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Posts posted by Alexspeed

  1. I have set the article visible again, I have edited the topic title to shorten it as well.....see if you can access it now....verified you are the article owner as well








    Thank you Buddah, i can access it now again. :thanks:


    I still have some questions...


    Should i make two seperate articles or edit all into one multilanguage Article?

    If the site has no preferences for this or that, i guess i will edit it all into one Article.


    And could you tell me is there a maximal length to the Article Name?

    Was that the reason that i couldnt see it?

    Or has it to do with the "hide from public viewing" option?


    And do the articles have a maximal length or anything else that limits it?

    Not that i again have a problem when i edit it all into one Article.


    I hope you can answer me this questions, Thank you again for your help :thumbsup:

  2. My two cents: that might work, but in my opinion, it'd quite probably crowd the page and people who scroll through it quickly may think it's one language rather than two and concluded, "This is too long. I don't want to read it." or something like that. IMO, separate articles would be better with the language notification at top.


    Well i could put German/English in the articlename and put a big text at the beginning, like "German Language Version at the bottom of the article" so pepole can see it.


    Ah yes, thanks for bringing that to my attention. Testing out, but not actually posting an article, it seems that you can put as many words as you need in the name field of posting an article. My bad for not knowing that beforehand. That would probably all you need so they aren't turned off by a seemingly long article, when in actuality it's only half the length.


    No problem, thank you for bringing it to my attention, i dont know how long a Article name can be either, its allready pretty long tbh,...


    Oh my this whole issue is demotivating me somehow... you know... you want to do something and are in the flow and then something disrupts you and breaks it... :dry:

    I wouldnt have thought that i run into 2 bugs in the site before i even have 100 postings... :rolleyes:

    That might be my special luck... :wallbash:

  3. Guys for diffrent language articles why don't we just have same article in English at the bottom some other language at the top?? wouldn't that be easier?


    Well thats actually a good idea, i could do it that way, but do the articles have a maximal length or anything else that limits it?

    My article is allready quite long i guess, not that i run from 1 problem into the next...




    And the acsess problem is still there if i put it all into one article or not.


    I would like to see that resolved, it would happen to anyone who writes an article and saves it "without public viewing" to edit it later again till he is finished.


    Any news on a solution?





    My two cents: that might work, but in my opinion, it'd quite probably crowd the page and people who scroll through it quickly may think it's one language rather than two and concluded, "This is too long. I don't want to read it." or something like that. IMO, separate articles would be better with the language notification at top.


    Well i could put German/English in the articlename and put a big text at the beginning, like "German Language Version at the bottom of the article" so pepole can see it.

  4. Go here, scroll down to the bottom and hit this link:




    Manage your articles (0)


    That will take you to it so you can edit it.




    I allready tried that, but i tried it now again, it does not work.


    When i click the link "Manage your articles (2)" then there is just 1 article there, the english one, the german one is not there.


    Its the same with the "Manage articles"-Links on the right menue and in the Article overview, they all lead to this view.


    I guess the option "Hide from public viewing" does not work as intended for articles and it prevents me (the creator of the article) to view the article too altough it shouldnt.


    I need more help with this, please.

  5. Oh well i am sorry to bother you again but i ran into a new problem :sweat:


    I started translating the article i wrote and made progress with it, then i wanted to take a break so i submitted it with this name:


    "[GERMAN] Anleitung zur Installation/Deinstallion von Mods für Dragon Age - Deutsche Version"


    And i hit the Option to "Hide it from Public viewing" becouse its not done jet and i wanted to edit the rest later.


    It said it sucseeded in submitting it and all looked fine.


    But now i cant locate it anywhere, i thought it would show up when i go to "Manage Articles" so i can acess it, but there only shows the english one that i submitted earlier.

    I also tried around other ways to acess it but i cant find a way to it.


    It seems the option i set is hiding it from me too, and not only the public viewing.


    Can you help me acess it again so i can work on it further?



    EDIT: I just saw i can see it in "The Nexus Forums > Discussions > Articles" so its not lost jet, i just cant find a way to acess it from the main site danexus, i could edit it in this forum maybe till its done but how do i set it visible then so it shows up? Somewhere there is a bug in the system, hope you can help me =)


    EDIT2: nope i see i cant edit it in that subforum becouse it was the site bot and not me who psted it there, so i have actually no acess to that Article to edit it further :(

    I could copy paste the part i edited and start a new one but i dont want to make a double article...

  6. I want to ask something becouse i am not sure if its allowed or desired on this site.


    I wrote an Article/Guide on the danexus: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/articles/article.php?id=19


    Now i plan to translate it into german, my own language, so all german speaking players may benfit also from it.


    The thing is, can i host it also on dragonagenexus.com?

    And if yes how is the prefferrend way for me to do it?


    Just put [German] in front of the article name maybe?

    Or could there be made a subsection for foregin language Articles?


    Or do you just allow english language Articles on your site?


