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Everything posted by TakaraPRG

  1. LOL .... there may have been a question. I told a friend if she wanted to romance Danse it might just be a better and more emotionally satisfying to make a Post apocalyptic Real Doll out of an empty suit of power armor and other collected junk then stick a simulated fun 'tool' on it.... :ermm: Might not fit in your bed but you know it has about the same romantic tenancies. *COUGHS* as for the OP ...yea man you have to wait for the GECK even then having watched animators work...you will have some time. The type of people who are whipping up these mods will make it happen with all your other deviant needs in time. Until such time you may want to just browse the interwebs for some Rule 34 stuff *chuckles* Or if she's playing on pc use the work around.....unequip all via the console to get the strange slenderman Danse and then either try to use furniture or else use a double bed (single might work, don't know). With the bed method you wake up and Danse is out of his armour which is standing at the bottom of the bed. From there you can make him wear whatever you want similar to any companion *LAUGH* Oh well that was a bit of a poke at how absolutely boring Danse was...and she agrees...But yes this could work! I will pass this idea along. Mainly there is the clash of liking Danse but not so much enjoying the BoS. I just wish they opened up more romance options. I mean...if a school teacher in Diamond city can marry a robot whycan't the player!
  2. LOL .... there may have been a question. I told a friend if she wanted to romance Danse it might just be a better and more emotionally satisfying to make a Post apocalyptic Real Doll out of an empty suit of power armor and other collected junk then stick a simulated fun 'tool' on it.... :ermm: Might not fit in your bed but you know it has about the same romantic tenancies. *COUGHS* as for the OP ...yea man you have to wait for the GECK even then having watched animators work...you will have some time. The type of people who are whipping up these mods will make it happen with all your other deviant needs in time. Until such time you may want to just browse the interwebs for some Rule 34 stuff *chuckles*
  3. I kind of think that is the point...they are rough improvised weapons....I feel it fits their whole over all look. To be honest I hate screws, to big, and block to much of my vision. But it's more of a reason to covet a nice well made and real gun. Which are steps up from pipe weapons anyway. But for awhile since they are so easily modifiable is their calling. I can understand your pain with them, but *shrugs* I feel they fit the over all look of the rest of the pip guns.
  4. The only Reference of any sort I've seen to the Mojave area is from one of the NPC's (Jack Cabot), and it's just an offhand comment. The main story has a small touch or two....the guy who shoots your spouse comes from the west. Well it doesn't say Mojave it's from the NCR area.
  5. I had this issue, I also still have scrap scrap still installed. However I found the solution to this issue. When my game would not let me sprint, changing zones solved the issue. Either fast traveling somewhere or entering a building that causes your game to load will fix the issue. ODDLY reloading saves...generally does not. I'm not sure why but this was my solution. It doesn't happen very often, but when it does i just fast travel to the same location i'm at, or one nearby and then i can sprint again.
  6. That's odd, I back mine all the way up against walls and haven't had this issue yet. I believe even the ones that you find at Red Rocket are usually like this as well, I'm pretty sure the default one at Sanctuary is against the wall isn't it? Anyway, I'm guessing you're using the extended building materials mod? the BoS ones you can't put against the wall or get trapped. The Regular ones like in redrocket are safe to put against the wall.
  7. I have had some luck with the console. Using the "markfordelete" command but this is something you need to be careful using. Save before.....and after the delete command then reload the after delete to see if you got the object you were trying for. I deleted alot of ground clutter around my buildings. I got some of the wires from telephone posts and what not. I also used a mod to clean up *scrap scrap mod* to get other stuff. I've made my home look pretty tidy. I was able to delete some of the bushes/hedges/pants with the combination of the mod and that console command. I also once deleted the concrete foundation of the ground i was building on. SO luckily I had a save from before the delete. So be-careful with it!
  8. I was having this issue after alt tabbing. i couldn't even loot stuff i was looking at. I would have to aim to the side of them. It was because I had alt tabbed. But it fixed itself when I restarted the game. Perhaps try playing with your ratio/resolution and changing it back.
