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Everything posted by Belial666

  1. I think I know what might be the issue.I tested looking at my trees at a distance,and they look like trees,jsut less detailed.I have a feeling it's the way the mipmaps are being made.or were made with the tree textures.
  2. Sometime they are false positives,because of the way it works,or is packed.Just contact the site owner,and they can try to verify if it's a real threat or not.Noone needs those patches anyway,if they update the game.
  3. MS11CheatSTalkTriggerSCript is in the Activators in WorldObjects in the CK and is part of the murder quest in Windhelm.I don't think the "f*#@ingArrow" is part of Skyrim,possibly something added in a mod that points to something in Skyrim.esm,I couldn't find any reference to it in CK so far.I enabled logs,and it's not generating anything,so I guess I got no issues yet to compare to your's,lol.As for SkyUI errors,it's possibly cause you're using 1.6.9,and it was made for the 1.6.6 version.Sometimes they'll change a little something,or it points diff,but as long as there's no real issues in game,I'd just stop logging,and not worry about it.Too many ppl are focused on papyrus logs and save sizes,when they are having almpost no issues,but get paranoid,cause others have the issues.I have noticed,that the HiRes ESPs do cause CTDs and some graphics issues when entering cities if enabled,and none when adding BSA to ini so far for me. Update:Finally it made a log,and there was loads of errors.It seems cause some old mod info stays in the save,it'll show references are missing.So all the errors are nothing,unless they specifically causing a CTD,or glitches to the game.
  4. Are you using modified DLL for speed increases?There's some that have a preset adapter info in it.Also,disable all mods,and the hires pack if you got it,and remove ENB,if installed.Did you change the memory allocated to the video in the bios?It's probably set to 512,but should be atleast 1024.You'll be lucky to get 15FPS,though with that chip on Skyrim,there's a few ultralow res texture replacers that might help more.
  5. First try changing uiMaxSkinnedTreesToRender=60 to a big number like 100,200,etc,if not,any amount of trees after the first 60 will be low detail. You can test this to even out with other LOD settings,but might get laggy,or crash you: fMeshLODLevel2FadeTreeDistance=10000000.0000 fMeshLODLevel1FadeTreeDistance=10000000.0000 fTreeLoadDistance=10000000
  6. There is a few quests that you won't even realize started or finish without the patches,I was tearing my hair out til I finially gave in and installed em.They seem fine and don't cause issues,and can be unmarked with no sideeffects so far(I disable it temporarily sometimes cause they fix the wearing circlet and falmer helmet thing,but I like that issue,lol).The 314.07 drivers are the latest WHQL drivers from NVIDIA came out on the 18th.Right clicking the desktop,and choosing the nvidia control panel,you can access the 3d settings,and change settings.Here's a link to my settings http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/images/31119-1-1361660956.jpg Update,seems latest nvidia drivers only do 1,not 0 for max prerendered frames.
  7. I see you got a few mods that you only need one esp enabled for,like the Cloaks one.Use BOSS to check mod load order,and incompatibilities.
  8. Have you tried leaving all mods on,and only disabling one mod at a time?I saw you disabled texture pack 03,did you try with all 3 packs disabled,but all your other mods still active?You got a 550ti probaly 1GB RAM and with HD packs,and adding things like ambient occlusion on,8xAA,16xAF,and ENB can add to fps and stuttering issues.I'd also suggest make sure you're using the 314 drivers, try disabling threaded optimization(seems broken still) in the videocard drivers,and change the max prerendered frames to 0(can reduce some stuttering and mouselag issues).You can also try this to limit frames,maybe it could be the issue,it works for some people http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/34 .I see you don't use the Unofficial patches for scyrim and DLCs,is there a reason?As for cleaning,for a game it's way diff scenario than someone with cancer.Granted,it can be test cleaned,as long as files are all backed up,but possibly not the cause.My game is stable and FPS stay about 45-60 some times drops to 25 depending on where I am,since I know the limits of my system(Athlon II x4 610e,GTX650 1GB,4GB RAM,WinXP 32bit),and I got saves about 15M so far no issues and do not clean files.
  9. There is a problem with shadow striping.It's worse in some area,but not too bad in others.There's a few "fixes" but most jsut help lower how bad it is.Search for shadow striping fix,and something like realistic lighting overhaul helps some too.