    Hope you have time to answer that and thank you for your time and the great site you are providing us with. =)


    Greetings Alex

  7. Well my english is better alittle i guess, but i am from Austria too :biggrin:


    Servus aus der nähe von Wien und wilkommen im Forum. :smile:

  8. I am sure there will be something like this, give it a little time the game isnt out very long and the toolset is very complicated compared to other ones from what i readed. Good things take time.


    I hope you get your warrior look and if it is enough conan like i would try it out myself too i guess ;)


    And mages need funny hats... oh right they allready have them in DA ;D

  9. I don't usually greet new members very often now, but maybe I should do this now.


    Well i guess that makes me special :biggrin:


    maybe not ;) Thank you for the welcome Ancient Aeon :thanks:

  10. Ehhh... crappy EA... honestly.... I also had some trouble till i had my registration and account info right on that bioware site, it must be interlinked with the builder wiki then.


    Wish i could help you with that, but i dont remember what i did to make it work, it just linked me over one ea site to the next, filling out stuff here and there till it in the end was finally working.

    A very upsetting experience i agree.


    Hope you can sort it out.

  11. Well i am myself no modder but i can tell you some places to get started with modding.


    Dragon age Builder Wiki check the Getting started and tutorials section first


    and Beyond Ferelden an extremly well written and helpful blog with lots of guides


    But as far as i know, you might be out of luck jet with what you want, modelling new clothes, and not retexturing them, becouse there is until now no way there to reimport edited things or new things into the toolset, but it is only a matter of time till such a tool will be aviable i guess.


    good luck, i hope that helped :thumbsup:

  12. Yeah, well, it will always be a struggle for every human to accept what one dislikes. But I guess talking and, by talking understanding each other is better than the old-fashioned way.


    So for me, this discussion has come to 2 conclusions: People make their npcs prettier just for the fun of it without (or at least unintended) sexual arousement, and one is no better person if they dislike that. Really, I have a hard time admitting that this is an insightful thought for me, but it is. God damn it, there's some work ahead.


    I still can't accept the utopian desire to make everything pretty, but this exceeds computergames and needs not be discussed here. If you want, you're welcome and I will join but I won't start it.


    domatz, your question is legitime and i didnt intended to sound harsh to you, and maybe i wasnt specific enough about your root question,

    but i wanted to make it clear that you should not prejudge a modification to a game, or its users or makers, because its beautifull or offending at your standards.

    Noone has to fight for morality or ethics or tastes here, its just mods for a game.


    Of course pepole will allways like or dislike mods, thats fair if they choose so, and thats the reason there are rankings and stuff.

    But its not fair to judge others on what they like or dislike in a game mod, its allmost the same as if you judge someone by color or religion or country.


    You have the full right to dislike beautyfication mods, and anyone else has the right to like them, and of course this can be debated,

    talking and getting to understand eachother is a good thing. I didnt intended to say that discussing it is a bad thing.


    It just makes no big sense for me, becouse Beauty will allways lay in the Eye of the Beholder. =)


    But if discussing it makes sense for you then thats a good thing, and i like the conclusions you took. :thumbsup:



    On a out of game basis i can understand of course your line of thought, the media and models and advertising with photoshopped pepole all that i can understand and relate to,

    becouse thats a society phenomen and bigger than a game or the mods for it. But that discussion should then be in the debates forum and not in the modding forum =)

  13. I would have no problems with a male nude mod. Someone put effort in it to make it, if you dont like it you must not use it.


    Its so easy to ignore things that you dont like, if pepole can ignore global warming, hungry children in 3rd world countries, women getting beaten by their husbands

    and animals getting killed for their pelts, (just to name some common things that many pepole ignore on a daily basis), why cant they ignore a nude mod then?

    There they suddenly discover their "morality" and "standards", its laughable, or sad, you choose.


    Everything that can be done will be done, its a rule of the internet.


    But the inability to reimport meshes till now, kinda limits what can be done to make male nudes in DA anatomically correct.

    So until that is solved i doubt we will see any "hard facts" :D


    Point is not if someone else likes it or not and if you agree or disagree with that persons view, thats completly irrelevant.

    It dosent change anything, it will be made by someone and used by someone.

  14. I just finished Dragon Age this weekend and I'm kind of disappointed at how short the game could be, so I picked up the toolset but have no clue where to start. I looked up some stuff on youtube but it didnt really explain how to start a new project. Every time I load up the toolset it has the stuff I was working on ( and messed up...I deleted the global folder ) when I closed it.


    I looked up the dragon age community site but whenever I'm asked to login it gives me a choice of my other accounts from bioware or EA but never actually lets me login with it, got me extremely frustrated lol.


    SO anyone know a good place with good tutorials that cover basics to advanced?

    I wanted to try to make an NPC that would buy and sell items for free, I believe that is a more efficient version of a storage system than the one bioware decided on.


    Well i am myself no modder but i can direct you to some helpfull places neverthless =)


    Dragon age Builder Wiki check the Getting started and tutorials section first


    and Beyond Ferelden an extremly well written and helpful blog with lots of guides


    thats atleast the places where i would start, good luck :thumbsup:

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