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Posts posted by Alexspeed

  1. -11/27/2009 12:09 AM - C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\dragon age origins\bin_ship\daupdater.exe,

    11/27/2009 12:09 AM - Found Dragon Age version 1.1

    11/27/2009 12:09 AM - Localization file ..\data\DAUpdater.xml loaded.

    11/27/2009 12:09 AM - Language set to: en

    11/27/2009 12:09 AM - Received Manifest Ready Message from DAUpdaterSvc


    Thank you for providing information.


    hm thats all in the log?

    normally there should be an end message, like that it crashed or couldnt read a specific file... thats strange.


    Just a random idea, copy the "daupdater.exe" from the "..\dragon age origins\bin_ship\" folder to your desktop (copy not cut and not just link to it)

    then start it from your desktop and see if it gives you the same error log or a longer one or if it maybe works then.




    Do you have a "..\My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override" folder?

    not sure about the exact location with steam, but this is the path in the normal version.


    if there is no "override" folder in the "core" directory then please create it and try again to run the daupdater.exe

    I doubt that its becouse of that but its worth a try if nothing else helps.





    Meanwhile i checked 2 forums and the official forums as good as i could in that limited time but couldnt find an answer for you.


    The last thing that came to my mind is that your daupdater.exe is maybe a corrupt download, but thats also unlikely if all the rest of your game works.

    maybe a redownload and reinstall could be made, but wait with that till youre really out of options.


    If the things in this posting dont help you and there is no other helpfull hint coming up with your logfile then i am pretty much out of ideas.

    Sorry i dont have Steam myself so i am limited by that anyway in my effort to help you.


    Maybe someone else with more experience or atleast a steam dragon age version can give you more hints.


    Also Steam has official forums too dont they? have you checked there for any hints or help? if not please try that, and the official forums too,

    open a thread in the technical help forum and describe your problem, there are many more pepole there that could be of help.


    and if that also dont helps you should contact the offical support, but i am not sure if ea or steam support is responsible, maybe try both.


    thats all i can think of, good luck, and please if you solve it let me know here, i want to know why it isnt working for you, and it could help others with the same or a similar issue!

  2. I wish the word "wish" was legally replaced with the word "Woosh"


    Granted, but some wise ass on wikipedia reversed the change and its all back to "wish" in a day.



    I wish that my coffee wouldnt be cold... again.

  3. Source of Definition



    Definition from Wiktionary, a free dictionary





    Noun of action from English beautify, make beautiful, from beauty, from French beaute, from Latin bellitas, beauty or beautifulness, noun of state from bellus, beautiful, + noun of state suffix -tas.


    beautification (plural beautifications)


    1. Making beautiful, improving the appearance of something.


    Now wheres the porn in the beautification definition?

    I was deeply dissapointed that i found none... :ohmy:




    Lets read the definition again... "Making beautiful, improving the appearance of something."


    That can mean for everyone something elese, its TOTALLY up to everyones OWN standards to define for himself what beautifull is.


    For one it might be a Flower, for the other one a pretty Face and for the next one some half naked girl in latex clotes...

    And when we have a very customizable game everyone can mod it to his own perfect tastes, thats wonderfull, isnt it?


    Why does someone use a nude mod?

    Its the same reason why someone else is using a high resolution texture mod, because that person thinks it makes the game more beautifull and worthwhile for him.

    And if someone prefers to play without mods or with a mod that makes pepole fat or ugly then its also fine.


    I really cannot understand why should it bother ANYONE what SOMEONE ELSE thinks is worthwhile to mod or play?

    If you dont like what you see move on and search what is more to your own tastes or make it on your own.

    As long as it hurts noone its all fair for me at least.


    Who am i to judge? - And who are you to judge?


    So better stop arguing about what is beautifull and make mods that are beautifull for yourself and load them up,

    be gratefull if someone else shares your opinion and have the dignity to respect it if someone disagrees.


    And next time you see a mod: You dont have to judge the person that makes or uses it, you have to use it or not use it.




    and to cheshire23, and anyone else who thinks you can mock someone because of their taste, YOU ARE WRONG, DEAD WRONG.

    you dont have the right to mock anyone because of what he thinks is beautifull. Because that hurts the other persons feelings,

    and that person will bait back because you provoked it and there we have drama and noone wants that.


    You can allways disagree in a civil and reasonable manner, but you can not act like an ass because your in a forum on the net and hiding behind a nickname.



    whatever thats my 2 cents at this topic, no offense intended honestly, take it or leave it, its just my opinion.



  4. hey guys I have trouble installing Dazip files on Daupdater on steamapps


    Everytime I drag dazip files and try to install I get a window message error that pops out saying "DAcontent updater has stopped working"


    Has anyone experienced this and actually got through?


    I already tried putting Daupdater in admin, and it doesnt do anything



    I am not sure i can help you, becouse i dont use steam at all, and it smells somehow like a steam problem from what you said, but i will try my best.


