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  1. A few options. As Leonidas says, Multiple Floors Sandboxing is one. There is also MyHomeIsYourHome2+ (or the original) which affects the cylinder height as well. Through trial and error, I have found that I get better results when I use AFT for active followers, combat, etc., and MHIYH2+ for assigning people to homes, places of work, etc. but you may need to temporarily dismiss them to get them to go outside of AFT's relax framework and work within the MHIYH framework. Once dismissed, they go to their "home" and whatever they do there. If you use wrye bash already (for bashed patches) I believe cylinder height is also one of the tweaks you can make, so you can get them to go up to an even higher floor (if you're in a multi-story home) or into the basement, etc.
  2. What kind of NPCs are you spawning? Unique/named, or just like guards and soldiers?
  3. As Sphered said, nifskope is an option. It will give you one, easily-placeable mesh, for wherever you want to put it. If you prefer not to use that, the best suggestion I could make would be to use the file path copy/paste method, where for example you take the file path of a ground model for a helmet, then duplicate something small and static, like a lantern. Paste the helmet file path over the new/copy of the lantern, and create a static helmet. Repeat this for each item you want to make static, then use a new, empty interior (warehouse) cell to build what you want. When you're ready to place, select all, copy, paste them into the world, then raise, lower, rotate, etc., BEFORE you unselect any of them.
  4. Hi Reaper, I'm sorry, but I don't know about Death Consumes All, so I can't speak for how they would do together. If you wanted to experiment, I might suggest getting the rest added and making a hard save, then adding Death, so you can revert to the save without it, if things don't go well.
  5. You might like ye olde Sands of Time mod. (Make sure to look at the prerequisites. There will be a lot of carnage, so I believe the dead NPC cleaner is one of the requirements. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3093?tab=description
  6. Yeah, there are a couple follower-loot options. Was looking for more of a way to RP by hiring laborers to do it.
  7. Dragoon, you've worked some miracles with that outfit studio and I've got several of your creations in my load order. I wish I could give you kudos more than once.
  8. Hi all, Wondering if anyone would be willing to create a mod that lets the player clear enemies from dungeons and forts, without looting, and hire laborers to go in and clean out the loot, for a fee. In my mind, it would be an NPC "agent," who would have dialog options along the lines of "I'd like to hire your crew to clean out a location for me," and then a list of possible locations. I don't know the best way to go about that, maybe only a one-time thing and it can read a list of locations with the "cleared" flag, within say 7 in-game days of hiring, or something like that. Maybe it would be a one-time thing per location. The NPC would be somewhere near a couple of carriages, maybe with some basic non-dialog workers, and several large storage containers, maybe oversized wardrobes or lootable crates. Once hired, the NPC tells you to return later or sends a courier when ready, and then charges you a fee in gold. Go back to the agent later, and the loot is in a container that respawns in 10 days or so. Or possibly even an option to have the goods delivered to one of the base game or Hearthfire homes. I would imagine there is a way for the system to read the items populated in the dungeon, disable them there and spawn a copy of the list in your container or home. This way, the carriages don't have to be moved and nobody needs to travel. They're just there to give it a sense of an operating moving/storage business, but all the work happens behind the scenes, hopefully keeping the mod small and lightweight. Could this be done?
  9. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/25271 Better Container Controls (SkyUI version) by CD Cooley I swear by this mod. Works with a gamepad, and there's a config that lets you specify things that do/don't fall into the "everything" category, and if used in conjunction with something like "Favorite Misc Items" by PowerOfThree, it's even more flexible. Basically, anything I favorite is safe from mass movement, so I can decide on a default loadout, and one-button store everything except that. Alchemy, for me, is now *click* full of ingredients and enchanted alchemy gear stored in alchemy container, make potions, *click* empty of ingredients and enchanted alchemy gear. Potions, in my set up, go back into the alchemy bag unless they're one of the ones I've favorited.
  10. I have never been able to figure out how to do that either. I was hoping I could hide for example one of the 3 layers of walls, and it would include everything that comes with that particular "build" of the home. As it stands, it's hard to know if the floor you're putting a rug on goes with the wall you're putting a torch on, or not. Hearthfire homes are such a mess.
  11. If you like the whitewashed horror look, there's Black Thorn Keep. It's not a modder's resource, but the permissions will allow you to use the assets as long as you're not making money or DP. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/25920 He has a couple of other nice castles, but the permissions are different, though I would suggest throwing him a message anyway, even for the one with open perms.
  12. Now that you're in, change the answers to all your security questions.
  13. I could be mistaken, but I took it to mean creating a stand-alone patch, so that you don't have to rebuild it every time.
  14. If it can be done, it will take someone a lot smarter than me. The thing with planters is that, like bookshelves, there are a lot of invisible "moving" parts, so to speak. If you were to use Creation Kit, you would place the planter, which is the easy part. Then you would use a special activator soil plot. After that, you would place a special "planter NPC" in a cell somewhere, and link that NPC to the soil, so when you plant something you're giving it to the NPC, who gives you back more of it later. The planter static, even the activator, could be placed by the Campfire-dependent mod you listed, or by Jaxonz Positioner, CD Cooley's Decorator Helper, DylBill's positioner, even by spawning it in with console commands. You could even spawn in an NPC, but linking them in game is beyond me.
  15. I'm not sure about loot. I know you can set a mod to load after another mod, but I don't know about loading last. The easiest way I know of is to use Wrye Bash, where you can just drag it down to where you need it to be. Even if you don't make bashed patches, the simple checkbox activation and drag/drop makes it nice.
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