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Everything posted by vlaka

  1. did you follow the installation steps on the mod description page?
  2. have you cleaned your esm's? have you perhaps removed any mods which altered quests, vampires etc?
  3. How to ask for help can't help with no info sorry.
  4. you'd have to find a save before you initiate marriage and save. remove/deactivate the mod, load back in, save, exit and clean the save, load back in and try marry someone.
  5. what body mod is it? http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/976392-neck-seam-help/ http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1752763-fixing-neck-seams-with-texture-blender-in-mo/
  6. tes5edit that load order and then manually re-arrange some of the mods so they're 'more in line' with eachother. use this as a basis: link
  7. Lose the torch mods if you know or think they're the cause :wink: No use bashing your head against a wall if you know only bad will come of it. Using Live another life or Random Alternate Start all work well with skipping the intro. It'll be up to you as to how you get involved with the main story line. If you really want a semi decent stealth mod use Immersive Detection of NPC but be warned wolves, skeever, bears and some undead will have super sense :tongue:
  8. Try turning off all auto saving. you also have redundant mods in your load order...beast skeletons is one. WATER is all over the place in your load order and im not sure if realistic waters plays well with WATER and purewaters... Run tes5edit and adjust as instructed.
  9. silly and obvious question but have you set it as the active plugin? Did you add the other dlc's to the ck ini?
  10. befor you download a mod it's good modding practice to read through the comments to see if users are experiencing problems etc have a read through the comments section here Seems the mod breaks more than it fixes...
  11. Alternate Start Live another life or the more streamlined Random Alternate Start
  12. do you have a save before the quest initiates to drink her blood? If you do i'd try deactivating the werewolf mods, saving, trying to clean the save, load back in and take the quest and see if it works. Have a look at the following for a load order basis: http://pastebin.com/ujKQgbJk You might just have a few mods out of order etc
  13. Papyrus log will almost certainly never pinpoint which mod is causing the crash. Sometimes it's best not to log as all you end up doing is bogging your system down having to write to your hd while playing. Have you removed any mods during playthrough? Do you have a mod list? pastebin or spoiler tag it :)
  14. Good to hear :) You should also turn off all auto saving and remember to save manually :wink:
  15. Tes5edit will emulate a game start up and will warn you if there's missing masters or misplaced load orders etc Should make it common practice to run tes5edit after installing new mods or after sorting mods using MO/LOOT/BOSS you've got mods all over the place in your mod list. it's handy to have them in order based on category so to speak.
  16. drop the mods which affect killmoves and use violens instead. Pretty sure the camera is getting borked by these. Have a look at culling the ERSO modules. The immersive patrol module included in ERSO is ancient. Radiance and travellers and adventurers....they're more trouble than they're worth. Skytweak sometime doesn't work as intended too. Maybe try this mod out D13 Faster GET UP STAND UP animation Have a look at your TK mods...they could also be the cause of the glitching..they are pretty old and havent been updated in yonks.
  17. start by deactivating all your mods and starting up normally. Then one by one add in the mods.
  18. you don't want the game to run higher than 60fps so i'd look at capping it. Also based on the fps limit you impose might want to add ifpsclamp=60 (if limiting to 60 fps)to your skyrim.ini in [Display] section. Grab ssme/skse 1.7.2 with the memory block thingo and ENBOOST.
  19. check the body mod page for a seam fix.
  20. removing mods mid game can and will cause problems with saves. IF they use scripts these get 'baked' into saved games and even though you've uninstalled the game the save will still try and reference it...it's a massive flaw of the Skyrim engine. I use THIS as a basis for load orders. Of course you'd need to check on your mod pages if they're supposed to be in a certain order etc Tes5edit can help you find load order conflicts/errors and you can just adjust them via nmm/mo
  21. The spoilers for your papyrus log is empty. criss crossing on grass is from your ENB when you've set bShadowsOnGrass=0 in your skyrimprefs.ini Wow that's a lot of mods affecting the same things. Are you using a bashed patch? I'd start by disabling all your mods, loading in and see what happens. Reactivate a few at a time and see if it CTD's. Fairly certain you've got mods conflicting. Have you run tes5edit for any load order conflicts etc? Also it's not NMM which breaks games, more often than not it's the user :wink:
  22. if the error is missing master or that a mod needs to be loaded before another you can rearrange the load order in NMM/MO and then just rerun tes5edit to see if it's ok.
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