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Everything posted by SirTwist

  1. Mod Organizer does not install mods to the Data folder. You should not install anything, aside from F4SE stuff, to the Data folder. It keeps it nice and clean, which is what you want. Where MO installs mods to is typically (where you have MO installed)\Mod Organizer 2\Mods. I have an individual set up for each game I play, that uses Mod Organizer/MO2. This way, I don't have to try to figure what is what, and what goes where. It helps. I also place MO in the game folder. It is never a good idea to install mods, with a mod manager, directly to the Data folder. NMM and Mod Organizer have options for separate folders. The reason you want to keep your data folder clean is so if there is something that goes wrong, it's fairly easy to troubleshoot. And if you run the game other than through either one, you won't get mods in your game. It will be vanilla.
  2. Has there been an update since 1.9.4? That is the last one I have seen for a while now.
  3. I believe the problem with Doctor Amari being Institute before was all of that. However, it doesn't mean someone else from the Institute escaped, trained her, then a memory wipe, and moved on. I have a feeling that only time will tell with that character. I still can't believe how much is not known about her. Where would she have gotten the training? Or where she came from, or anything else? Makes me wonder.
  4. I bet you might have something wrong. Check your UAC controls, set to off. That can be a problem, something there might interfere with things. Second thing to try is setting everything to run as Admin. This may also help. Run Bodyslide x64, not Bodyslide. Bodyslide is the 32 bit version, Fallout 4 requires the 64-bit. Run that outside of NMM. Close it out. Run NMM, and run Bodyslide x64. Make sure Bodyslide is listed before CBBE, and you should be able to run it from there.
  5. I believe Cal's was probably about the best. I do like his approach. It is a little longer than Elianoras, but it is indepth without going too far.
  6. I don't know why Father did not want to do that, even though he could have, easily enough. I feel the last time he did it was before he ordered Shaun kidnapped. What I can find out about Doctor Amari, which is very little by the way, is that she would do something for Father, if she didn't know who he was. And if he consented a transfer. This would negate the need for him to die, as well as his current cancer. I wonder how that would go down. I am pretty sure that the Institute can do this without her. However, I am pretty sure that she could do a much better job. On a side note, there isn't much on Doctor Amari. I wish there was more, but there isn't. What follows is some supposition on my part. Do NOT take any of this as anything more than supposition and guesswork, and even some opinion. Dr. Amari was part of the Institute. She worked on, possibly, the neuro-science behind the Gen 3 synths, at least took over for that. Probably didn't work on the early stuff, as she seems not old enough to have worked on Nick or Dima. I believe she refined, further, what they did with Nick and Dima. I think that she wasn't the only one, but part of a team. But she left, for reasons unknown, and worked with the Railroad to help escaping synths to change identity, and become actual people.
  7. There are several videos that were well done on this. I am posting a few of these for you all to check out. These do work. I know some are older videos, for other games, but they do work with Fallout 4. First is Gamerpoet's video, the second will be Dirty Weasel Media's. Gamer Poet's is extremely detailed, and involved. These are both good to watch. Cal's is the one you want to watch first. GP's is the one you want to watch for more than what Cal covers. They may be a little dated, but they are still relevant for even now. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0S6cpCwTezE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHpXEcc0fvk
  8. You need to check your mods to see if they need updating, after updating F4SE. I had to update a few myself, and everything ran great. To know this in the future, if Steam, and Bethesda, the team at silverlock, as well as the mod authors here, will need time to update things. A little patience and some time will help with everything.
  9. Sometimes NMM doesn't seem to activate mods, but it really does. Just keep trying. And sometimes you just need to talk things out, and figure them out. Anyway, if you need help, make a new post.
  10. F4SE is updated, so you can run the updated version.
  11. Okay, you may have skipped some steps. I have found that things run smoothly when you do a couple steps. Run the launcher outside of your mod manager. Set your graphics up, etc. Second, hit play, and go to the main menu. Load a save, or start a new game. Just let it get to where you can do something. If loading a save, move around. If a new game, just until you can set up the characters. Exit the game from there. Third, run F4SE, again outside of your mod manager. Make sure everything is set to run as admin. Once you get in game through F4SE, drop out again. Then run your mod manager, and start the process from the start there, as well. This all can help, or not, but it's worth a shot.
