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Everything posted by Alexspeed

  1. If it has to do with a mod you could try to clean up your mod directories and erase anything that might be a leftover, if you know how to do that?
  2. I requested a move of this thread to the Builder Troubleshooting Dragon Age Subforum, you probably get better help there than in the request forum. Wish i could help you with that but i am not modding myself. Good luck =)
  3. I hear that for the first time, have you meesed with console commands maybe? that can couse weird stuff like that. Have you tried saving, exiting and loading?
  4. Well atleast i know what i am attracted to :sweat: :biggrin:
  5. I think you mean Abilities and not Talents? And here is a Guide for Abilities and the Toolset, hopefully helpfull for you: http://social.bioware.com/wiki/datoolset/index.php/Ability
  6. At least for that there is a mod: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=236 Not sure if it works, i havent tried it out, but it says it removes that salesman.
  7. Just wanted to bring this to the top again. We are making really good progress with the bug-squashing and the DAModder looks really good now, i would encourage anyone who feels capable and willing to take a look and help us with beta testing =)
  8. Maybe a stack of 20 for that price jeah, as they are now they are hugly overpriced.
  9. It shows up for maybe 2-3 seconds on my PC, so it isnt a big annoyance for me, but on slower computers it might be visible longer, i hope its doable, i am not a big fan of that picture either.
  10. Actually, you can data mine the WoW files to retrieve the actual model in game. I can help any modder get his hands on the model or the texture. Thats nice, i hope it gets done for those who want it, but the problem lies in bringing that model into the DA Toolset again so it can be in the game. There is no working Importer jet that i am aware of. So even if you have the model ready from the WOW files you cant import it into the Tooldet jet.
  11. Thats ok if its your opinion, but how does it help with modding Red Sonja themed armor?
  12. I am considering adding a meaningfull post to this thread, because its the first thread (allmost) in the debates forum that i could read without getting in a ragequit. Maybe this thread is in the wrong forum? *lol*
  13. First check the official site: http://dragonage.bioware.com/home/ there you find alot of information and promo stuff. My Opinion: -PRO: Bioware made it, solid game not many bugs, modding perspectives getting better every day, story is well done and fun to play, lots of sidequests, very good and belivable characters compared to most other games, graphics of characters and interiors are fine, the fights are not to easy, 6 different origins that are each unique and well done, character creation is fun -CONTRA: EA is the publisher, the toolset is in the current version not up to standards but there is a update for it in the works, the Download Content System is not my preferrend System of game expansion, the Bioware Social Site is a horrible mess that i try to avoid, i feel like there is not enough item variation in the game, graphics of outdoor aereas are flat and not very well done compared to characters and interiors, the fights can be to hard if you are not used to the controls, no complete free choosing of your character backstory limited by the origins, you can not free roam like in fallout3 or oblivion, the hats look horrible ;) Conclusion: For me the game is deffinatly a buyer but not the great Game jet i had hoped for, its fun and i like it and it has the potential to grow to a really great game over time. The mods that will hopefully come will make the game worth its price anyway. The Fact that i am here and even wrote a guide for it speaks for itself, if it would be a bad game i would allready have moved on to another game. Dont overestimate the bad points i mentioned, many of them have the potential to get solved sooner or later.
  14. I have to support this request strongly *g*
  15. Hi and welcome to the Forums =)
  16. Alexspeed

    Say hello!

    Hi and welcome to the Forums =)
  17. I bet at some point such stuff will be modded into Dragon Age, might be a fun experience ;)
  18. Well i can access it, atleast i could before i made this posting
  19. On this page you can search for users: http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?act=Members i think (never used it myself) The link is in the upper right of the forum: "Help · Search · Members · Calendar"
  20. Welcome to the Nexus Forums =)
  21. I had the same problem: heres the correct way to have a link in the description (i hope): [ url=http://url ] Linkname [ /url ] (without the spaces) think that should work, just leave the "-signs out.
  22. thats the Url to your Profile Page: http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showuser=1232562 The bold red part is your ID number =)
  23. That was a question for Dragon Age and not for Fallout 3 ;)
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