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Everything posted by jhardingame

  1. Collectors edition comes with more stuff. For example, the CE of Mass Effect 3 comes with extra in-game items, a new companion, a book full of concept art, free soundtrack, a free hoodie, a free N7 patch, and a couple more things.
  2. They ship the games before release, so you don't have to wait. Shoot, you'll even sometimes seem them stacked in stores where everyone can see them. Order the collectors edition(once it's announced of course), and play the game the day of release, instead of buying from Steam, and then having to wait to play it anyways because you have to download it(cause we all know pre-loading on steam doesn't actually work. You still end up waiting for Steam to go through and 'validate' and 'unlock' etc etc xD )
  3. For those who are interested, Skyrim is up for pre-order on Steam now; Link
  4. Dunno about that. Mods sure do help. :rolleyes:
  5. Adding "Lore" when it comes to races is a bad thing because the only way to really add 'race lore' is to break the lore that is already in place.
  6. Found some scans of the PSM3 Skyrim article, and with new pics. :biggrin: Linky But the BIG thing that caught my eye is what Todd Howard said about DLC. An expansion for an entirely new province of Tamriel? Shoot, Bethesda might as well do Tamriel Rebuilt in Skyrim for us. :P
  7. One of the major cities (Markoth) is actually made out of Dwemer Ruins
  8. Just because it isn't computer breaking, it dosen't mean it will run well. Bethesda isn't exactly known for having amazingly smooth gameplay and framerate. If they engine isn't optimized that good, then there is more than likely no chance what-so-ever an Intel graphics chip set will run Skyrim.
  9. uh, you need to reinstall it, cause you can't even run the game with out the files that are installed within the Data Folders. (or check for the location quicksilverva said :P )
  10. Yeah I don't see the dismemberment at all.
  11. Music has been done. There's another video around that actually has the music in it.
  12. Yeah, I just got back from my Gamestop. Guy said they'er all waiting for the Collector's Edition too xD But pretty much, went ahead and reserved my copy, and when the get the CE, they're sending out e-mails to everyone who already pre-ordered so they can go upgrade their pre-order to the CE.
  13. Yeah, as stated many times on the Bethesda forums, this video is just cut-up E3 footage. Nothing new really.
  14. TMZ article Yep, would seem that way. Never personally listened to her, but condolences for her family.
  15. While I would love for it to be free, I wouldn't be surprised if there is a monthly fee. This is EA we're talking about. But hey, it's the first time EA's publishing an MMO though, so who knows?
  16. I'm a sucker for star wars, so yes, collectors edition please. I just still hope I have enought time to save for the CE edition. :3
  17. Honestly, I think Old World Blues has been the best DLC so far out of Fallout 3 and New Vegas. a lot of the new designs are awesome, and the dialouge is hilarious. Plus, the stealth tests were awesome, first time I've seen stealth actually being properly implemented in a quest for Fo3/New Vegas.
  18. So I have an object that animates when activated. The animation plays fine, but at the end, the objects in the animation just go boinkers. If I could get some help on this it would be appreciated. Here's a video that better explains; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHXTOH2xxiI
  19. Don't know exactly when it comes out, doesn't have a set release date yet, but here's the detail about inventory;
  20. Nope, Before now, I can only think of 1 or 2 times Soule used a live orchestra. He usually used Garriton Orchestra Libraries and did his music electronically. He did that for Morrowind and Oblivion. Even KoTOR didn't use a live orchestra, and that's a freaking Star Wars game. A Star Wars game without a live orchestra? It's insane. (Yet, I still think Soule's work on KoTOR is some of the best he's ever done.)
  21. This one really caught my eye; If that's true, than that means that most likely means Soule has finally used a live orchestra for making Elder Scrolls music. :dance: Cause if I did this right in my head; Roughly about up to 50 people for voices A full sized orchestra is about a 100 or so + people, depending on how many people they've had for percussion parts, and that's not including anything they might have done with piano's, solo voices, or even synths. And then of course you got the Tech Dudes, which, really shouldn't be a whole lot, at the most 20, and most of that's just for setting up recording equipment, you should really only have about 5 guys involved in the actual recording, 3 main dudes with the recording software/hardware, maybe some minor dudes, Jeremy Soule himself, and probably the lead sound designer for the game(who I thoroughly believe should be involved in every single aspect of audio going into the game). And then of course you have the conducters, which, depending on the composer, only Jeremy conducted, or they had gone through a few composers depending on how long recording took. Either way, I'm very excited to hear this sound track. :D Here's a more detailed version of that same article
  22. Bethesda published/distributed it. Which means it was their choice to distribute it through Steam, not Obsidian's. But from I've seen, they're have been more complaints about the Steam DMR then when Fallout 3 was using GFWL(games for windows live). So hopefully they've listened. While I've never had any problems with the game(as I did buy it through Steam) except for having to wait for updates to GECK, so a disk version of Skyrim that has nothing to do with Steam would be nice, as I could wait until they update the Creation Kit until updating the game.
  23. I'm using dark. White/Light it too bright. Though, the 'white' version is the just the default IPB skin. :P
  24. Fallout's geck is modable with upper and lower but no one makes armor or chothing as such and I dont see skyrim molding changing either. I don't have a single problem with it seems to work better. Technically, it isn't, there's only an UpperBody slot. Only way to do it is to use up other slots for other armors and such (such as the BodyAddOn slot)
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