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Posts posted by TheOutlander

  1. oh yeh and how do you do those black stuff to cover up spoilers

    [spoiler*]YOUR TEXT[/spoiler*]


    Just remove the stars from the boxes and put what you want to hide in the "YOUR TEXT" bit.


    Like so:



    And the great giant squirrel proclaimed that the Megaton bomb was in fact an acorn genetically engineered by a top secret AI entity who resided on an ancient alien Carrot Mac computer...


  2. Not to mention that if you choose to be the "good guy" with Tenpenny Towers (as I did the first time) and talk them into letting the ghouls live with them.......

    those arseholes then decide to slay everyone! Even if some of them were pretty arrogant and annoying there's no call for that and it really irked me. Next time around, of course, I slew the ghouls instead.


    There is a way to do that without them killing everyone (waste Roy after you say they can move in - though Tenpenny dies anyway but the others get to live with the Ghouls...).

  3. Moira doesn't die. She becomes a ghoul. She is apparently out trying to do the work herself for her guide when you blow up Megaton, and returns to so much radiation she is transformed. You can find her in the Underworld if you've been there, or Rivet City if you haven't.

    That is assuming you didn't murder her before setting off the nuke of course.

  4. I slaughtered everyone (then dismembered the corpses) and looted everything from Megaton before I blew it up (at a very early level too - seems NPCs are pretty weak combatants), so no I don't feel any guilt for blowing up a corspe littered town. I think I've had to revert to a earlier save like 20 times just because I got sick of the Tenpenny crowd though (ie a kept slaughtering them so needed them back to trade with their shopkeeps). My guy makes the Talon Company look like heroes...


    Once I'm finished with this character I think I'll make a Cannibal Swordsman...

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