  9. Hrmmm how/when did this happen? Make sure you don't have any effects on your char by using your pipboy and going to status. Then try fast traveling somewhere.
  10. So...I've played many hours of the game with out issue. Today I accidentally deleted my character....don't ask. ANYWAY I started a new character and I just got out of the vault. I was able to sprint but I loaded a game today and now I can't sprint. I run, I can toggle walk run....but I can't sprint where it used my APs. I've tried remapping the keys to other things but it still doesn't work. I did use the face ripper program that takes a face from one save and lets it apply it to another save. But I'm not sure if that did it. So does anyone know what might be going on? EDIT I loaded a previous save that I do still have...that character can sprint. They are still in Vault 111 my other save has no effects or anything that would slow them down. EDIT -2 OK problem solved.....I quick traveled back to Vault 111 and upon load complete my char was able to sprint again. Odd bug.....*shrugs* Problem solved.
  11. Are said pieces of armor destroyed? I realized that when I took off destroyed armor bits I couldn't put them back.
  12. Not sure this is something that can get tackled until CK comes out. Seems like a more complex model change that might require those tools. BUT yes I agree I remember someone fixing some stuff like this in FO:NV
  13. I suppose....but I guess If I was the owner of the team I would say....that is why I have you on retainer 365 to actually get the ones that ARE hurting us ;-) *laugh* But then I'm just that kind of jerk :laugh:
  14. You can profit through donations. Besides copyright protects the ideas of creative people aswell, not just profitable works. Fair enough points....sad days. Generally I would think a company would be happy to have people use my products as a kind of advertisement for my product so long as they weren't profiting off it with out paying me. *Shrugs* Makes me all sad face. Yep. When I saw the article about the MBL getting all steamed over the red sox uniform mod I was like why even make an issue over it? Sure he used your uniforms looks without permission but its free product placement for you. Oh well. As I mentioned earlier, a major league basball team is a large enough brand that they don't need free advertising. Hell, they charge people big money for clothing with their logos on it. Right, I would understand if Bethesda created the mod. Even why it was taken out of the original game as yea...Bethesda is a company using another company logo. But in this case it would be the equivalent of someone painting the Red Sox Logo on the wall of their garage. Would they contact their lawyers over that? If so....why? they are only hurting their own fans. I understand legally they have the right, I'm just saying it's a little silly to enforce it in this case. It doesn't really harm anyone and Bethesda didn't push this mod, nor is this mod leaning on any sort of market the Red Sox are currently selling official MLB versions of mods for video games. Nor could they in this case with out getting rights to sell their mod unless Bethesda gave em the go ahead.
  15. When I saw the title of this thread I instantly had a flashback to Skyrim "Perhaps you can make me a HIDE helmet...."
  16. You can profit through donations. Besides copyright protects the ideas of creative people aswell, not just profitable works. Fair enough points....sad days. Generally I would think a company would be happy to have people use my products as a kind of advertisement for my product so long as they weren't profiting off it with out paying me. *Shrugs* Makes me all sad face.
  17. Look it up, you can with the console. The best thing it doesn't became a town. No idea if followers will travel to them though. Don't forget the fast travel marker mat! I don't have any settlers in some places when I think about it, I lived in red rocket station for a full, real time day and helped the farm nearby, no one showed up to either of those. You can. I just said no, I have my own things to do. There is a quest log in my pip boy, but at least it not 15 towns. You can buy a house for 2000 caps in DC with a workshop to decorate it whatever you want. I like red rocket, but that place was fill of junk and trash. I also get attacked by super mutes and mole rats when I craft. The house also has roof area to chill and look over the city. It a nice place. That is where I set up a fortress. I just sent several people from other settlements to it. I get attacked rather rarely there but my guards and turrets deal with them post haste. I'm working a 24 hour shift today then getting in the car in the morning to drive out of town for Thanksgiving. So I won't be able to upload pics till I get back as I don't have the game on my laptop :-( But I built all around RedRocket and on the roof. I'm pretty sure the only part of it you can see with out being inside is the giant rocket on top *laugh* I even have a raised platform over the road that my guard posts are on with some turrets. I do wish there was a way to clean up some of the piles of garbage on the ground in some areas. But Mostly you don't notice it with the flooring I put in.