  10. Under [General] in Skyrim.ini you can add uGridsToLoad=5,which is default,even if it's not in your ini file.Higher can let you see farther,but at a cost of performance,depending on machine,and HD texture mods with it higher can slow things down more.
  11. Also,different versions of SKSE need certain versions of Skyrim,so older SKSE may have issue if you haven't updated it after updating Skyrim.
  12. Make sure not to use the buttons to set the quality after editing,or they may revert back to original settings.If you changed the uGridsToLoad to lower than 5,then it needs to be changed back to 5,some use up to 7 to see farther.Only mess with it on a test save,cause it can make it unplayable sometimes,or cause stability issues when too high for your system. Try these values which are 2x to 4x changes: uiMaxSkinnedTreesToRender=80 fTreeLoadDistance=150000.0000 fMeshLODLevel2FadeTreeDistance=8192.0000 fMeshLODLevel1FadeTreeDistance=11376.0000 fTreesMidLODSwitchDist=20000000.0000
  13. <p>Use windowsupdate first and get it all done up,then update your graphics card drivers here <a href="http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/windows/legacy/Pages/legacy-radeonaiw-vista32.aspx">http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/windows/legacy/Pages/legacy-radeonaiw-vista32.aspx</a> .It looks like you might be using older drivers,maybe newer will help to start with.</p>
  14. You can increase the amount and distanceLook for these,and increase em: uiMaxSkinnedTreesToRender=20 fTreeLoadDistance=75000.0000 fMeshLODLevel2FadeTreeDistance=2048.0000 fMeshLODLevel1FadeTreeDistance=2844.0000 fTreesMidLODSwitchDist=10000000.0000
  15. They showed up for me,when I was running across lake.As soon as I got to other side,one flew into water,and back out and attacked.So it may be dependant on where you're walking at to trigger it.
  16. There is another post about changing bFloatPointRenderTarget=0 to 1 with ENB.They noticed with it at 1 they get the rings,and with it at 0 it's gone,but it makes a few other odd effects.Maybe changing it on and off will help you se if it's similar issue http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/924399-bfloatpointrendertarget-problem-with-enb-sun-glitchbug/
  17. That's a file made when remapping your controls.Have you verified files on steam?Are you using mods like ENB or something with SKSE?I'd reinstall skyrim if nothing else works,and see if it was just something corrupt.If nothing else,there's free screenshot apps out there to use.
  18. The servers could be slow getting the files.The premium server may be the main server for nexus uploads,then it spreads from there.Could also be first day for premium users,then after all others,cause the one from the 23rd are all fine.
  19. Looks like a few things need updating,and one you need the dawnguard version addon with it.SKSE is up to 1.6.9 now.I don't see the unofficial hearthfires patch.Also,you got one HiRes DLC pack marked as active.when all 3 should be marked to use the full pack,the numbering is jsut separate packs,not version numbers.There's also an unofficial patch for the HiRes DLCs also.
  20. Yes,it'll make it a .zip file and you can upload that.
  21. It looks like a videocard issue to me.Could be drivers need updating,or it's going bad,or a setting.Have you tried validating your files on Steam,or reinstalling Skyrim incase it has corrupt files?You can try taking out the RAM you added and see if it helps,maybe it was bad RAM.Do you have something that shows your computer specs?You list 32bit,but directx 11,and that's not possible.Also,32bit windows won't use more than 4G of RAM.Open Steam and look in Help,then system information.Lets see your operating system version,and videocard types,like this: Operating System Version: Windows XP (32 bit) Video Card: Driver: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650
  22. Try using BOSS to sort your load order,errors,and check for incompatibilities,and make sure Skyrim is updated to 1.8 version.You may want the unofficial patches only for the game and DLCs you own,if you haven't gotten them yet.Also,some mods need certain DLCs,or other external things,like SKSE,ENB,etc.You can post your BOSS log,use spoiler tags since you got so many mods.
  23. Use zip,rar,or 7z to compress your mod.Windows has a buiilt in zip compression,should jsut right click and add to zip,or there's free ones for other types.You don't have to rename things or it'll get confusing for people.
  24. Have you tried reinstalling the game,and/or verifying files on steam?Try deleting ControlMap_Custom.txt ,and see if it helps,it's in the Skyrim installation folder.
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