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Everything posted by Belial666
Yes,here's the link to show how http://www.creationkit.com/ImageSpace_Modifiers
What is wrong with my lighting? [Small video included]
Belial666 replied to forthemods08's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
With the setting at 3500,I don't see the issue til I'm way back farther than you go(I gotta be in water beyond the dock).In the city,at 14000 setting,I can see the guards with torches clear across the way when standing at the orphanage.So I'm taking it it's something with the mod doing it,cuase I don't use any mods,other than body replacers.Have you tried using BOSS to look for incompatibility,or load order? -
What is wrong with my lighting? [Small video included]
Belial666 replied to forthemods08's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
You can manually try incrasing the light LOD,changing fLightLODStartFade=3500 to 7000.It's not shadows,looks like the distance the light starts,but if 7000 don't work,try 14000,if nothing,then it's something in a mod,cause my lights seem ok at a far distance and it don't mess with framerates too much,maybe a few fps difference. -
Does oyur PRTSC work in other games,or jsut taking pics of the desktop,since it coulda got disabled?Did oyu search for the files,incase it moved elsewhere?They'll be named like ScreenShot#.bmp similar to other apps I'm sure.
What is wrong with my lighting? [Small video included]
Belial666 replied to forthemods08's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Since we don't know your settings,or hardware,we can only guess.You can use the Skyrim Launcher,and goto Options,Advanced,and View Distance tab,and set iit farther,it maxes at 35.Does it do it with mods disabled,without ENB? -
The uGrdiToLoad tweak shouldn't affect in a city.Backup oyur saves and try changing it back to 5,and see if it helps.Windows mode will be slower,even if it helps mouse smoothing.On another thread,FiftyTifty put a link to a dll/cfg that can possibly help,it helped some on another person's issue http://www.kegetys.fi/dl.php/d3d_antilag101.zip
Remove that mod,backup your INIs,and let game make new clean ones.Then change/add in Skyrim.ini under [Display] bAllowscreenshot=0 to bAllowscreenshot=1 and it should use the Print Screen key,and save em to the Skyrim directory.Is there a reason you needed that mod other than screenshots?
It's possible it's something with physics causing the issues.that many trying to knock in eachother,even if they look stable,probaly has to calculate alot,especially if you add more and suddenly they gotta all move in a cramped space.Coujld be why the other things move around too,cause of bounding boxes,with so many around.Have you tried multiple coffins,so there's one per gem type?
Have you tried finding the flip queue size set it to 0,and/or read about changing CPU affinity for TESV.exe?Also,did oyu check and make sure your performance settings has proccessor and memory usage set to programs,and not background?
make a backup of it,so if it does have issues,you can atleast go back.My saves are 14.5M and no issues whatsoever.I don't have dragonborn or a ton of mods though.
You need to probaly add texture in your 3D program to the model,before exporting obj file,so it makes a material file.I ususally jsut do texture changes with hifskope,not models.Probably shoujld check or askin hifskope forum,proably get better and faster help.
Since you're jsut having jerky mouse movement,then that dll might help.I dunno if AMD has it,but nvidia has a setting called "Maximum pre-rendered frames" which limit how many frames ahead it buffers,and reducing it to 0 removes input lag.
Well,they respawn,so it's not like there's only 1 of them.You need big antlers if you have the Hearthfires DLC,so faster to hunt,than buy since not many ppl sell em.
The lines,or stair stepping,also called tearing,they'd go away with vsync on.Maybe try on different quality settings.Your anisotropic filtering is too high,and that can cause some of the issues.It's mostly to sharpen textures at a distance,so higher the more power it needs,and 2x-4x is ususally all that's needed,especially on laptop.I woujld also disable FXAA and use 2x or 4x AA in launcher.What are your videocard driver settings?I'd reccomend setting the video drivers to "use application setting" where you can.Are you using any hires graphics mods like HD 4k,or body mods with high res textures,graphics extenders to see farther?Did you do any tweaks to your INIs like uGrids?Might wanna disable mouse acceleration change bMouseAcceleration=1 to bMouseAcceleration=0 in your skyrimprefs.ini .Atleast you're getting over 30 fps,just gotta get rid of the stuttering.Make sure you also don't have any live antivirus/spyware scanning,disk optimizers,etc in background.Might also wanna try defragging your harddrive too.This should be a good strting point.
