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Everything posted by JWMcQuire

  1. As a mage of any kind who chooses to wear only cloth to maximize use of magicka, you really need to build up your alteration skill and put perk points at least to all three levels each in mage armor and magic resistance. That's the best way I know how to avoid getting one or two shot from enemies.
  2. Ah ok. My idea may not of worked anyway, but was just a shot in the dark.
  3. Have you considered creating a temporary Rayya mod? Basically just make a small edit in CK , then load your save with your slightly altered version of Rayya to see if it loosens her up.
  4. Try this thread, http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/2235394-beginners-guide-to-modding/. gromulos does a good job of outlining the basics and provides links in his sig that should be helpful.
  5. You're welcome, congrats for getting your problem solved, and a kudo for jones177 for that suggestion. I've never encountered it and might never have tried it myself. :smile:
  6. Try this. Go ahead and upload your file but hide it. Then in the "Attributes" section, scroll down to "User Permissions" and put saurusmaximus in the box which should give him access to your mod. From there once you two get it fixed, then you only need to replace the file with the working one and unhide it after taking care of all the other details. I hope that helps.
  7. You're welcome. That video really helped me as well. 1. Yes, anytime Loot flags a mod as "dirty", it is always a good idea to clean the mod unless the mod description specifically states that you shouldn't clean it. 2. Yes, as long as you follow the instructions in the video, you should do just fine. So you should be fine like that. :thumbsup: Also, you want to check the Unofficial patches sites regularly for updates so you don't miss out on new fixes they make. As far as using the console to get into the Embassy, it is unlikely you'll need to do that when you get your bounties paid or reload a save that will allow you to proceed as normal through the quest line. ...and I agree with kevkiev. I too haven't found anything to indicate that this was a bug that needs or ever needed fixing. Perhaps someone here with more experience can verify this one way or the other. Let us know how it works out for you. :smile:
  8. Glad to see everything coming together. If it will help any, here is a link to a video by Gopher on YouTube that should help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOQO2S6HDBw Good luck.
  9. Before doing anything drastic, check to see if you have any bounties you haven't paid. Then pay them. That should be the first thing you need to do and should allow you to proceed with Diplomatic Immunity. If however you've done irreversible damage to your reputation with the Thalmor Embassy, then as advised you should go back to a save before you did anything to cause problems with the Thalmor to begin with. Also to add to the suggestion to clean your mods, the unofficial patches do not need cleaning. If you have not ventured that far into modding, do a search on this forum for mod cleaning or do a search for "load order", "Loot", "Tes5Edit", and "Wrye Bash", to get information from the experts on how to do this properly.
  10. Ok. Glad I asked. Good thing I only have only 81 mods to load. lol Thanks yet again.
  11. Thank you for the reply. I understand now, and it makes more sense than I first thought. Another question if you don't mind: Am I just checking the bashed patch for errors in Tes5Edit? In other words, I only load the bashed patch which will cause its masters to also load, highlight it and check it for errors....?
  12. One more question, . . . I think. Why does the bashed patch need to load last in the load order?
  13. Thanks. I appreciate the quick reply. :thumbsup:
  14. Hello, I've been a member with Nexus since February of last year after quickly discovering Skyrim just can't run properly without decent user support through mods, patches and knowledgeable people to help make it work better and look a little nicer. Until recently though I just came on to download mods that appealed to my senses, but now I hope to take on the task of learning more about creating and player home mods. I've only created a few of my own follower mods or mods that alter existing npcs (who hasn't attempted to "fix" Lydia?) one of which I recently uploaded for others to try. At the moment, I am experimenting with a small player home mod I downloaded to learn a little bit about navemeshing, decorating and other neat tricks that can be used to make everything work just right. Anyway, enough of that. To learn a little more about me, feel free to check my profile, or simply ask. Thank for taking the time to read this, and I wish you all the best in your gaming endeavors.
  15. Thank you for this, especially your explanation of Wrye Bash. I installed it a few months ago and attempted to read up on how to use it. Unfortunately, I didn't really have the patience or desire to learn how to use it, so I abandoned it. Now, I do use Loot and Tes5Edit which have proven quite useful. So, this post has inspired me to consider giving Wrye Bash a second chance. So I guess it's back to the tutorial to finally get a better handle on how to use it. Finally, a noob question: When starting a test save, am I correct to assume that it is ok to have the USKP patches active and SKSE installed? Best wishes and thanks for sharing your knowledge.
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