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Everything posted by vlaka

  1. set this in your enblocal.ini UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=true see if it works next step is set it back to true and set this ExpandSystemMemoryX64=false see if it works Might also help to use the latest enb binary.
  2. skse is just as easy to get going. All you need to do is go to skyrim/data and create a folder called SKSE then inside the SKSE folder create a txt file, open it and add the following: [General]ClearInvalidRegistrations=1 [Memory]DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB=768ScrapHeapSizeMB=256 click file and save as. Name it to skse.ini and you're done.
  3. Obvious thing to do is not use those mods and see if it persists. Otherwise unless your HD isn't up to snuff to handle the data loading etc I'm at a loss.
  4. if you're using enboost make sure UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=true Looks like you're running an enb.
  5. remove the auto save manager. go to skyrimprefs.ini and make sure the following lines are all set to 0 [MAIN] bSaveOnPause=0bSaveOnTravel=0bSaveOnWait=0bSaveOnRest=0
  6. Eh it's not something everyone thinks would be the cause of their problems. Easy to overlook ;)
  7. Leave your papyrus settings alone. Do not allocate more time to them. If anything cap your fps to 40 or 50 so the engine doesn't have to work harder to render things at 60fps and can keep scripts firing somewhat healthily. It's weird but that's how it works. Again disable all auto saving features and just do it manually. Autosave on travel can cause CTD's and often when trying to load that save you get stuck in a perpetual load (won't load/hangs) There's a mod which assigns a save key to f11 (or whatever key you assign to it) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/17329/?'>here
  8. *shudders* Steam workshop... Like Qwerty suggested, find the NMM equivalent or don't use it all imo. Try and think back what the last mod you installed was. Could possibly be the cause.
  9. LOOT's order is never 100%. You do need to adjust manually. Here is a good basis. Replace the perma files with the skyre ones.
  10. run it through tes5edit and see what it reports.
  11. I'd have a look and disable any mods which would alter the terrain or anything to do with Herthfire. Have you cleaned your esms? Try turning off your home is my home and see if it works.
  12. still not understanding the problem. screenshot might help...
  13. you should turn off all auto saving features of skyrim and only save manually. Have you run your load order through ts5edit? Check to see if your mods need compatibility patches to work with Lakeview manor.
  14. go to your data folder and delete patchusmmaximus.esp
  15. those tweaks don't do anything related to that. are you using Requiem? the link to your modlist doesnt work. Use pastebin.
  16. something bust in your reproccer i'd assume. have you tes5edit'd your load order to see for any conflicts? Your load order is a little messy
  17. if you want to make modding easier tes5edit & wrye bash are mandatory :wink: Again make sure the files are in the correct directories. Also check if bEnableFileSelection=1 is in skyrimprefs.ini
  18. no need to optimize your textures. go to enblocal and change the line UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=true to UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=false and see if it lets you leave. If that doesn't work set ExpandSystemMemoryX64=true to ExpandSystemMemoryX64=false but you'll need to have UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=true IF that doesn't work then there's an issue with your character equipping the items LAL gives them when they transition from the room. It's happened to me a few times :/ More than likely it's the ENB being a poo.
  19. even disabling the esp's the textures can still be loaded. also might like to reorganise your load order to resemble something with a bit of order: here Your load order is a bit of a mess. IF you do reorder it run tes5edit to see if everything's good.
  20. converting console save to pc will always end in tears.
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