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Everything posted by Alexspeed

  1. @ Floydian1: sorry i didnt meant to outpost you with my posting or anything, in fact you posted your answer while i still wrote mine =) John i agree with the Zip files, altough it surly would be cool if DAModder would support also rar and 7zip, maybe something for the next vacation break ;)
  2. So has anyone jet encountered any serious problems with the new toolset? Does it mess up my game or my pc if i install it? I am not sure if i should try to install it now, the first version of the toolset allmost killed my windows with that SQL stuff -.-
  3. Thank you yonline2 for claryfiying this, i wasnt sure about that myself.
  4. Thank you for posting that list LHammonds, that looks very usefull =)
  5. You could try these, altough they cover more than just combat magic: Personal Annoyance Remover: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=98 Annoyance Remover: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5 The first one seems to be more often updated.
  6. Mutator that sounds promising, i hope you can do something with the cam =)
  7. I agree with this, but i guess its hard to fix with a mod.
  8. Youre welcome Aria, thank you for making mods, looking forward to seeing more mods from you =)
  9. Could you elaborate what you mean with that? That means rewriting the whole mod dosent it?
  10. :biggrin: That Video made my day *gg* I dont actually play EVE, maybe some day if i get bored i will pick it up and it will suck me in, but that day isnt there jet. :smile:
  11. Which Joker? There are so many of them... Jack Nicolson, Heath Ledger, the Joker from one of the TV Series or one of the several ones from the Comics,.... To make the Face that should be somehow possible, but for the clothing, thats another issue, maybe some noble clothes could be retextured that could fit somehow. If you want a complete new model, that may take some time, the making of new models isnt jet widley used because the tools that are needed are still under development. I guess you need to be patient and lucky to wait for someone to pick your request up. good luck =)
  12. Well, the discussion remains linked with the file, so technically anyone who goes to that file and looks in the discussions tab would have a link to the thread... Meaning that the thread not being seen really isn't an issue for those who are already aware of the file. Ahhhhhh, now i saw it, thats from the "Discussion" tab on the mod-site.... okay excuse the confusion, i wasnt fully aware of the fact you could make additional topics there, now it makes sense =)
  13. who would start an discussion in that subforum, it would be on page 10 in no time? wouldnt it make more sense if they discuss that in another forum thats not that fast moving?
  14. Well i dont know if its possible, i just know that if it would be easy we would allready have such a mod here, but there is none. There where also requests for a free-cam for better taking screenshots and such things, but that also got no response. so i assume that noone jet discovered how to do that or its not possible, but my knowledge of modding is not very big.
  15. and a face, and arms, and legs, and a christmas tree, and some presents, and sparkeling stars above that all, and..... hmm... maybe thats too much allready then ;)
  16. Granted! As soon as you log in to the forum the next time you visit here you get a PM from "lonleygirl89", she talks with you and compliments you and you get attracted to her, you discover you have the same hobbies and like the same movies, after some time you find out by talking that she lives in the city next to your own, so you set out to meet each other, and when you meet her then the first time its love on first sight, but sadly not for you because you discover that she is in reality a 40 jear old half bald fat gay guy with bad smell and glasses. But he really loves you! I wish the Thumbnails for original Dragon Age Screenshots would work on DAnexus.
  17. At the current state of the Beta 2.1.2 of DAModder it is not able to directly process .RAR or .7zip Files. You can only use .Zip or .dazip files directly. If the mod you downloaded is packaged in a .RAR or .7zip file, DAModder will not be able to process it. In this case, extract the file manually to a temporary folder, and then drag the folder onto DAModder for installation. --------------------- I am not sure i can follow your explanation about downloading. Seems like your Download properties are alittle messed up or wrong adjusted. You can fix that if you open your Firefox Browser -> go to the "Extras"-Menue -> select Properies (or settings? i have a german version not sure what it is in the english one) -> Then select the Tab Applications (the 4th tab from the left) -> there you search for the file properties for .RAR (winrar), .7zip and .zip Files and make sure they all get handled just with their own application, that should ensure that you get the file you download with the correct extension. Again if you want to use DAModder you will have to use .Zip or .dazip files. If you dont have it you can get winzip here for example: http://www.winzip.com/index.htm Hope that helped you?
  18. Thank you, you too, keep an eye on your support thread you started so we can solve your problem =)
  19. Check my guide, i included simple instructions on how to handle DAModder there: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/articles/article.php?id=19 The Installation is easy, there is none. Just make a Folder where you want to have it located (your Desktop for example) and name it DAModder (or whatever you choose). Then copy the contents of the downloaded File into that folder. The .exe-File in the Folder is the DAModder Application, with a doubleklick you can start it. If you choose another location than the Desktop, you can create a shortcut for the .exe and put that on the desktop if you want to, that ensures easy access to it when you need it. Are you sure you HAVE a addins.xml file? it should be in "C:\Documents and Settings\YOURNAME\My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\Settings" If its not there then you messed up your installation somehow, maybe its corrupted. Have you messed with the console or the toolset? that can sometimes cause errors if done wrong. You should post your Issue at the Support Forum so John can take a look at it when he is back again: http://damodder.tenderapp.com/discussions/beta-2 Just create a new thread and describe your error and all, like i posted it above, also add your addins.xml to that posting so john can take a look at it.
  20. I have added a Mirror for the Toolset Download here: http://www.filefront.com/15109317/DragonAgeToolset1.01.zip/
  21. Screaming wont get you anything faster, you are asking a favour here not demanding anything. The game is new, there are not many experienced modders allready aviable and the toolset is complicated, so be patient please =) I havent found a Mod that is exactly as you requested, but two that are almost fitting your request: - http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=262 - http://social.bioware.com/project/683/ If that isnt good enough, get to mod it yourself or be patient and hope someone picks your request up =)
  22. Is it Crashing on Startup? Or when you try to use it? If its crashing on Startup please check if you have .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 installed, that is required, and there where several reports of crashes from pepole that didnt had the correct version of the .Net Framework installed. It is listed under your installed Software, if you need to update it use your MS Update programm or the MS Downloadcenter If that dosent helps: Please report your Error in the Support Forum: http://damodder.tenderapp.com/discussions/beta-2 Describe the version you are using, when it crashes, what error-message you get if any. Attach your "addins.xml" and your "damodder.log" (if you have one) to the post you will make. And we will work out whats not working with your DAModder installation.
  23. I am uploading it to filefront.com at the moment, will take about an hour to complete the upload. I post the mirror as soon as its done in the other thread. =)
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