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Everything posted by ToppDog

  1. Very cool tip! I was estimating based on floor grids at 256 across :)
  2. This is ideally what I would like to do. I'm just not sure if it will work. All the experience I've had is the same that Ac3s has had - the NPC's just sit there & do not move around, & often for me that is underwater at the bottom of the pool :) Setting up a patrol works fine, & I'm using that to get kids to climb up a ladder to the diving platform, walk off the end into the pool, & climb up a ladder to get out of the pool to do it all over again. I was just hoping to use something that more resembles sandboxing at the other end of the pool, so that followers would also be able to use the pool when relaxing. I think the main problem is that sandboxing tends to ignore patrol idle markers, so I may try creating an idle marker that does nothing, but has timing added, & see if the NPC's will travel to them & stay there for the specified time, unless someone has a better way.
  3. Hopefully that won't be too hard if you can see how others have done it with their children mods. If you can, it would be nice to be able to recruit them as followers without adopting them. At least that way, you can give them a place to stay if all your adoption slots are full.
  4. That sounds like an easy enough workaround. Plus, I get to learn something new - how to create a patch for another mod :)
  5. Thanks. I was hoping to avoid doing that, but after watching them in the pool, it may be the best option. I already have everything in place, & just need to link the Patrolidlemarkers in the packages. I was hoping they would move to them randomly, but I don't think it's possible without a script. I was looking at the swimming AI packages for the underground bathhouse mod, & he created his own idle markers & uses scripts to get them to appear to swim around. The idles do not appear to be linked though. The good news is that I am able to make NPC's or the player climb up ladders now. It's not perfect, since they still use the walking animation, but they can go up a diving platform & walk off the other side into the water. It's one step closer to being able to make them run & jump off the diving platform. This technique should be useful to others using short ladders to things like bunk beds etc. Yes, I did not use conditions or a schedule, although the schedule part should be easy once everything else is worked out. Here are some screenies of the package tab. I tried it both as a sandbox package & a patrol package, with the idea that they would randomly move to the patrol idle markers within the given radius (you can see some of them on the right). http://i.imgur.com/OeKwPXJ.png http://i.imgur.com/ay3uaWj.png After testing it so far, it looks odd with multiple NPC's in the pool anyway, because their water treading animations always sync up, so I may put fewer of them in the pool at the same time to make it look better.
  6. I'm trying to create an AI package that will make an NPC randomly swim around to different idle markers within a given radius in a pool. I set up the x marker heading for the radius, & have many patrol idle markers within the radius, & set the AI package to patrol the idles at random... But, the NPC's just stay in one place & tread water, without moving around. I also made sure swimming was allowed, so I'm not exactly sure what I should be doing that I'm not.
  7. That sounds awesome! I'm curious... Once you release this mod, will it automatically edit all children NPC's made using the vanilla models, or will it only edit the 42 default children made by Bethesda, plus any custom ones you are adding in? I'm asking because I have only used the 8 basic child types to create my 70 plus child NPC's in my mod, & am interested in giving them more customization. Also, are their heights staying the same, etc?
  8. Until you get a good feel for installing mods, it's a good idea to do them one at a time & make sure they don't make you CTD. It's easier to narrow down the problem ones this way.
  9. These are really looking good! I'm glad you're sticking with it, because this really is the best childrens overhaul I've seen so far - The kids actually blend very well with vanilla, yet look different & interesting from each other, which is something lacking in all the other overhaul mods to date.
  10. If you make them smaller, maybe they'll end up matching the existing collision for them, which is currently set to be too small. Currently, if you havok settle eggs, they clip into each other. Actually, this happens a lot with many of the ingredient & food models - the collision is either too big or too small, which either makes the items clip into each other, or hover over each other with gaps that are too large, forcing many modders to use static versions instead. This might be a really cool mod. I don't know enough about nifscope to tackle it, but whoever makes it, I bet it will do well :)
  11. Thanks a ton! AGAIN!!! I just got done reading the other post regarding activators needing collision & was about to retry. One of the models I was trying to use when I couldn't get rid of the coal was the smelter ingredient model, but it has no collision :)
  12. Here's the one I used to change them all: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/22084/?
  13. I've seen it done using different models replacing the smelter, but whenever I try it by using the original model & using the null texture set to replace the coal, it won't work. It looks just fine in the CK, but the coal always shows up again in-game. Maybe someone has already made this, so that's why I'm asking. I'm just looking for the ordinary smelter, minus the pile of coal on the floor & without performing the shoveling animation. I've also tried copying what others have done using alternate smelter models, but I couldn't get the smelting menu to pop on screen. If there is a tutorial that I can't find, can someone point me in the right direction?
  14. I think so, although explaining exactly how to do it is beyond me. There are already quests in-game where you are given the quest & a waypoint after a character says something, so I believe you could recreate this the same way for your mod.
  15. Thank you, I was really getting frustrated searching for the meshes. How many times have you saved my butt now? I owe you big time :)
  16. Where are the meshes for quivers located so I can create static versions of them?
  17. I can't believe I can't find something so simple as the meshes for the quivers. Where the heck did Bethesda put them? I've searched every single mesh/texture folder. I've researched quiver add on & replacer mods to see where the new files go. I've even done file searches on the default meshes they said they edited, nothing. What am I not getting?
  18. I need to display a staic set of steel arrows in their quiver, & I can't find where those models are in the CK to edit, Is there a resource out there that exists for this? I swear I saw one a while ago, but I can't find it now that I need it :)
  19. That would be nice. Horses can walk backwards, move sideways etc. Why they decided to treat them like a car stuck in 2nd gear is beyond me. They should move like the horses in LOTRO at least.
  20. I played as neutral also, which seems to work out just fine without any mods. The CW does not progress & is basically just background conversations, since you aren't doing any of the quests. It's more like a cold war :) I mainly did this because there is nothing to persuade me to join either side. If Windhelm is an example of how the Stormcloaks run things, then I'm not interested in helping them gain power, & since all the Imperials seem to like doing is chopping people's heads off, I'm not really interested in helping them either. It would have been a good idea if the player could start a grass roots effort to defeat both sides & start a new government. Plus, the Jarl of Whiterun was nothing but appreciative of your efforts to help with the dragon, so I felt no reason to eventually have to take over Dragonsreach.
  21. I feel like a dope. I forgot you have to create the object in the CK to view the models (meshes). I was looking for already made objects :) Hopefully this helps someone down the road...
  22. I am having the exact same problem, but with every single resource mod I've ever DL'd. They're not showing up at all in the CK, not even their names. They can only be viewed with nifscope, & that does me no good.
  23. I feel like an idiot asking for help with something that seems so easy, but I have never been able to view any resource mods in the CK without the CK automatically making those mods a requirement for my mod, so I've never used any of them in my mod. Today, I thought if I put copies of all the textures & meshes in the texture & meshes folders, I would at least be able to look at them without having to load those mods at the same time as my mod, but that didn't work. So, what am I doing wrong?
  24. If it's your mod that got messed up, you can revert to a previous save by going into Skyrim/Backup & finding the closest ".esp.#.bak" file to before you made the change. Make a copy of this file, rename it so it has nothing after the ".esp" part of the name, & move it to the data file to replace the one that is messed up with the same name. Make sure to move the corrupted version to your desktop or somewhere so you won't have two files with the same name in the data folder.
  25. Maybe then you can get permission from the video maker to copy only the portion you want, or have them edit a version for you? I'm guessing this is to highlight your Telvanni Home mod from the Skyrim Mods Weekly video. Since he highlighted your mod, he may be willing to do this for you. Can't hurt to ask :)
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