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Everything posted by iXenite

  1. Maybe this is something you'd like? Deadly Wenches: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/60625/? There's also this mod, but I think it only adds one additional group of "friendly to the pc" bandits. Beautiful Bandits: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/66915/?
  2. Could you post your load order, specs, and other important information? Not a whole lot to work with here. Also, when you say your game "won't start" does it just Crash to Desktop (CTD) or does it have an Infinite Loading screen? If it's the latter, then try Safety Load. It could be your high resolution textures slowing the game down, thus causing the infinite loading screen (if that is your issue of course, if not, disregard the explanation). Safety Load: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/46465/?
  3. Okay. Could you list your specs and load order?
  4. Maybe try rescanning your games? Also, where have you installed your game? ProgramFilesx86 maybe? Perhaps Windows' UAC is messing you up. Also, make sure NMM is set up to handle NXM links (the download with manager button). If all else fails, you could just make a folder called "Fallout 3 Mods" and "manually" (you can put it anywhere you want, I'd suggest your Games folder) download all of the mods you want and put them in that folder. Then, go to NMM and click that green plus symbol to add your mods from the folder you made. This should work without fail. Also, consider using a different browser. I had trouble using Firefox when I started using Mod Organizer, and had to switch to Chrome. I know you're using Chrome, so it's not too likely you're having browser issues, but it's worth a try right?
  5. Can you get Aela's Animal Extermination quests? If so, then here is some console commands to get you started on the Totems of Hircine. "If Aela won't give you the first totem quest, check the status of this quest with the console command "sqs cr12". If both Stage 0 and Stage 1 are marked as completed (with a 1 behind the respective stage), use the console command "resetquest cr12". It is recommended to do this after handing in an Animal Extermination quest but before asking for more work." Source: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Totems_of_Hircine#Bugs I suggest looking at the "Bugs" section of the page I linked, it has a few ways to get things going with the Totems quest-line. Maybe those will help. At the very least, you might be able to do the whole quest through console commands. It's cheating - but if it works... Also, couldn't seem to see any conflicts in your load order. None that jumped out at me anyway. Although, I couldn't read the full title of all of them, but that's okay - I got the gist of it.
  6. I wish you the best of luck. I really hope everything works out, I know it can be frustrating sometimes dealing with support.
  7. Gopher doesn't do any voice acting (that I'm aware of), but his mic is superb. He uses the Rode Podcaster. Rode Podcaster: http://www.amazon.com/Rode-Podcaster-USB-Dynamic-Microphone/dp/B000JM46FY Example of Rode Podcaster audio quality:
  8. It seems Death Alternative only adds a bleed-out state for the player character. At least as far as I can tell. I don't think Better Vampires has one either, but it' been a while since I've used that mod. What is your load order? I'd be curious to see if it's something else. Also, I suggest downloading both Death Alternative and Better Vampires manually to your desktop. Take a look inside their file structure, find out which folders they populate in your Data folder, and make sure everything inside those folders is gone from your games files. After that, try a new save and see if the problem persists.
  9. Safety Load: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/46465/?
  10. It looks like you have a lot of missing scripts from what I can tell from your Papyrus log, maybe a script cleaner will help. Try running TESVEdit, it may help you find out which mod is causing your game to crash. If it stops on one of your mods before finishing loading all of your other mods, that is the one that's the one TESVEdit picked up as causing you issues. Also, consider verifying cache integrity. This Reddit thread has some people talking about various Script Cleaners, maybe it can point you to one you like. There's even a tutorial there: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/2ya4gl/savegame_script_cleaner_vs_savegame_script_scalpel/ TESVEdit: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25859/? Verify Integrity of Game Cache: https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=2037-QEUH-3335 Also, have you added thse lines to your SKSE.ini? [General] ClearInvalidRegistrations=1 [Memory] DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB=768 ScrapHeapSizeMB=256
  11. In regards to Purity though, are you still a Werewolf? If so - the mod author of the Companions Guild mod you have has set Purity to not become available. As for Aela, that does make things harder. I can't really find or think of anything that could cause that bug. It could be, like you said, that all most Companions Guild Quest-line missions are bugged. Could you share your load order? It would be nice to see it, one of your other mods may be breaking this mod.
  12. Are you playing in Windowed Mode? There is a chance that Windowed Mode is on, and since you're playing at a high resolution (I'm assuming) it will look weird. Make sure everything in your Skyrim Launcher is how it should be.
  13. What's your load order? When you say the latest version of NMM, are you referring to 0.06.13? There is a chance NMM made mistakes when handling your mods when you made the transition. Have you run LOOT? If not, it couldn't hurt. Also, if this is a problem caused by your mods then consider running TESVEdit. It's a good troubleshooting tool, and one of my favourites. Just run the tool, if it stops loading your mods, the last one it loaded is the one causing trouble. However, it may not pick up anything in this case as it usually is more suited for CTD's and stuff. Still worth a try though. TESVEdit: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25859/?