  12. I have been thinking on this. There could be a couple problems. First, check on your NMM, and make sure it's up to date. Second, check the properties of NMM, and see if it's set to admin. Third, if they won't activate, or install, then try this, manually downloading the mods, run NMM, and try installing that way. Fourth, if all else fails, try Settlement Keywords Expanded. May help, may not. You may have to switch to Mod Organizer 2. But something here may help.
  13. I do believe this is an NMM error, not a mod one. I believe the mods should install easily, it's NMM that might be having the problem. Check the logs for NMM. And be sure to be running the latest version.
  14. I like how we have all at least agree that there is some chance that Father is not Shaun. Or at least Kellogg and Father is lying to us. As to some thoughts, I believe that Father may look like something of both parents, but I want to add something here. JustnAzdog, I want to expand on something you said. The Memory Loungers are similar to the virtual reality chairs found in both Fallout 3 and New Vegas. I won't spoil that part. However, I am wondering how the Institute got it hands one themselves. Here's a speculation on things. I believe that the Institute has teams scattered across the U.S., and has been scouring for technology, etc. to use. In it's search, they found those virtual reality pods. Stealing one with the computer support, they replicate the chair itself, and then work with the software to be able to do a lot of things. They can copy memories from people, and rearrange things, and implant them into another person, or even synth. Knowing this, it can be an effective tool to use on Gen 3 synths, as well as Coursers. And even on clones. After witnessing the instability of using one person to clone from, they use more than one source, as to prevent instability issues. Also, implanted memories help, as well, with things. One thing to note is that this game does have it's fair share of bad writing moments. So this could all be us projecting something that doesn't need to be projected. But I still say father is NOT Shaun.
  15. I want to take a step back here. What I meant is that the Institute saw the cloning tech of Vault-tec, and decided to copy the technology, and also refine it in their own laboratories, not to produce the same being, with minds fracturing each generation. But, rather to use genetic material that diverse to make replacement humans. Or synthetic humans, Then they came up with Coursers. To me, Coursers are the equivalent of the T-101's from the Terminator series. The Arnold ones. Anyway, I am getting away, a bit, from my point here. The genetic material that has been collected, when Kellogg and company come to kidnap Shaun, has been fairly pure, but not enough stem cells to produce synths. And I am assuming that someone is set aside to be with the biological parent to have more kids, to keep on having kids, so the stem cells keep coming. One thing I don't get, is why send Kellogg to kidnap a child, kill a parent, and leave the other alive? Why not just tag all cryo-pods, and teleport them into the Institute, Wake one person at a time, check them out, do what they need to, then send the person, returned to the pod, back to the vault? This would make more sense. Get clean, non-radiated, DNA, and other stuff, and then keep everyone there on ice. Unless there is something that will go wrong, eventually, in the vault. Before I go to far down this line, I was thinking about things. Perhaps their teleportation technology is not quite that far along? I have a thought on something here. Thanks to Mighty Zog, is how did everyone get into the Vault, since the lift was faulty, and needed a pip-boy to get out? Here's one interesting idea. And supports someone coming into the vault, and releasing you. And why you have to wait for it to come down, before going up yourself. The Institute sent a person, or a Courser, with a pip-boy to get in, drop a relay grenade to teleport Kellogg and the rest of the crew in. Then they left themselves, without needing to borrow the pip-boy you eventually find on your way out of the vault. Deacon, being a sneaky bugger, had a pip-boy himself, and got in, and set a delay to wake you, then got out himself. And the put away the pip-boy, so as not to have it when you do see him again. I have a speculation on Deacon myself. A theory, if you will. I believe he might be from another Vault, but not the lone wanderer. May have had the lone wanderer's pip-boy. And came to the Commonwealth to throw a monkey wrench into the shenanigans of the Institute. And to do that, help to start the Railroad. anyway, these are just a few, brief, thoughts I have on him. I may do some more research into him, using what I can find, as well as watching again the videos on him. And start a new topic just on him. Perhaps flesh out some of the theories of the videos I find on him, and the Railroad.