    The only thing about the steam installation and dragon age is that there is somewhere a maximal pathlengthrescriction (of 56 or something... dont remember sorry) that made trouble for some users, i read about it in the official bioware forums but i cant remember what exactly it was, i think it had to do with the override folder, not sure if that anyhow helps.



    Maybe you can answer some questions and that will help you further.


    What operating system are you on?


    Have you Admin rights with the windows account you use and acsess to all folders/files the installer could use? (including desktop)


    Maybe a third party program is blocking the daupdater?


    If you have a Log from your daupdater could you post it please? (second tab, after the install failed or sucseeded there should be a deatailed log there)


    Did you experience this with all .dazip-files or just with a specific one?


    Have you installed or messed with the toolset?



    Also i have a Guide on installing/uninstalling mods, but i havent covered your specific problem there, see my sig if you want to.


    hope you can sort it out =)

  5. :) Why thank you Alex. I consider that a compliment. I bet it's already been done somewhere on the site though.

    But, if admin/mods would want me to try making the info into an article, they can let me know and I'd be happy to oblige.


    I see a link in your post that hopefully, come Christmas evening I'll be using for DA-O! :banana:


    I hope that till chrismas there is a better and updated toolset for DA and a uninstaller for .dazip files aviable =)

    Other than that i hope to still expand and update that guide till then and hopefully it will be of help to many pepole, thank you. :thanks:


    but before this thread gets in another direction than it is intended to, btt: I for myself have no problem with a rating system with a delay,

    be it 3 hours or one hour, i think the delay system is necessary becouse there, excuse me for that, are too many dumb pepole out there in the world,

    and this delay will prevent most of them to give bad/unjustified ratings.

    If you like mods you allways come back to this site and rate the file you downloaded the next time you check for updates, if you liked or disliked it.

    The delay makes the ratings worth more in my opinion. But i can only speak for myself. =)

  6. eeyy alex. Haven't seen you around yet but it's been a long while since i posted in the mod threads. Good to see another potential modder on the forums though.


    Thank you :thanks: , i am sure i will find my way in the "not-mod-threads" when time permits :biggrin:



    Hi! Glad to see you've decided to come out and play!


    I know you from somewhere... no this is not a pickup line :sweat: , i have seen you in another Forum i am sure :biggrin:

    Nice to meet you here and thanks for the welcome :thanks:



    Hello and Welcome!


    Thanks for DA guide! :thumbsup:


    Hi Branimirzg, nice to meet you too :thanks:

    I am glad you liked the Guide, i hope it can help many beginners getting to mod their game :thumbsup:

    becouse (almost) every modder started as mod-user ;)

  7. Well hello there, i have posted quite a bit but just now i realized that i havent made a "Hi i am here"-Posting...


    so here it is :biggrin:


    I know the nexus since i played Oblivion or Morrowind, not quite sure about when exactly and i know i registered as a member when the Fallout Nexus started.

    But just now with Dragon Age i started to be involved here. Meanwhile i am posting and trying to be helpfull and even wrote a Guide for the Article Section on danexus =)

    (link in sig)


    My Name is Alex, i am from Austria, i am 33 and try to be allways helpfull and open minded.

    I am not a modder myself yet, but i am an experienced Mod User. I know quite a bit about Computers because i sold hardware for part of my life.

    I am good with Photoshop and Painter and with my Camera, Pen Tablet and real drawing on Canavas.

    I play PC Games since i can hold a mouse and i have no console and probably never will =)


    At the Moment i play Dragon Age and after that i most likly start again with Oblivion.


    I guess thats all that is to know about me, hi to everyone :D


    Cheers Alex

  8. ....


    If you look at your page any time you are browsing mod files you'll see this first column on the right hand side of the page:



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    (in green and underlined here, although they are gold on the page itself-) At entry #19 if you count down the list of topics above, you'll see "Tracking centre." Clicking on that will take you to a page that allows you to "manage favourite files," ones you've marked you'd like to keep an eye on, or manage mod authors or members you've marked as favorites. You can remove items from the list you no longer want to track or keep an eye on.


    Under that you see "Download/rating history." This is where you'll find all the files you have downloaded for the month and whether or not you've rated them. To my knowledge (which is spotty, lol) you can't remove files from here. But this does let you know how long you have before you can rate something you've recently downloaded. If you are a premium member you'll see your entire file download/rating history.


    Checking out/clicking on any of the selections in those two columns on the right side of your mod browsing pages will help you explore the site more and find things you may not know you have access to. Plus you can see recent site updates and find links to the latest news about the site and other interesting things. If I've explained anything incorrectly, some of the more senior members feel free to clarify :)


    You know if you expand that alittle and work on it you could make a article out of it and put it into this category maybe more pepole will notice it then =)


    just an idea :thumbsup:

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