but if it is mesh with breast contour & nipple shape, then it may be harder to edit out. It will look weird on boys, but probably not matter too much for girls since they will have a textured on bra. Not sure what is going on with the face textures. Maybe they did not reposition/stretch themselves with the changes that were made to the face meshes?
  11. What do you mean by settings? I use UNP base because I want more realistic looks. I also use Fair Skin Complexion For UNP, UNP Texture Blender, Pretty Face, Pretty Face Mesh Fix, Soft Face Textures For Females, I don't know the ins & outs of any of these mods, so I can't answer anything specific. All I know is these are all the mods I have listed in NMM that are associated with UNP. The NPCs look fairly decent in game, but I don't really spend time looking at them close up with glistening sweaty skin while lounging around in skimpy armor. If you're looking for that kind of detail, you may want to ask some of the guys that make the high resolution videos that showcase new follower mods. Hodilton & Feuer Tin routinely put out videos that have incredibly high resolution textures, & the followers always look amazing. They might have the mods they use to get them looking this good in their descriptions.
  12. It's a huge project in an area I don't really know how to mod, but I do know that many people would like it. My mod, Dragons Keep, currently adds in an additional 78 child NPCs to the game's original 42. And, I would really like to be able to have a variety of child races, with different appearances & outfits roaming around. So, if you design your mod so other modders can use it to create NPCs, or just want some other modders to include your creations in their mods, I would definitely be interested.
  13. The reason the bodies you made look similar to SkyKids is because that's how they made that mod. The body meshes are not really the problem with the vanilla children. It's the ugly body textures & the heads that all look the same, along with not having enough clothes & hair options, etc. There are already about five or so children overhaul mods out there, & many of them suffer from the same problems - the faces don't look like they belong in this game, & the children still all end up looking the same. Of all the ones out there, the most promising one that seems to add in a variety of faces without straying too far from vanilla is Skyrim Child Overhaul. As the creator of a boarding school mod for Skyrim, I would love to see a decent child overhaul mod that will help me add variety to the looks of the close to 100 students I have running around. So, if you're serious about going forward, please keep the following in mind for me & other modders like me who may want to use your mod: 1. Don't change the body meshes too much - many of the animations used in the game by children will only look correct if the current body size/shape/scaling is maintained. 2. Come up with multiple face types for every single type of child in the game, so there will not be too many kids that look the same. 3. Make them compatible with the various hairstyle mods out there. 4. Include every elf & beast race child type. I cannot stress how badly this is missing from the game. 5. Instead of changing all the children to be a new race, replace ALL the child meshes/textures etc. so that any other vanilla child NPC created in the CK will also use the same meshes/textures, so all the children still look similar. Or, release your mod as a resource so other mods can create child NPCs that look similar. Neither of these things has been done by any of the previous child overhaul mods to my knowledge. 6. Lots of outfits! There are a few mods that allow kids to wear adult outfits, but many are too buggy to mess with. There are also a couple mods that have a bunch of child replacer outfits, but they only replace the five default outfit types, instead of adding to them, so the children still end up looking all the same. The mod creators either aren't very active, or don't speak English well enough to communicate effectively with. It's a shame really, because these are some of the best retextures of the default child outfits I've seen, & they cannot all be used simultaneously. 7. I know the kids are supposed to have underwear by default, but how about having options as to style or color? For example, my mod has kids using a large swimming pool that uses an undress/unequip script to change them from their normal outfits to their underwear when entering the pool. I would rather the girls look like they're wearing a one-piece instead of a bikini, & I would like the boys underwear to look a little longer, like swimming trunks. I can't think of anything else right now, but good luck!
  14. Maybe you could make this shield I sketched here. http://i.imgur.com/q6SsLYe.jpg?1 The game is sorely in need of a shield that better matches all the steel armor & weapons. I was going to get around to it using existing textures & meshes to make it a good match, but I am not a 3D artist. Ideally it would be a new shield, not a replacer. I would like to be able to use it as the default shield for the guards in my mod, but I'm sure it would do even better as a standalone mod.