  16. I am of two minds on the new website design. However, the two minds, overall, like the new design. The main thing I don't like about the new website is that I have to scroll further to check the news on game pages. However, that is probably the most negative thing I can think of. The main thing I like about the new design is the in depth look at mods on the front page. To go further with the positive vibe, I do like the new design on individual mods, as it does allow me to look at a mod, see all the pictures posted by the mod author quickly, and consider the mod overall. I spend perhaps 90% of my time looking at mods just based on photos. The other time I spend on looking at mods are various, but mainly aesthetics, functionality, practicality, helpful, etc. Another positive note, I like the uniformity in design between games, when you switch from one game to another. The front page of one game looks like, with some color changes and other things, looks like another game. There are differences from game to game, but the point was that going from game to game, I prefer to see the same layout, time and again. It makes things a little easier on me. Keep up the good work, and I am waiting to see what Vortex, and the Nexus, have in store for the new year.
  17. Roentgens, nice name by the way, the only empirical proof that Shaun is Father is him saying so. That is not proof. And 98% of the Commonwealth have one feature, or another that looks like what you drew up on both parents. But you aren't their parents. I digress, though. Again, it's not defined as to whom Father is, aside from him telling who he maybe. As I have stated, the possibility of him looking like his "parents" is because he is a clone of Shaun. Not a synth in the traditional sense, but a clone nonetheless. It is speculated that he is your son. But not proven beyond a reasonable doubt. And I doubt that man more than 90% of everyone else in the game, including Kellogg. TheGadget1945, I believe a few things happened to it. One is that some of it was dumped elsewhere. Some of the more stable, etc., material went into shoring up things so that other material was stable. And even in building. As to Proctor Quinlan, I believe he is more of a historian than anything else, and he is more concern with overall technology than with with finding the Institute. However, it could be something that doesn't cross his mind, a whole lot. I believe the Minutemen and Railroad have a more vested interest in getting to the Institute, and saving people/synths, than the BoS. The BoS, under Elder Maxson, doesn't want the tech of the Institute, but wants the source destroyed. And with the source destroyed, the tech will disappear. I don't care for him as a leader. I don't fully trust his motivations, either. I believe he wants all tech under his purview, and wants it bottled so that no one goes beyond certain levels, so that the Great War doesn't happen again. I may do some stuff on him at another time. Mighty zog, thank you for this. I believe that you have answered some potential problems with my theory about the whole Father/Shaun thing. Why not save both parents, and not just one? Unless they have someone else who can also assist in reproducing untainted stem cells. However, I believe some of the questions you asked were answered. The one about leaving you to your own devices is to test you, and see your reactions to situations. I believe that Father is not punishing you. I believe that Father is trying to mess with your head so that you don't know what is true or not. I have never trusted that man even the first time I met him. I wanted to blow his head off, and even kill the boy. Then tear through the Institute, looking for answers. And real, solid, empirical answers, not the ones we have. I find myself still wondering about the motivations of Father, and what he really wants.
  18. Go to where you installed Bodyslide, and right click on Bodyslide x64, and go to properties, go to Comparability, and check run as Admin. That is the first step in trouble shooting. Second, make sure NMM is also set to run as admin. Third, run bodyslide from NMM. If it still fails, try Mod Organizer by Le Presidente. The best place to get a good copy is from the discord of Le Presidente.
  19. I have played through the game fairly far in a few playthroughs. While playing, I discovered a couple people who presented some lore, etc. to the game that I enjoyed bits and pieces of. I had to stop watching them after a while, as they kept going further and further out into left field. Allow me to ask a question here. When you encounter Father, who do think this person is? And who do you think the child is that accompanies Kellogg, in his memories, and is at the Institute? The reason I am posting this here, rather than make a video, etc. is because I would rather type than talk all this out. And also provide some place to discuss things, rather than read comments on a video. Here are my guesses as to identities of people in the game, as well as some speculation on things. The only evidence on the timing is by known manipulators and even liars. And there is no proof as time, other than what you are told. I believe that "Father" is not Shaun. There is zero proof of this. If he has a genetic disease, that either parent may have had before the war, they would have had anti-bodies that could be extracted to cure Shaun, and keep him alive, if he is that old. However, this does not happen. Since the two people who tell you most about Shaun do lie to you, they aren't to be trusted at all. I believe that "Father" is an honorific given to the man who is appointed director of the Institute. Mother would be the female director. Overall director that is. I believe the the child you see in Kellogg's memories, and you meet in the Institute when you first enter, are one in the same. Given 10 years, the Institute can provide post-hypnotic training, programming, etc. to a child who can be made to believe he is a synth, rather than a human being. I will dive more into things in a moment. The only proof we are given is not some log, or computer entry, or anything else. It is word of mouth. And me, I don't believe any of it. I am not done, but I will make some points, below, as to my reasoning. I do know some about genetic cloning, etc. I won't use big terms, etc. However, I do want to state that I have done some looking into things, and also thanks to internet, movies, etc. a bit about cloning. Not a ton, mind you, but enough to support some points. 