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Is there anyway to make combat equal both for the player and the NPC?


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Hey guys, I were just wondering if anyone knows of a mod that decreases the damage you take with heavy armor and kind of makes you pretty strong against light armor but slower etc. But also a way that makes it so a shot to the head with an arrow insta kills or does huge damage both for the player and the NPC, also buffing logical damage. Like if I were to do a power attack to someones head with a two handed weapon or a mace and not get parried have the person die instantly or take an insane amount of damage as well. Deadly combat isn't doing it, Skyre isn't doing it just makes it so NPC's do a ridiculous unfair damage to you even if you parry them and you don't deal any toward them.

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Another problem is that there are certain enemies that have almost triple the amount of health you do, and this unbalances combat quite a lot. I dunno if there are any mods to address that problem (except for the big overhauls).

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Does it really do what I spoke about?


Sorry for not replying sooner. Requiem does a lot to make combat harder, but more fair. I have only been using it for a little while, so I can't tell you the full extent of the things it does, but here are some quotes from the mod's readme.


- Archers are now extremely deadly. Arrows are much faster, NPCs aim better, drawing a bow takes more time for untrained persons. A normal human will go down with one or two hits when not being armored heavily - for a piece of wood and metal in your intestines isn't something you just shrug off.


- Armor is required to survive direct combat, unarmored targets are dispatched in a trice, therefore, all armor ratings have been improved greatly


- Many foes now possess more perks and skills, making combat even more thrilling - if you see someone wielding a mace, he most likely has also training in its use, so make yourself ready for some armor-penetrating blows!.


- Many foes now possess more perks and skills, making combat even more thrilling - if you see someone wielding a mace, he most likely has also training in its use, so make yourself ready for some armor-penetrating blows!


Hope this helps

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For the health problem can use Deadly combat set on Novice mod then with MCM set the Dmg % for DC very high so they would be doing the damage of master-legendary level but still have the hp % of novice.

also use ASIS Makes It way more fair for NPC at easier or modes or very hard on you for hard modes :biggrin: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12615/? for your instant kills. ( ASIS will also make you die in 1 hit from NPC also so be careful they have hax aim! )

Edited by fifteenspades
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