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Everything posted by jhardingame

  1. If your running Windows XP you'll need an OS upgrade as well. And the amount of XP computer players is rather large, which furthers my point above. If you design around Dx11, you're practically cutting them out of the loop. We dun want no loop cutting D:
  2. BF3 is a PC game first. Let's wait and see, I've heard "developed for PC" from other developers who were talking rubbish. Considering EVERY single piece of footage or screenshot we've seen of BF3 has only been from PC's, DICE has already proven that. On the topic: You do realize that mostly all games are designed around DX9? Sure, you get some that have the Dx11 features added in, but guess what? Even in the PC industry, most consumers still use cards that don't support Dx11. I just recently got a new card myself, which was a signifigant upgrade from what I had before, but still no Dx11. But do I care? No, because I can still pump out amazing looking games without any problems. Sure, might be nice to have a game that's "mostly Dx11", But then you end up having a game tailored to a small number of PC players, and even smaller number of overall consumers. And if that makes you lose interest in what is already coming out to be a freaking amazing game, then that's your loss.
  3. I thought we already wher- oh wait.
  4. Got a pretty good sized project Elijah Houck (the creator of the Alton, Illinois mod for Fo3, release date for that is still tba for those wondering xD) and I are gonna be working on together. We got quite a bit of design and plot stuff done though, so we can jump right in as soon as the CK is released. Be on the look out for it in the future. :P
  5. What? I thought the private mod forums only consisted of General, Feedback, TES, Fallout, and Dragon Age subforums. Unless I'm totally missing something here xD And I can't wait for some HQ textures. I might not be able to enable DX11, but I can sure boast anything that's been thrown my way so far, so I personally can't wait to see some HQ stuff.
  6. @Ghogiel; Yeah, but generally the little squares from compression don't look THAT bad. I mean, I've seen it before and you could tell off the bat it was some seriously compressed texture(i.e. Mass Effect 2) but the squares in the facial textures for the Skyrim races like just happen to be perfectly in the right place that it almost looks like smoothing errors. Now that's some bad compression right there.
  7. OM NOM NOM http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/294738_10150268596126404_131368351403_7732120_1890231_n.jpg More here
  8. :/ I can see pixelation on the faces. That makes me sad. Other than that, looks awesome. Of course, my character is gonna looks 10x better than those. Those just look like they hit the 'random' button on the face generator. The Aragonions looks freaking awesome though. I might actually play one for the first time ever.
  9. There IS a mod kit. That was confirmed by ID a few months back.
  10. It's totally worth it. I pre-ordered it last minute on Steam cause I was bit iffy about it being developed by Square-Enix (I don't particuly care for them), but I was pleseantly surprised with a nice, smooth, sleek, and unique gaming experince. There's some things design wise I don't like (like the over-use of material shaders on some NPC's in a bad attempt to make bland textures look better), but overall, I love the art design, and it's a very fun game. Oh, and unlike Bioware's conversation wheel, Jenson actually says what it says on the in-game conversation system. :P
  11. But Sketchup can just export .dae files o_O What's the point of doing all that since Sketchup can already export .dae files?
  12. Plus, we all know how Bethesda works. They'll release it on 11/11/11 even if it's buggier than Oblivion, and just fix it later in a patch.
  13. You do know that the character in that image is a custom created character, right? If you would, you could make it look like anyone.^^ That I do, but I could not help but notice his resemblance to Sten.
  14. I don't know if anyone else saw it, but I sure did. :hurr: http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/5972/skyrimdissapointsten.png
  15. Male Argonian. http://i.imgur.com/mQzZN.jpg
  16. Well these are all player created characters though. It's possible the NPC's are designed so that you can tell them apart better, and that they actually look like what their race would look like.
  17. It is :P However, after many of the other comments about how Bosmer looks like Dunmer and how that first Dunmer is only partially dunmer because the eyes aren't red....well, you get the point. :P
  18. Now THIS looks like a Dunmer; http://pcmedia.ign.com/pc/image/article/118/1186481/the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-20110813081209834.jpg
  19. Has been posted, and that's actually a Bosmer(sure, dosen't look like it cause of skin tone, but it is) :P
  20. 140? I'm pretty sure the number is 255. Unless there's something I don't know about. :psyduck:
  21. It IS a port. :( FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF- Seriously, that is the WORST news I have heard about Skyrim in the last 8 months. Totally awful. Unless they fix it, and work super hard at improving everything for the PC. Moving vegetation, PhysX, DX11 fuctionality... otherwise, I will be very disappointed in the mentality that is Bethesda/consoles. You do know Oblivion, Fallout 3, and probably Morrowind were all ports as well? Got a thread on it here. There's nothing awful about it. :P
  22. So, I just opened up TESCS for the first time in years, and I noticed that when you zoom in and out in Exteriors, objects fade in and out depending on where you're at. Is there a way to disable it so that way it displays like the render window of GECK where what's rendered stays in the screen unless you load up something else? edit; nevermind. fixed it. had to change some LOD settings in the render window properties.
  23. As far as coloring goes yeah. The skin tone of this bosmer looks more like dark elf, however, it's facial structure looks to 'light' to be a dark elf.
  24. Remember, you can apply paint, and change eye colors to what you want. So for all we know that could be a high elf with War Paint and Red eyes.
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