  18. Flanking ideas....think special forces. Perhaps you need heavy weapons that can maneuver more. If you sent a squad of special forces behind enemy lines you want them to be fast enough or strong enough to tote some heavier gear. But not slow or loud enough to draw a ton of attention. If you ever played Mechwarrior/Battletech you will know you can kill 100ton Assault mechs with 25ton scout mechs by keeping behind their larger but slower mechs or even pop up over hills and hit and run targets. Even now sometimes they throw heavier weapons on Humvees, even anti tank weapons. Firepower is good but sometimes maneuverability is king. At the start of WWII the Japanese zero was considered to be some of the best fighter planes out there. Basically just because they were light and maneuverable. It wasn't till later in the war the US deployed superior tactics and planes to beat them. From a military standpoint it would make sense that a conventional army may create a suit of 'light' power armor that may offer less protection than traditional power armor but offer other benefits. Perhaps even anti-traditional power armor role. The ability to confront them in an ambush with the ability to take a hit or do without instantly dying to a hail of minigun rounds ;-)
  19. Odd, I had this exact issue....even my crosshair wasn't in the right place I could put a target in my crosshairs and it would miss far to the side. The whole right side of my screen went black at the main menu. But after I restarted the game (quit to desktop and restarted) It solved everything. Have you checked the game setting on the splash screen on startup? Maybe try changing the graphical settings once and changing it back to what it should be for your monitor. I ....don't really see anything in the screenshot. Looks ok to me though.
  20. Yeah it handled badly, what if I wanted to have on scarp manor without making it a village? What I wanted to be with myself and my followers? Exactly, hell maybe my char just...was so broke down emotionally from everything they want to crush it all just to get to their kid? I agree, they just kind of forced some personality into the character which is kind of anti-FO in my opinion. I really like the building system. I've done MAGIC things with it I really have. I will have to upload a walk through of my main base I built. But I just don't like the idea of being in the middle of another quest and getting a message about my settlements under attack. If they have given you an option to just save Preston and crew and then....just forget about them it would have been nice. Basically HAVING to save some settlement and turn it into my home is kinda silly too. I wish they would let me just drop a Workbench somewhere and make my own home. I can see the difficulties that would cause. Perhaps if there was just some 'no build' zones to stop me from dropping turrets all over the map. But they could have turned any wilderness areas into possible base sights.
  21. Yeaaaa man I really hate how the game FORCES you into some of this. It's agrivating. It makes you feel like a dick if you ignore them. But I only have four settlements and I respond to them. It doesn't pop up all that often. I wish there was a way to not have to personally respond to EVERY incident. I wish I could just dispatch some Minute men to the issue. But.....Bethesda I guess wanted to shove the whole world building thing down our throats.
  22. Correct me if I'm wrong but the copywrite would only be an issue if the modder was profiting from these mods correct? I mean the company(nintendo) could issue a cease and desist if they like which you would be bound to listen to. But so long as he wasn't profiting from the mod I'm not sure there would be much of an issue. BUT....better safe then sorry for the website which I understand.
  23. LOL like five inches of brass with powder yea.....I never even thought about it but you are so right. I suppose they just do it for simplicity. I did always love the 7.62 Pistol in FO:NV
  24. Hey I'm not asking for bikini power armor. But being it's a video game I don't mind seeing some slightly feminine form in power armor like some of the inspirational pics I posed.(No skin showing in any of them) I like some of the in game armors and the combat armor look on women too. The ones I see on the loading screens look way better then the one's in game for some reason though. As for the PA though I don't even like the normal ingame armor. I just don't like the design most of it I find just...unappealing by look. I wish there was a more sleek male version too both genders need a more compact version of power armor that is more of a powered scout suit that adds some extra strength/speed at the loss of overall armor health that the normal PA has.
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