1) The institute, from the start was involved in many different experiments, even before the bombs fell. However, everything halted when that happened, as they needed to save themselves, projects, etc. They did what they could. 2) The Institute went underground, with early passages to the surface to get readings, etc. of outside conditions. They are fairly genetically diversified, as well as able to have children, etc. 3) After some time, the radiation was infiltrating into upper passages of the Institute, so they had to go down further and further. To the point where they are now. 4) The time, etc. to get that far, as well as several attempts at a variety of things, were a hindrance to one of their main projects, human cloning. They were stopped because of a few problems. 5) The gene pool was limited, as well as contaminated by radiation. Not enough to cause major problems, but enough to start the ball rolling. 6) Also, there weren't enough "clean" stem cells to clone humans. 7) While digging, surviving, etc. the Institute find out about Vault 111, through the security and lab staff that were stationed there. However, did not have the means to get in or out easily enough, at the start. 8.)I wasn't until they were at their current level of technology, as well as power levels, before they could do what they needed to, to get in and out, without all the problems that the staff had getting out of Vault 111. 9) Kellogg and crew were the first people in the vault since the staff left. The dialogue that Kellogg has with the scientist is that the Old Man wants the baby, by any means necessary. And to keep alive one of the parents. 10) The "Old Man" is Father, see above. And is NOT Shaun. Nor could this person be Shaun, at all. 11) The Father we meet is not Shaun, because he would look enough like both parents to recognizable at any age. However, Father doesn't look like either one. 12) At some point, Father tells us that he is dying of a disease. It has to either be a genetic disease, or cancer. My bet is on some sort of genetic disease that is not from the PC, or the spouse. Rather, it is from the limited gene pool I mentioned above, and can be also the result of cloning genetic material that is not exactly stable. And he would have asked us to give a sample of DNA, and compare to his, to see if there is a cure. Since that has not happened, leads me to speculate on things, 13) If the Institute wanted Gen 3 synths to look as human as possible, they would want a variety of people, that were from pre-war, not just one baby, and it's parent. However, there would be some problems with moving the pods, etc. elsewhere. But it could have just taken a pair out at a time, and allowed to have children, and use some stem cells from them, and grow their own synths. However, this is not the case. They stole one child, and that is supposed to be the base for Gen 3 synths? Nope, not in my book. My book says that they had Gen 3 synths before this, but wanted to extend their life, as well as fix some problems. And that comes from fresh stem cells. And to get fresh stem cells, they killed the spouse to get the baby. 14) They ended up fixing some Gen 3's, even created ones, thanks to the baby. However, they will need more, so you are it. 15) 10 years, not 60, pass, and you are released. I don't care what the game claims, nor what others claim. It is 10 years, not 60. The time doesn't mesh up. And also, remember there are liars and manipulators operating. I know this is long, but I am pretty sure I covered enough to at least support some things, and maybe put some new spin on things. And since there is very little to no evidence, I believe that Father is NOT Shaun, and that the child is actually Shaun.
  20. You have to run f4se loader every time you play the game. It's not a one and done deal.
  21. What version of MO 2 are you running? The one from Tannin, or Le Presidente from the discord channel?
  22. Settlement Keywords was abandoned, somewhat. That's where Expanded one comes into play. And that one has not been a problem since I installed it. And that, to me, is better than having crashes happen at random. Most of the crashes I have aren't due to the mods, or even settlement keywords. It's due to machine, or some other problem. Using the various keyword mods, I find my game is a little more stable with them than with out.
  23. I can try to help with one problem. A mod list will help. However, I will bet that you have a missing texture or mesh. This will cause floating heads. Or missing bodies.
  24. Here's some advice for everyone. It doesn't matter what settlement mods you use, you need settlement keywords, or settlement keywords expanded. It does not matter if the mod says you don't need it. You need it. This an issue I read in the forums. And I see the mods, and I wonder where is settlement keywords. And it's not there. So, get it, use it, and that should fix some things.
  25. You need settlement keywords mod. That is a key mod.
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