  14. Try Saftey Load. Maybe it'll stop the Infinite Loading screen. Saftey Load: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/46465/? As for FPS loss, what are you specs? What is your load order? Does this problem occur on a brand new save game? If you're intrested in trying a new save, I suggest picking up an alternate start mod to remove the chance of any mods messing up the Vanilla Intro Alternate Start - Live Another Life: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/9557/? Also, have you added thse lines to your SKSE.ini? [General] ClearInvalidRegistrations=1 [Memory] DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB=768 ScrapHeapSizeMB=256 Maybe these will help performance. Maybe. The first one will lower the chance of save bloat. The second will help the memory allocation within Skyrim, thus lowering the chance of slowdown and crashes in the middle of your game session. Hope this helps, good luck. :)
  15. Have you made sure that the main plugin (Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp) is below Enhanced Skyrim Factions: The Companions Guild? Also, from what I read about the "Purity" quest line, it seems you need to be "cured" of Lycanthropy before Farkas will give you the quest. Also, have you ever fast-travelled back to Jorrvaskr (if you have a map marker mod) to complete a quest? The mod author states that's something that shouldn't be done, and if you did, maybe that messed things up. Posting the rest of your load order may be helpful.
  16. What body textures are you using? It's possible they may not be compatabile with BodySlide. That's usually what causes weird nipple texture issues when it comes to different bodys. Although, I've never used BodySlide, so I could be wrong.
  17. Maybe try deleting everything to do with New vegas on your PC and then reinstalling the Ultimate Edition. Also, reading some stuff on the Steam Forums seems to suggest that you can contact Steam support and explain your situation and ask them to remove the Cut Content version of New Vegas from your account. This should mean that your Ultimate Edition will be truly Uncut, and won't just patch itself into the Cut Content version of the game. Hope this helps. Source: https://steamcommunity.com/discussions/forum/24/46476691392821046/
  18. Run TESVEdit. If it stops on one of your mods before finishing its loading process, that is the mod not working right. It's one of my favourite troubleshooting tools. Also, there are some script error logs you can read. TESVEdit: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25859/? To get the scirpt error logs: Open Skyrim.ini (My Documents/My Games/Skyrim) and add the following to it: [Papyrus] fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS=500.0 bEnableLogging=1 bEnableTrace=1 bLoadDebugInformation=1 Start the game and just do things until the game crashes. Afterward, in that same folder you will see a new folder called Logs. Inside that: Script. Inside Script you will (eventually) find 4 logs. Double click and they should open with notepad or any text editor. Papyrus.0.log is the most recent. At the end of it you will see the last process to happen before the crash. Good Luck.
  19. I think you're missing the Unofficial High Resolution Patch and the Unofficial Hearthfires Patch (your load order for the Unofficial Patches seem to be wrong as well). Are you saying you've used the Urgrids tweak? Also, what's your GPU (just out of curiosity, you didn't list it). I suggest trying a brand new save game (use an alternate start mod like Live Another Life to speed up the process, and avoid issues with mods breaking the Vanilla Intro). Also, I think your bashed patch is supposed to be at the bottom of your load order. Correct load order for the USKP: Skyrim.esm Update.esm Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp Dawnguard.esm Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp Hearthfires.esm Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp Dragonborn.esm Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp [Your other ESM files] HighResTexturePack01.esp HighResTexturePack02.esp HighResTexturePack03.esp Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp [The rest of your mods] Alternate Start Mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/9557/?
  20. MSI Afterburner's Hardware Monitor can record that kind of information. MSI Afterburner: http://gaming.msi.com/features/afterburner Also, MSI Afterburner Hardware Monitor description: "The Hardware Monitor shows you critical hardware information in real-time; temperature, usage, clock speed, and voltage. You can even display selected information on-screen while you game, so you can keep a close eye on key statistics."
  21. I doubt it it broke your game as well, but if you can play the game that's a good start.
  22. I suggest watching Gopher's video series on Mod Organizer. The GamerPoets and the STEP Guide are also good resources on MO. As for your crashes, are you using the exact same mods as before?
  23. Okay. Good luck, I hope you get can your game back to normal. :)
  24. Probably best to delete all of the sex mods. They pretty well all use scripts, and the more scripts you put into a game - the more likely your save will become bloated and break. I've lost a few saves from scirpts, not from sex mods, but from carelessly installing and uninstalling script heavy mods.
  25. Also, if you don't already - consider getting Saftey Load. It helps remove Infinite Loading screens. You didn't say it's a problem you're having right now, but it is a good thing to prepare for when you have so many mods running with scripts. Saftey Load: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/46465/? Reasons for Infinite Loading Screen: 1. Broken saveGame 2. Memory shortage 3. When game loads many object/texture data
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