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Posts posted by TheOutlander

  1. When I login to Fallout3Nexus with this account it goes to IPS Driver Error. I can go back to F3Nexus homepage but I just can't login. Can somebody help?

    There is allot of IPS Driver errors at the moment, it's not just you so don't worry.

  2. Not really, most members download about a hundred or two, and do so in a short period of time, have no intention of rating or commenting under any circumstances. Our membership is 1139806 and the total post count inccluding ratings and comments is 1081052 less than one post per member. So that is born out by the numbers.


    While they may never post, they will use/abuse features because they can and that is invisible.

    Could always attach it to an invisble odd number endorsement count (7, 9, 13, 17 etc). So that when a member reaches that hidden number they get access to the search your download/rating history by month feature. Would be pretty difficult to spam endorse to get that feature too, what with the three hour wait after downloading.


    Doesn't really matter though, it's only a suggestion. Though you might want to pass on that display download history by month thing rather than single page of entire history, even if only premium members benefit from it. To save the system when loading massive download history pages like yours and all.

  3. If we make all features available to all members, what is the incentive for being a premium member. The kindness and generosity greatly help to defray the costs of the site. The download history is stored on the servers, but only the last month is displayed, premium users view their entire history if they want to.

    It wasn't really an issue of the fact that premium members had something everyone else didn't. I'm fine with premium members having all sorts of perks, they earned them afterall being able to donate money to the continuation of the site and all.

    It was just the limiting of viewing entire download history to just the premium members that didn't make much sense to me. Seeing as that didn't really encourage non-premium members to rate files they have downloaded ages ago and forgot about (ie you play with something in your game for so long you forget it's a mod added thing).



    If everyone had this ability it would bring the site to it's knees immediately, it is extremely asset intensive. Dark0ne can give you the details on the actual amount of lines that have to be checked, but it is a massive amount. This fact alone makes it not feasible for all users.


    I can't even look at mine, as it takes too long to load......as it is one continuous page....after waiting for 10 minutes I just gave up. My case is the extreme, I have downloaded every file on this site at least once.....if it was up for at least 48 hours, over the course of time that is over 26,000 file pages and an untold number of individual files.



    Ah ok the technical infeasibility does make sense. Though it's kind of odd that it's set up to load as one page rather than allow you to pick a month and get the history loaded for just that month.

  4. Having to be a premium member just so you can look back at all the modifications you have downloaded and rated beyond a month (reseting as soon as the 1st of a new month comes around) is not wise and does not encourage non-premium users to rate mods that they have been using for a long period.


    I myself very rarely rate/endorse modifications until I am quite intimate with their use. For me this process can take quite awhile, seeing as the Fallout world is so big and you can only concievably use so many things at once (for example armour mods - your character can only wear one set of armour at a time). Then there is the fact that many modders constantly update their work and some people like myself like to wait until the final version before endorsing. Plus I'm a forgetful male without a father.


    Now this might seem like a "non-premium" whine but it's not really just about me it's about everyone being able to support and endorse the mod authors and their works. Heck we already have to wait three hours before we can endorse a mod, how many people actually remember to come back afterwards to endorse after three hours?


    To me it seems like you'd actually want people to endorse mods they have been using for a long time and are happy and intimate with, but that's just not the way the system is setup. Plus it seems like a pretty daft "perk" for premium users...


    Edit: Oh yeah the suggestion... change the system so that all users can see their entire download and rating history to encourage non-premium members to rate more.

  5. It won't be done but there is a script in the CRI mod that could fake it.


    What it does is when you unsteath the weapon the sheath/holster apparel item is switched for an empty variant, and when you re-steath it's switched for a variant with the weapon in it. Also the weapon is setup in Nifskope like WMK laser pointer equipped weapons so that when the weapon is sweathed the on the hip weapon goes invisible so that it looks like you actually put the weapon in the steath. Even if your hands went nowhere near it...


    That sounds like it might work. Could I get you to post links to this CRI mod? I can't seem to find it.



    It's the CRI Mk23 Pistol and CRI Machete that use said script.

  6. Blowing up the Mobile Crawler is a tactically moronic thing to do anyways. All that tech gone to waste. I mean you've already went through it and cleared it of Enclave forces... then there's the satelite nukes you waste doing it...


    Also it's funny how the Enclave didn't just use said nukes on the Citadel themselves, they already had it targeted...

  7. It won't be done but there is a script in the CRI mod that could fake it.


    What it does is when you unsteath the weapon the sheath/holster apparel item is switched for an empty variant, and when you re-steath it's switched for a variant with the weapon in it. Also the weapon is setup in Nifskope like WMK laser pointer equipped weapons so that when the weapon is sweathed the on the hip weapon goes invisible so that it looks like you actually put the weapon in the steath. Even if your hands went nowhere near it...

  8. I send the Orbital Strike to the Citadel, I hate the DC BoS. To bad for Sarah she attackt me :rolleyes: I had to kill her.


    And the Overlords I go to Vats and shot there weapon out of there hands, after that you can slap them around like Baby's.

    The best way to take down an Overlord with a Tri-beam Lasergun without mashing the condition of their weapon is to get a fast high crit melee weapon and just jump in their face hacking and slashing.

  9. @Slof save US

    Lol strangely enough, after exiting the satilite tower and the Brotherhood Chopper lands, the crawler still explodes. Like a bunch of mini nukes going off on the top of it. Of course it doesnt get the orbital strike wammie, but still blows up lol. SO either way, crawler gets whipped. Im just a tad conused as to how it blew after leaving satilite tower, I sure didnt set any demo charges lol.

    The Brotherhood used captured Vertibirds to do a bombing run on the Crawler.

  10. Anyone else choose to whip put the Brotherhood with the Orbital Strike?

    Lol I feel so alone in the wasteland now haha.

    I blew them up, because I didn't want any faction having enough power to dominate the Wasteland except of course for my character.


    After I blew up the Citdael I went to my Tower and was attacked by Star Paladin Cross so I had to kill her. Then I decided to hunt down every last BoS member in the Wasteland (including that guard in the Taft Tunnels).

  11. I don't suppose you would be willing to make a Stormtrooper Armour suit, there is a clone suit supposedly on the way said it was "coming soon" though that was back in June, still "Coming Soon" for a mod can vary wildly.


    the OP seems to suggest using the meshes from Battlefront II or something... which would be a bad idea, I really liked the Hapslash mesh which is a mod for Jedi Knight II and Jedi Academy, it's the only video game Stormtrooper suit that got the Helmet right and not deformed.

    I don't fulfill requests anymore. You do the work put it up for people to download and then they don't even properly endorse you for it.

  12. I suggest showing a pic of it, it will get you more replies.


    Its a nice idea, but you'll find not many will take it on, mainly cos it doesn't fit with the lore,

    Not quite. It has nothing to do with lore, it's to do with what modders want to do with their time instead.


    Btw where is your avatar from, it's pretty cool?

  13. no im not recon lol ;D

    but that armor will be what he will wear one day :P

    So you two are working on it together?


    It's just I got the impression that SpektralRecon was the original author of that model (due to him posting WIP stuff of it on teseyecandy.co.uk forums), but your JaySuS tag on it leaves me alittle confused.

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