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Everything posted by vlaka

  1. Give this a try: Go inside where there's no npc's from TravellersOfSkyrim - Vanilla and save. Deactivate the mod, go back in game and save again. Use this to clean the save then load it back and try to exit whiterun.
  2. did you copy enblocal.ini and add the tweak like i mentioned before?
  3. Papyrus will rarely ever show you which mods are causing you to CTD and if you're constantly logging that can be an added crash inducer. 1. Don't alt tab out of Skyrim. Ever. 2. Drop Sounds of Skyrim and see how you go. 3. Get rid of safetyload if you're using skse 1.7.2 and enboost. It's made redundant by these. 4. Why no unofficial patches and have you cleaned your master ESMS?
  4. is SKSE installed correctly (copied into the Skyrim directory not the DATA folder)? Try running it as admin.
  5. delete your ini files and generate new ones by launching skyrim from steam and let it detect settings. turn off/change whatever you need to change in the settings then close and relaunch via skse. Disable all mods except unofficial patches and see if it load. If it does reactivate a few mods at a time to troubleshoot.
  6. go to settings>display and see if compass marker is turned on. Go to immersive hud mcm and enable toggle with keypress.
  7. That is a feature of Sneak tools where if you equip a bandit mask you are anonymous and can't interact with npc's. It pays to read the mod descriptions/readme files.
  8. Tes5edit and see if you're missing masters or any load order conflicts. LOOT's load order's leave much to be desired. You will need to reorder them manually.
  9. Yes it is. You also need the enblocal.ini file and if you don't plan to use the enb graphical effects to have this line as follows: UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=true
  10. how to ask for help are you using skse with it's memory tweaks and enboost? Depending on your system specs i'd dump the texture mods and see if the problem persists. Also if using mods which populate areas with npc's, enemies etc a bashed patch is in order.
  11. You don't an extra esp bogging up your load order ;) Simply use nvidia inspector or AMD equivalent, load up the Skyrim profile and set your desired fps. open up skyrim.ini and add ifpsclamp=x (where the x is put the value of the corresponding fps value from nvidia inspector) Both need to be the same to get a smooth result. I use 45 and it's nice.
  12. have you tried generating new ini's? If you're using an old enb with the new binaries you can get this issue. I had it not too long ago.
  13. I'd suggest not papyrus logging to be honest, they rarely ever show what causes your CTD's and use up some resources writing to your hd as you play. Also should use pastebin for linking to logs, ini's etc
  14. There's a button on the plugins tab of nmm that looks like this => click it and export to a txt file, pastebin the contents of the file. It'll make it easier to read.
  15. Were you using death alternative and removed it mid game? Sort your mods using LOOT then run tes5edit.
  16. You don't need a mod to disable the intro btw, just a line in skyrim.ini underneath the [General] section: sIntroSequence= If you've removed mods mid game then i'd say that's the cause. Try a save game cleaner here What version Skyrim are you using? Have you cleaned your esms?
  17. Not much to work with. Need more info like mods used etc...
  18. Run tes5edit to see where/if there's conflicts.
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