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Everything posted by jhardingame

  1. Witcher 2 likes to use up your system resources like a beast, shoot, it takes up more resources than Crysis to play at full capacity. Your Graphics Card and RAM is perfectly fine for now (considering it's a laptop). The only thing I could suggest it to upgrade your processor, but that's near impossible to do cause it's a laptop. Laptops aren't too upgrade friendly. But if you can run Mass Effect 2, then you should be okay, considering ME2 is more graphically demanding than what Skyrim looks to be. You might not be able to use the Dx11 features, but that's about it. And if they did anything to optimize the engine(and I sure hope to god they did), then you should be able to run the game just fine. But we don't have computer specs for the game also, so can't really say anything beyond that until they release computer specifications.
  2. Listening to this currently; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1cp8AUtjZ4 Ambient, Smooth, Calming, and Haunting all in one. Love this band, always have, and their ever evolving sound is just awesome :D
  3. I got one; Redundant Adder - Delete a custom object from TESCS, only to add it back in a week later.
  4. "General" probably just means general voice acting.
  5. Lol, plenty of people could have told you that before you even bought the game. Besides from the fact that MW3 is a re-hashed MW2 on a FAR more different level than New Vegas being called a re-hash of Fallout 3(even though it's no-where near a re-hash, except for the engine); The storyline in MW2 was just bad near the end. And since they already released the entire plot for MW3, I already know what happens, and frankly, the storyline for MW3 is worse than MW2. They've claimed there will be dedicated servers for MW3, but it won't really change anything. It will still be the same people cursing over the voice chat, and the same exact game for the matter. But shoot, IW isn't even making the multiplayer, Raven Software is, and they don't really have a history of making games with amazing multiplayer, so I don't expect much. If you want a good comparison, MW3 is to MW2 what a lot of people think Halo 3: ODST was to Halo 3. Imo, It's not worth the 60 dollar price tag, and is more worth of a 20 dollar expansion. I'm gonna be sticking my money with Battlefield 3 and Skyrim; game series that have actually evolved to be better than what they were before, instead of re-hashing every single aspect of the series. edit; Couldn't find the pic I was looking for, but this pretty much sums it up; http://static.fjcdn.com/pictures/call+of+duty+ps+im+not+angry+about+the+posts_71f8c3_1833961.jpg
  6. I'm still going through my own mod list as well, but just like the last patch, you're gonna have a handful of mods that no longer work because of the update. Just a heads up. Only way to currently update right now is to either wait for an update, or manually do it yourself by opening it in the new 1.4 GECK and saving it.
  7. It'll probably be like New Vegas nexus and come up a few days before release.
  8. YESH! I'm glad they were able to get that out quickly! Shoot, they even got it out before the NVSE update. +1 for finally doing something on time Obsidian. :P
  9. Got it to work, Apparently finalizing worldspace navmeshes no longer works in New Vegas. I deleted the edits that finalizing the worldspace does, and now they move. Bleh, there's just too much broken stuff in NV Geck. |:<
  10. Too bad GECK is broken.....again. :confused:
  11. Steam at the most only takes up a small amount of system resources. Actually, I just pulled it up. I currently have Steam, Fallout New Vegas, and Witcher 2 all open at the same time, and Steam hasn't even gone past 20mb of system resources use, and looking at it through the a resources monitor, Steam takes up practically no usage from the CPU, which is, by the way, were large textures take up all their usage. So........what was that about it using up resources spent on textures and FPS?
  12. Hi again, got yet another problem right after I fixed my last one xD Well, pretty much, I have a worldspace set up, and once your character spawns in the activator, the other actors that spawn in your little 'group' with are supposed to begin their Travel AI package. Problem, is the package begins, but the actors don't travel. My worldspace is Navmeshed, so I don't know why they won't travel. There was one time where they did actually beginning begin traveling a few minutes after the package actually started, but it hasn't happened anymore since then. If anyone could help me with this, it would be appreciated, and if you need more info, I'd be happy to supply it.
  13. As far as I know, the Heightmap editor in New Vegas is broken. Sorry. :3
  14. Bethesda doesn't do GFWL anymore(since after the amount of negative feedback they got from it), which I'm glad too, cause honestly, it was just annoying in Fo3. But, hopefully the Steam version will have Achievements.
  15. Well, it seems importing the model into blender, and re-exporting fixed the 'pause' issue. Not how I wanted to solve it, but what works works. edit; Actually, importing to blender and re-exporting fixed BOTH problems. :3
  16. @Ghogiel; Oy, I didn't think about that! Truthfully speaking, that might actually be the show stopper for custom armors period depending on how Bethesda made the armor system. Speaking of which, that brings up another question. Do they have body type specific armors?
  17. I'm just interested in seeing how these new 'levels of relationships' work. Cause thing is, if you get married, is it 'oh hey, lets get married' or is gonna be more like Bioware games where you have to actually develop a relationship first? Which if it does, means MOAR STORY! And I like story.
  18. So all clothes will be jumpsuits?...mk... Urgh... seems like a huge step backwards and a huge pain in the butt for moding. Not necessarily, just because the developers designed their armor like that doesn't mean the options to make separate aren't there within the Creation Kit. @Zaldiir; Not really. You just have to know how to skin armors to the skeleton. Shoot, since the oblivion armors are already rigged, I could literally just import them all into 3ds Max, and export it all as one piece and have one piece armors in Oblivion. Plus, people have been able to port Oblivion armors to Fallout, which uses the same one piece system that Skyrim is using.
  19. Obviously no one bothered to read the next part; Sounds pretty good to me. More people on screen? Heck yes. MOAR ARMORS TAHN EVER BEFORE?!?! EVEN MOAR HECK YES!
  20. You can get married in Skyrim :P Also, when I read the interview, there were 1558 people viewing at all at once. D:
  21. I use 3ds Max, just in case everyone here is thinking about how blender and animation works. I already talked to talkietoaster, and he said that the Alpha problem is probably due to the meshes being in the exact same position(which they are), and the game is getting confused on which one is in front when the have the same position. As for the 'pausing', this is what he said;
  22. See, I'm a huge KoTOR fan, so whenever it comes to RPG's like Bethesda's, I like to name my male character's Revan. Just an awesome name imo. For a female though, I used to just use 'Raven', as more of a female Revan, and not Raven like Raven. :P But now I've been using the name Aela for my Elder Scrolls female characters(fallout's are still Raven xD), and will probably use that if I make a female character(which I most likely will, cause lets face it, the females in Skyrim are hawt lol)
  23. You can get New Vegas plus both DLC for about 20 usd right now.
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