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Everything posted by Alexspeed

  1. I havent heared from mods for Dragon Age that work with the PS3 version nor do i think that there will be any. If you want Dragon Age with propper Mod support you should consider buying the PC version.
  2. These would require a complete new weapon model, you will need to be patient, its not jet possible to bring new models into the game.
  3. This one is something compareble: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=154 i havent found the 25 tactics slots mod on danexus. damods has it on their site: http://www.damods.com/forums/index.php?topic=29.0 EDIT: But we have this here: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=166 The Dragon Age Mutator includes the ability to max your tactic slots.
  4. its because it not only is about the amount of stuff you get for the money, or the ammount of money you have to pay. its also about the principle of if its okay to make such micro-addons and sell them. Its a "new" business model and it needs to be debated, and everyone has to judge on its own if he wants to pay a "small" fee to get a "small" return. I for myself prefer the Addons that where common, you pay maye 20-30 bucks and get a whole new campagin with hours of new stuff.
  5. check this mod: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=226 I belive its about what you requested =)
  6. Thank you, you are welcome, i am glad it could help you =)
  7. I dont know enough about the ingame mechanics and the Toolset to answer you this question, but i hope someone else can. =)
  8. Okay, first i hope that dosent violate any rules. Second this picture could be disturbing or offending for some, so please dont click it if you think you are easily shocked or offended. Third, through unmentioned Sources i got a photo of sitebot at work, its disturbing and most likely you dont want to see it. I edited ito a propper frame. so please dont klick the following link if you think that could hurt you emotionally. Sitebot - The truth revealed
  9. "The stone prisoner" = "Shale" Its the same, shale is the name of the character, The stone prisoner the name of the DLC
  10. From my understanding you have to overwite some settings with the toolset becouse they are broke, the wiki-link gives the details to that. I am sorry i am not enough of a modder and i dont use the toolset, so i cant help really much, hopefully someone else is able to give you better directions.
  11. If its the meshes problem then it may take weeks, but pepole are working on it. it will be done, its just nothing simple. well you could answer my PM that i wrote you in the meantime, and then play with an alternative character and another origin till the issue is solved =)
  12. youre welcome, hope it will went better this time for you =)
  13. - go to the main site: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/index.php - hit the LOGIN button on the right upper side of your screen - enter your name and password with what you registered - navigate to the mod you want to download ( this one i suppose: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=96 ) - klick on the FILES tab in the menue bar under the picture - klick on the name of the file - klick on the main server to download ( Washington D.C., USA ) - wait till the download starts and has finished - thats it install it and have fun =)
  14. Wow nice, that montage looks cute, well done, in my book it shouldnt be hard to mod that, but i really dont know, maybe there need to be meshes edited for a new hairstyle, thats quite possible, and that would require reimporting the edited mesh into the toolset and that isnt possible jet. And yes i speak german, i am from Austria ;) ((ich denke auch Englisch ist hier angebracht, aber wir können uns per PN auf deutsch unterhalten wenn du möchtest :) )) well i hope someone can make you realy happy :D
  15. This relates to this bug and offers a temporal solution till the new toolset comes out: http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/8/...362481/1#362657
  16. get a new ip through a proxy and look up the "Forum Rules and Strikes" Board, because there would i find the reason i was banned. then i evaluate the situation again and contact an admin to discuss the situation. easy as making pancake.
  17. Sitebot helps betatesting the new DAModder here: http://dragonagemodding.wordpress.com/2009...s-for-damodder/
  18. This mod only changes the HEAD, not only the face, and it does nothing with the body. Regarding the face on an elven body i am not sure, i dont mod myself, but here a thread that might help you getting to a solution: - http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=166075 i am sorry thats all i found, maybe there is more at the da builder wiki: http://social.bioware.com/wiki/datoolset i wish you luck =)
  19. sounds good, so we are now aware that .NET Framework and java can cause fatal issues if messed with, noted. thank you for letting us know the solution. glad you could resolve it, have fun playing =)
  20. jwvanderbeck was so nice to answer this question for me: hope this helps =)
  21. well, maybe someone will make such a hairstyle for you, that you can use with your own char. you said you used tints&tones, there is also the chargen package aviable, i am not sure if that adds new hairstyles, you could try it out, but there is another file needed to make the chargen package work with the tints and tones, read the description its listed there. ah, i got the links: - http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=110 - http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=159 not sure if that helps with the hair issue. you could talk german with me if you prefer that, but then the others couldnt read what you write ;) Have fun with it =)
  22. I agree with Balagor on this issue, its strange that it worked the first time and not now, you should be able to upgrade your .NET Framework from MS Windows update, if you cant update it there then you maybe have the latest version installed (and you should have it with win7 i guess) the latest version is 3.5 servicepack 1, check your installed software it should list it. You can download the .NET Framework also from the microsoft website, just search their knowledgebase. maybe the .NET Framework was somehow damaged... you see me relative clueless here sorry consider contacting the official support. EDIT: .NET Framework 3.5 normally also includes the 1.1, the 2.0 SP2 and the 3.0 SP2 Framework, those are also needed, maybe they are damaged or something, they are also listed under software and should be installed, atleast on WinXP
  23. I didnt read them and i dont plan to, some said its excellent some said it sucked, i dont care. Normally i dont read books to games, they smell like cheap merchandise money to me. There are better books to read anyway.
  24. ops i overlooked that, so if its final dont you want to make an article out of it? or do you need help with that?
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