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Everything posted by Belial666
More than likely it's a script issue in the mod,or incompatibiity with another one that mods same scripts.Let the mod author know you're having issues,and send your mod list so they can see if something else is causing the issues with their's.
Do you play other games,and are they having issues?I'd test and see,cause if you ran ultra settings with lots of HD mods,and now it's barely 40 on low,thencould be getting bad vram.Does windows seem to work fine?Have you tried other videocard tests?.Also,you don't need to mess with the EXE,cause the latest 1.8 already fixed all that.Also,have you tried a clean vanilla skyrim without installing anything else(putting texture/mesh replacers and mods,and disabling them still will use some of the files)?Also,what driver are you using,the latest beta 13.2?
I'm about where you are Skull,LVL46 260+ hours of play.Mine is 13.6M,and I'm getting Dragonborn soon.I'm not worried,though,cause I think it's something else causing issues with ppl,since saves jsut get the game going,and shouldn't effect gameplay itself.Thoguh I guess corrupt save could add multiple items and cause lots of excess clutter if glitched the wrong way(imagines 1000 dragons loose in his home on loading,lol)
Cause that mod don't disable simple blur or Depth of Field.I tihnk the DOF is part of what's doing it.you can disable it in INI.Just change bDoDepthOfField=1 to bDoDepthOfField=0,and see if it helps.If you got a save before you tried that,then I'd suggest not using the spell.
Textures suddenly appearing ( Especially tree-textures )
Belial666 replied to Fixxer99's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Maybe your card is pushed too hard if you're using a bit of super high res textures.Did this happen on skyrim with no mods at all? Have you checked videocard settings?Here's mine on the GTX650 .I also use ultra settings in Skyrim,but drop AA to 4x,and AF to 2x. -
It looks like some kinda stuck effect that uses a high depth of field.What exactly does the spell do?Looks like a nighteye effect or something.The spell could be glitched in the script,if it's only supposed to be temporary,probaly best to not use the spell.
Mine does that on nirnroots.It don't matter with FXAA,AA 2x,AA 8x,or all off.I tihnk it's something with the particle engine,maybe low quality texture for it.What videocard did you change to?Same chip type,or different?Maybe you jsut never noticed before,or had a mod that overblurred glow things.
Textures suddenly appearing ( Especially tree-textures )
Belial666 replied to Fixxer99's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
What setting did you use,what tweaks did you do to INIs,and what mods are you using?Are you using the latest beta drivers? -
can you post a screenshot?Does making new game have the same effect?Also,try disabling the mod and seeing if the blur is gone.
Just play in offline mode.I tihnk achievements still count,atleast mine do
There is a online ini maker.I dunno how well it works.A few others use it,so it might be ok to use. http://online-source.net/tools/cfg-makers/skyrim-cfg-maker/
I dunno if there's one that adds ingame,you gotta use CBBE and bodyslide to make the mesh to use.Here's the added sliders for it http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11920 .There's a few more I tihnk,jsut type bodyslide in the search.
Maybe try installing the better females after children of the sky.I tihnk COTS replaces female player character too,incase you wanted to play as one.
Did you turn off FXAA in launcher and in your videocard drivers?If you're using ENB or another injector,did you try disabling them?Is depth of field too much?
Are you using mods,and tried disabling them?Do you got the unofficial patches installed for the game,and DLCs you own?
I tested without it,and it still needs it,since I actually CTD with the latest HD pack loading cities.With the fix,no texture issues,and no CTDs.The thing is,most ppl won't ever notice the few glitches it actually ever had,so will never need or know it.
FOr some reason,shadows aren't removed in INI,there's a esp that removes it on nexus somewhere.The only thing I see is the shaking of shadows cause of light sources,tyhat one wall looks like it's glitchy a bit,but there's no 100% fix for all shadows.
You also have the unofficial dragonborn patch,but no others,and should have allof them,it's not an all in one,if oyu have dawnguard,and hearthfires.If you don't own those,you need to disable all plugins that need DLCs you don't have.And like the other person said,BOSS will help figure out load order,and plugin issues/incompatibilities.
You add the bsa in the Skyrim.ini,and disable the esp in the data files of launcher.Should look like below,I put mine in Skyrim_default.ini in main skyrim folder instead.Make sure you get the updated Official HighRes pack from steam first,if you didn't. [Archive] sResourceArchiveList=Skyrim - Misc.bsa, Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Skyrim - Textures.bsa, HighResTexturePack01.bsa, HighResTexturePack02.bsa, HighResTexturePack03.bsa, Skyrim - Interface.bsa, Skyrim - Animations.bsa, Skyrim - Meshes.bsa, Skyrim - Sounds.bsa sResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Voices.bsa, Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa
If you looking in vanilla menu,there's none.You have to look for one that enhances the menu,and check what they are compatible with,and what is required.
I tihnk it's different for everyone.I had the issue until I installed patches.I don't own dragonborn,so it's not jsut dragonborn related.I think there was supposed to be a limit on dagon souls,and then all other dragons weren't giving them.So patches made it so all dragons gave em no matter what.Skyrim.esm,and Update.esm aren't showing in my data files,,but I tihnk BOSS is what ppl using to see it. My load order: HearthFires.esm Dawnguard.esm Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp Unofficial HearthFire Patch.esp Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp
Your videocard is holding you back.Like korun said,one with 1GB+ will help.For AMD or NVIDIA cards,make sure the last 2 numbers are 50-60 for mid/high card,or 70-90 for higher end(examples AMD 7850,or GTX660).
I got a 13.6M save after 260 hours with no issues.I got hearthfire,dawnguard,the highres packs,and the unofficial patches.I tihnk the issue is something else,maybe drives need defragging more,or something else in background running hidden(disk optimizer,live av/spyware,etc),piece of hardware slowly going bad.I can see CTD or slow loading could be blamed on save loading,but I dunno if playing can be.It could just be I'm on a XP 32bit,so a 32bit game is stable on it.
LOD: Trees and ground objects, Fix around?
Belial666 replied to Fixxer99's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
What quality are you using,videocard,mods,tweaks?Cause what you are saying sounds kinda like it's playing in low quality setting. -
How did you check load order,with BOSS?I tihnk someone said apachii hair is incompatible with one of the race menu mods,I don't remember which.Also,did oyu try loading the save without dragonborn enabled to see if it changes still?