  15. I have so many house mods I like that it's going to be hard to only list five. I guess I would have to break it down to uniqueness or filling a niche that others do not, along with some that I found inspirational to my own modding. 1. Dragons Keep (my own mod), because it allowed me to do something that bothered me after my first playthrough, which was to be able to give the remaining orphans that you could not adopt a place to live & be safe. 2. Halls of Dovahndor, because it allows the player to have a place in Sovngarde, which is only fitting based in the storyline. 3. Tel Nalta II, because it adds a unique Telvanni settlement to Skyrim. 4. Breezehome TNF - Elianora's Flavour, because the Dragonborn's first home should be nothing less. 5. Rayeks End, because it is a unique hideout, & probably one of the very best early house mods that still stands up to the mods that came after it. Now, if you're talking just basic houses to live in, it would probably still be too hard to limit it to only five, but here goes... 1. Elysium Estate 2. ShiverFrost Cottage 3. The Northern Star Retreat 4. Mammoth Manor 5. Hill House Then, there are house mods which may not really be houses, or that I don't really use as much, that I still like to have installed for the aesthetics that they add to the gameworld... 1. Airship - Dev Aveza 2. Whiterun Balloon Site 3. Serenity 4. Wyvern Rock Castle 5. Sjel Blad Castle There are still tons more I like, but I'm going to stop now :)
  16. Na, that's a good description. Does it act the same way if you walk through the lower entrance? Do you immediately teleport back to the other side of the balcony entrance? And, are you using the autoload doors to go from one cell to another, or to teleport within the same cell? I haven't tried this with autoload doors, but I have had success placing loading doors directly over/under each other in instances where they load to new cells, as well as where they just teleport to a new place in the same cell, so maybe this issue is specific to autoload doors. I use an autoload door as an entrance to a cave, but I am able to be above the spot where the door is & not have it activate the door, so there must be a cap to the height. Maybe it works both ways - maybe instead of raising the upper door higher, you could possibly try to lower the one for the main entrance? I would test it using one door at a time. delete one of the autodoors for now & test the other one to see how high & low you can put it where it will still work. Then you might be able to put the top one at the highest point where it will still work, & the bottom one at the lowest point where it will still work, so they aren't overlapping. I hope that made sense.
  17. Can you go more into what you are trying to do with the autoload doors?
  18. Basically what you want is custom voice acted child followers, similar to Vilja, Inigo, Sofia, etc. I agree this is also lacking in-game. I would like to see more beast race children followers as well, as long as we're on the subject. There are some good beast race adoptable child NPCs, but they cannot be made to be followers correctly, & the mod authors do not seem to be interested in updating them to be followers. I have thought about trying this myself, but it's an area of modding I know absolutely nothing about. But, if anyone does decide to do this, I do have a school mod already made which could be further developed to incorporate a lot of these ideas. Dragons Keep is a boarding school mod that was created as an immersive way to give orphaned children & custom child NPCs a place to live once you ran out of available adoption slots, by recruiting them as students with the child follower mod of your choice & assigning the school as their new home. Right now there are probably 60 - 100 added student NPCs attending classes, taking swimming & diving lessons, practicing magic & archery, & sparring with their wooden swords. But, currently this is all being done with AI packages only. I eventually would like to have each child be unique, with their own name, clothing, & custom voiced dialogue, etc., but these things are beyond my modding skills for now. Early on, I envisioned being able to recruit a child follower & having them assume a daily schedule at the school, with more activities going on, such as taking music class & performing school concerts, going on field trips, & listening to lectures or stories by custom voiced teacher NPCs. I had to cut way back based on my limited modding abilities. But, I hope someone who knows how to do this would do it. It is sorely lacking in Skyrim. There are a ton of mods out there that do pieces of all this individually (such as various child overhaul mods, child clothing mods, child follower mods, etc.) but we need an incorporated effort to combine all these things into a single mod to create unique child follower mods of every child type & race, with quests, etc.
  19. You would have to create the hairstyles from scratch, just like the creators of Apachii Hair, etc. The difference would be that you would make them as replacers instead of new hairstyles.
  20. I like to create, & I like to tweak things that I think could be better. My first mod was with an older Elder Scroll game where the main character's friend Amy got killed in the beginning of the game. I didn't really like the way they wrote that, so I modded her back in as a companion. Of course, it was funny later on when a bunch of characters were all talking about how she died when she was standing right next to them, but oh well. I've made NPC makeover mods for personal use, but the only mod I've actually uploaded is one that seemed to fill a void, so it seemed like a good idea to share it. Skyrim needed a boarding school mod for all those orphaned children, & now it has one. But outside of that, the only thing I might eventually work on that I haven't seen done yet is a good steel shield replacer that matches the steel armor & weapons, & a mod that makes Grelod more evil & adds in beast race chidren to the orphanage. It's a hobby for me.
  21. Does anyone remember where she is located in-game? The mod is gone for now, along with any documentation about where to find her. I started a new game & would like to recruit her again.
  22. I have about seven doors in my mod that I want to automatically close a few seconds after any character has gone through them. The few examples I've seen also automatically open, but I'm not trying to do that. It's okay if an NPC manually opens the door to enter/exit the room, but I need the door to shut behind them. I tried attaching the "defaultInteriorDoorShutScript" to a door to try it out, but it didn't seem to work. I am also a newb at scripting.
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