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Vortex Broke When I did This (Gone Wrong, Gone Sexual, OMG!)


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I was using Vortex to install the Lexy's Legacy of the Dragonborn Skyrim Modding Guide.

I attempted to merge two seperate mods together, specifically MysteriousDawn's HD Skyrim Overhaul files titled "HD Skyrim Overhaul - Highest Quality Pack" and "New Dirt02 and Road01 Textures"

No downloads were active while I attempted to merge these mods, however there did happen to be a mod that I did not install yet, Northern Shores.

When the process appeared to be complete, Vortex suddenly crashed and an Immunet popup appeared (I don't remember what it said, I apologise.)

I attempted to relaunch Vortex, however the following text appeared:


Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item.


The other programs I was running were

Three tabs of Chrome, two for modding, one for music.


Twitch(too lazy to Task Manager it)


I would appreciate any help at all, even if it is unsuccessful.

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Sounds like Immunet deleted some files, or at least is protecting some files, or the entire folder by blocking you from accessing it.
I know Kaspersky can do that to me once in a great while when it finds something

Why are you running TWO Antivirus programs at once?

Try turning off BOTH Antivirus programs, and reinstall Vortex.

Also, before you try anything, shut down Vortex and start it again, sometimes that's all it takes

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Vortex is shut down, but thanks for the other info. I wouldn't actually know why there's two antivirus programs on this computer. I am the only one who uses it extensively, but it's actually a family computer. I will report back with more information when I acquire it.

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I actually managed to fix it! You see, I reflected on the fact that it mentioned that I lacked the access to the file, and I shared the file, with myself! It worked, and now I am not going to do anything else with it for the rest of the week because I don't want it to break again. This event has truamatised me.

Hopefully this helps someone else, I was freaking out for a good thirty minutes before I came here.

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Guest deleted34304850

if i were you, i'd remove those two "anti-virus" programs, they're rubbish.

just stick with windows defender.

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