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Everything posted by mechatech

  1. Everything is about marketing and market share. About exclusivity or the perception of it. Eventually they'll release a super, gold, deluxe, all-in-one, ultimate edition for a dirt cheap price and laugh all the way to the bank while doing it. :devil: And a big thanks to the Nexus :thumbsup: Without which Bethesda's enjoyable but buggy games would have long gone to the recycle bin.
  2. I'm having problems with the FNV site and occasionally with the FO3 site as well. Pages failing to load if I open in a new tab. Can not endorse because I didn't download. Struggles to download with the popup window freezing or error messages, strangely no cut off corrupted files lately. And overall the sites are very slow including the forum. I'm using Firefox
  3. The mods were pulled by the authors because they violated EULA. No one complained, it's that they became aware that being able to use assets from one game in another without permissions even if those assets weren't uploaded violates copyright. More here - Porting content from other games.
  4. The developers of STALKER also allow porting of content to other games. There were (are) mods on nexus that have weapons, armor, creatures and soundtracks from STALKER for FO3 and FNV. The author of A Requiem for a Capital Wasteland pulled his mod because of this porting issue.
  5. I doubt it. Read this - Porting content from other games. Given the legal issues I think no one wants to help violate EULA.
  6. Here's how I understand it. A Tale of Two Wastelands was the prototype of A Requiem for a Capital Wasteland. They basically did the same thing, allow the player in New Vegas to visit the Capital Wasteland. I think there was a version that did the reverse. The prerequisite was that the user would have to have both games in their possession. Initially the mod involved a number of exe or bat files (I don't remember which) that would take the bsa files (meshes, textures etc) of each game and combine them into one super-game. Later the mod uploaded the assets of both games in encrypted exe form. This made sense given the sense of the files. The original exe or bat were a few MB in size while the later encrypted exe were GB sized, close to what the given assets from each game would be if combined. Later these mods were removed because they violated EULA of the game publisher. This makes sense in the case of the latter as it would make assets available to people who did not own the games. I read somewhere that the publisher did not actually own the assets but licensed them from sub-contractors (graphic artists, 3D modelers) who own the works and sold the rights of use to the publisher. The implication is that owners of games don't have the rights to take assets from one game and put it into another. Similar to cracking an exe or circumventing DRM for your own personal use; doing either of these is a copyright violation even if it's not released to the public. What I want to know is if I'm correct in my reasoning. That the EULA extends to the use of exe or bat files not just assets. If I make a mod that takes FNV resources and drops them into FO3 and release it then I make FNV assets available to those who don't own FNV. Makes sense that's illegal. Now if I make a mod that sits in FO3 and points to resources in FNV or instructs the user to take FNV assets and drop them into their FO3 folder but requires the user to own both games does this violate EULA? Edit: As usual I close the barn door after the horse has left. I found my answers here. Porting content from other games.
  7. I've played out FNV and now I have the excuse I need to keep it on my machine. :tongue: Here's hoping for a July 2 release. :thumbsup: I hope it's not too much longer, I'm going through withdrawal. :biggrin: From the posts here I get the impression that it is companion friendly.
  8. Sorry if this has been asked already. Will I be able to take companions? Can I revisit the area after the quests are done?
  9. It's in this mod: Kendos Raider Dolls. Thanks!
  10. What mod is the swimsuit for the second woman from the left? http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/images/1070971-1334334849.jpg
  11. Well its been a month and no reply. I sent an email to Kivanr asking for Quarn and no reply. Quarn writes in a document with his mod that permission must be given first but he has that rather vague statement on his member page. I give up. I don't need this hoop jumping headache to deal with. I got it to work for me, let someone else figure it out. :wallbash:
  12. Nice ideas. I never thought of it that way. Machine parts don't get tired, they wear and break. You would have to visit vendors for repairs in the same way you visit a doctor. Cyborgs need both food and a power supply, unless you have a converter that can convert food energy to electrical energy, you would have to carry energy cells as well as food until a converter was found and installed.
  13. One of my characters is a cyborg. After I left OWB I noticed that the sleep meter stayed at zero. I later found out that sleep is turned off for OWB because of lack of beds and will reactivate when she takes a nap back in the Mohave. Then I thought it would make sense if a cyborg could go without sleep and she hasn't slept since. :biggrin: Now I have an idea. The first concerns sleep in general. If you max out your sleep meter you die. As far as I know you would pass out from exhaustion first. If someone could write a script that it you reach max sleep deprivation you would get a message saying you are exhausted and pass out, screen goes black and you wake up 11 to 12 hours later. For a cyborg you could reach deadly sleep deprivation without ill effects, after that you would get a message advising to shut down your systems to recharge, 3 to 4 hours later (using any bed or a portable bedroll or even just sitting) and good to go. Ignoring this would bring about minor sleep deprivation. If you max out the meter you would get a message stating system are forcing a shutdown and like exhaustion you would reboot 5 to 6 hours later. Both scenarios could be dangerous if you pass out or shutdown in a bad place, like the deathclaw cave. In this case the script would bypass you can't sleep near enemies check or radiation check. Too bad I can't write scripts.
  14. Has anyone had this problem? I had EDE upgraded at the Mormon Fort not he won't fight. He just floats as I get attacked. Sometimes he will play the warning music but most times he will not. Before the upgrade he worked perfect.
  15. I have sent a message asking permission, but since he's been gone 4 months I don't know if I'll ever get a reply in a timely fashion.
  16. I managed to get the Vault-tec dimensional safe (a tech version of the bag of holding) currently on FO3 nexus ported over to FNV. Since the original author Quarn (uploader Quazzy) has gone on to Skyrim it appears he may not do this himself. From his profile page. "I will be modding The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and teaming up with Kivan once again to produce the Unofficial Skyrim Patch! I'm no longer working on The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion or Fallout 3, please feel free to do as you wish with my mods in those game (I'll be bringing over the Bag of Holding and Quest Award Leveler if applicable to Skyrim though!)." Is this sufficent permission for me upload my version, giving credit of course, or do I need to send a message? The last time Quarn was online was Dec of 2011.
  17. Problem solved. My download history needed to be cleaned out.
  18. I just had a 502 error now trying to visit this forum.
  19. I'm using Firefox 10.0.1 and I cannot download from any Nexus site. The browser locks and crashes every time. Firefox's download window opens but it shows time remaining as unknown with the progress bar frozen then the browser locks. I tried Firefox in safe mode to no effect. The file itself is in my folder but is corrupted. I have to use a utility to break Firefox's control over it so I can delete it. However I have no problems with IE. What might have happened?
  20. Does anyone know where I can get the sweater this character is wearing in the title image of this mod? http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=39917 Thanks in advance.
  21. Thanks to those that replied to my previous question. Now another one. Does anyone know where I can find Kvatch Rebuilt - OOO Compatibility patch? Kvatch Rebuilt mentions a patch but neither that mod nor OOO have it.
  22. Can anyone tell me where the room environments come from?
  23. http://i116.photobucket.com/albums/o38/mechatech/bracer.jpg I've managed to find a mod that uses the mesh http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20382 Exnem is given credit but links to the sites in question are both dead and I can't find anything else in Nexus. I wonder if Apachii Goddess Store might have them.
  24. Does anyone know what mod uses this bracer or forearm guard. Thanks. http://i116.photobucket.com/albums/o38/mechatech/bracer.jpg
  25. In that case then, the calender is business as usual. Thanks for the help.
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