I'm guessing that the laptop possibly has an intel cpu in it,maybe an i5.Without more of an idea what it's running on,or any other settings and mods,driver versions,we're shooting into the dark. The running FRAPS and game getting better seems to be common issue with others,and setting affinity helps almost everyone with the issue,when searching the web and other forums,even a few ppl here has said it.There's also another tweak that ppl use for core parking,which helps a few others.Enabling vsync may not help much,but it's something to try. BTW,FiftyTifty,your link seems to be bad for the antilag thing,probaly old link or something.It's not pseudo-techie tips,it's things to try that's been tested by others,and hopefully can work for them also.Without knowing more about the system,we can only guess at what may or may not work.
Show your BOSS load order.With things missing,it's almost like oyu removed mods,or have mods installed that needed certain DLCs.Example is DLC2BenthicLurkerFXSCRIPT,and an adoption one is showing which needs Hearthfires.
I tihnk you need to find BSShaderTextureSet under BSLightingShaderProperty which is under NiTriShape.That's where the textures are set at as far as I know.Like I said,I don't mess with it much,but it's what I edit when changing things.
In SkyrimPrefs,change iPresentInterval=0 to iPresentInterval=1 to set vsync on.Also,shoujld be a setting in driver control panel
Check your performance settings in Windows and make sure memory and processor scheduling are both set to programs.On XP it's in System Properties,Advanced tab,then in Performance,and in that wondow Advanced tab.May be similar on other ones,I dunno. Update: I was searching for something else,and see something interesting.I know others said it here too.It's something to do with CPU affinity.Some ppl have issues trying to use multiple cores,but when forcing Skyrim to one core it speeds up.So in theory,fraps filling the other core would help.Maybe force Skyrim to use 1 CPU core would help.In Task Manager you can right click Skyrim and set to use only 1 core. http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/window-on-windows/change-the-processor-affinity-setting-in-windows-7-to-gain-a-performance-edge/5322 under [General] in Skyrim.ini you can try adding this line: iNumHWThreads=1
Just make sure all the textures are pointing to the right place in nifskope.If you can see texture in nifskope,then you should see it ingame.I don't paly with it much,but could be the problem,if it's not seeing textures.
I only used older FRAPS,and had issues with it where the quality in 3d would drop.Maybe it was the apps I used being pushed too hard,lol.Try setting vsync on in drviers,and/or iPresentInterval=1 in your skyrimprefs.ini ,and see what happens.
I mistakenly put it for the wrong type of adaptive vsync.I don't believe in practice what they are saying is true,but it's good that they are reading papers and telling what theoretically should happen.I don't get the results in realworld gameplay,though.My framerates are not locked to 60 or 30 with vsync on in drivers and in the game.I also disable triple buffering,since it does cause mouselag when on for me.Maybe my PC likes me and don't follow rules to get the best experience,lol.
What are your hardware specs,mods and DLCs you use,and skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini settings?I think your PC could possibly be lowering quality to let FRAPS try to keep up,but not sure.
Try without the mod,remove textures and everything that goes with it.Also,try using BOSS to see if there's conflicts.If you got alot of mods that add extra graphics,extends views and/or lots of textures over 2048 size,might be part of the issue.
On quad core you should change iNumHWThreads=5 to iNumHWThreads=4 (or 2 if you only wanna use 2 cores).The 5 is probaly confusing the poor game a bit. You're also overclocking,and Elder Scrolls(and quiete a few others) games don't like overclocking alot. If you haven't,use BOSS for load order and compatibility check for the mods. Also,no matter how awesome a PC,there's areas that just have issues and drop framerates alot with no reason at all.I tested that same area in Markarth and get the same 1/2 framerate drop.So it's possible it's jsut something that's not been fixed yet. Also,30FPS should be no issue at all and cause almost no lag with mouse,I only get some mouse lagging with 20FPS or less. As a test,backup your INIs,and let it make new ones on Ultra setting,do your tweaks,but only to ones that are already in the new INI,don't add new ones,then only add the uGridsToLoad=7 so it don't cause issues with your save. hylskrik - vsync only limits FPS to monitor refresh and full screen cycles.Adaptive half rate vsync will drop it in 1/2 if the FPS isn't reaching the full refreshrate.I dunno if AMD cards have that,since I use an NVIDIA card.