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Posts posted by Alexspeed

  1. Granted but the wind blows it away


    I wish fable 3 was out now


    Granted but you cant activate and play it becouse the activation server isnt ready jet


    i wish to be able to read in the debate forum without feeling the need to leave this forum forever

  2. I'm having the same problem now, too, unfortunately. I downloaded and installed all of the free promo items from the DA website--worked fine then. But then I tried to install some mods from the website here and all it will do is crash. I attempted to also reinstall the original downloads just to troubleshoot, but it still refuses to work. Unfortunately, I didn't make a backup of my AddIns.xml file, but I tried deleting all of the references to the most recent add-ins out of it. Still crashes, though, so I'm really not sure what to do beyond that.


    I've also seen several people post this problem on the official boards with no fixes in sight.


    Have you links to the threads on the official forums, i might want to take a look at them.

    Does your whole game dosent start any more or just the daupdater? Have you thought about a reinstall?


    what you described sounds quite messed up sadly, of course without more information i cannot try to help you, thats like blind guessing.


    I wrote in the posts in this thread everything that came to my mind what could help,

    and also the questions that needed to be answered to make at least an guess.

  3. Hello,


    Well, it seems to download the toolset I need to register my copy of dragon age. But, the problem is, I thought I registered the game but I guess I only registered for the promotional content, and because of that I clicked "do not show again' on the window showing my key (I downloaded/bought the game online off steam). So the problem is that now I cant find my key again, I never wrote it down because I thought I was registering my game, not just the promotional content, and I didnt find any answers on the dragon age customer support search deal on their website, so, I'm asking here, where can I find my digital registration code?


    Mail Steam customer support if thats where you bought the game, they should be able to track your payment and resend you your code. AND, i would think you would get your code mailed too, so check your mail (also the spam folder) you might have overlooked it. AND, i am not sure about that becouse i dont have steam, but i would think that the steam client has an option to look up the registration codes for the games you own.



    Double click the steam icon in the taskbar to open the steam browser.

    Click the My Games tab at the top of the browser.

    Find the game you want in the list and right-click it.

    A pop-up appears with a list of options including "view my game cd / download / registry key" depending on which version of the game you have.


    Thats exactly what i meant with looking up your key in the steam client.

  4. what can i say, i have not much clue about modding itself, but this looks good =)


    so this is the way to make new armor without replacing the armor thats in the game, just with the meshes that are aviable?


    I thought that would allready be possible and only the import of new meshes is a problem,

    i wasnt aware the toolset limits also the making of new armor out of existing ones. or am i thinking wrong here?


    I wish i could be of any help but my skills lay in other fields than working with a toolset =(


    I hope you or someone else get it working. good luck and thank you for posting, i am sure its helpfull for others =)

  5. There is another Mech Warrior in the works. Meant to have full physics and destructable buildings so the city-scape missions will actually be fun/realistic now. Mech hiding behind that skyskraper? Launch those LRMs. What sky scraper? ;)


    I found a News for that: http://kotaku.com/5310586/new-mechwarrior-...l-reboot-series


    and here is the wiki page for it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MechWarrior_%28reboot%29


    i am sceptic, they allready have some legal trouble, and it seems simplified to me.... but wait and see.

  6. I think i played most Mechwarrior games that where aviable on the PC,

    i still remember some of them where from Microprose, a great game studio that is long nonexistant now,

    i think sierra bought it and sierra is now part of the new atari if i am not completly wrong (could be).


    Clan Jade Falcon... good times =)


    If they ever release a REAL new one with the Mechwarrior license i am first to buy it,

    but with todays standards it will be a siplified console arcade shooter that i refuse to touch.


    well atleast i can hope.

  7. FYI - The article will allow for a fairly long tutorial but if you use IMG tags, the site will only show the 1st 10 images I think. You'd have to go to the article topic in the forums area to see the thread which will display all the images.


    Thank you for clarifying the Article length for me, i try not to use more than 10 images, shouldnt be an issue.


    I'd also recommend keeping each tutorial separated as their own stand-alone tutorial...but I'd also recommend that you add a sort of reference section either at the top or bottom that will link to the other articles in different languages. So if there was one tutorial in 3 different languages, I'd have 3 separate articles but each article would have two links which refer the reader to the different language version of the article.


    I allready set it up that way, take a look if you want.

    The German Version is almost done, i keep updating it with translations whenever i have time for it till its done.


    If you know how long the Articlename can be that could help me still, becouse i am unsure if i can make it longer now or not, i fear the article may vanish again if i make the name longer. :ninja:

    Thank you for your help :thanks:

  8. Those buttons must be laptop specific, and that they work means they have a driver somewhere installed.


    Check your software for Programs from the Manufacturer of the Laptop to see if there is some configuration software for those buttons installed. There should be normally one.


    If you cant find such a software, seach your drivers and running processes, and disable them there if you find them.


    if you cant locate the drivers either, check with the manufacturer of your Laptop,

    they should have guides and help sites or atleast a technical support where you can get the specific answer for your specific laptop.


    Some Laptops even have a switch somewhere on the back or bottom to disable such keys (but not all).

  9. Gotta love the loyal readers that get to the article before I announce it lol!


    It isn't 100% done yet, but I did the uninstall first since I knew it would be the trickiest, so the uninstalling of mods is working, and the install is almost finished. My goal is to get this out later this week, but no promises on that.



    YAY http://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/b/boogie.gif http://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/b/boogie.gif http://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/b/boogie.gif http://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/b/boogie.gif http://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/b/boogie.gif http://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/b/boogie.gif http://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/b/boogie.gif YAY


    Thank you for the responses and i cross my fingers you get it working :thanks:

  10. Branka's journal in the Ortan Thaig seems to be missing. I can see the pin on the map and the arrow is where it is meant to be but I am unable to examine it. Holding down tab shows nothing around to loot/examine.


    Is there anyway to get to the deep trenches without examining the book? It worked fine on my first play through.




    EDIT: Managed to fixed it using a debug script from the console. runscript zz_orz_debug for anyone else that has a similar issue.


    Thank you for reporting back how you got it working!


    Here is a thread with allmost the same problem and the same solution: http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=166241

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