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CTD Cambridge


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Everything I try to approach the center of Cambridge I CTD. The area between Wattz Consumer and the Police Station. All the guides I find online say to uninstall my mods, which I did. I still crash even with a fresh reinstall. I figured maybe its a corrupted save, even tho I was never there before, so I made a new character, went to that area first, still CTD. Is there any possible fix for this besides avoiding this area forever?
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I feel your pain. If I understand correctly. You had deleted /disabled all mods, tried to get to Cambridge CTD. You then uninstalled everything related to Fallout 4, reinstalled the game, still CTD (so basically you are playing a vanilla game)?


Have you verified the integrity of your files on Steam? If not, you can do that and see if that helps.


If the following is stuff that you already know, then my apologies, I figured I should be thorough.


I would not install the game in the program files that Steam defaults to in that your virus program may interfere with the game or mods. I would complete delete all the files affiliated with Fallout in the default folders, as well in the games folders in you Documents directory.


Depending on what program you used to manage your mods, you also want to delete that program (if you are using Vortex, you just purge your mods in Vortex. You can make a backup of the mod files so you don't have to re-download them and place them in another file. I do not usually do that in that it is possible that you downloaded a corrupted mod, thus repeating your problem). You should then uninstall Vortex. Basically you are starting anew.


I would then go back to Steam and download the game (don't worry about Vortex yet), but you must chose where the files will be installed. What I did was create a games directory on the C drive and had the game files installed on that drive as your virus program does not interfere with files in the root directory. Once installed, play the game with no mods whatsoever, just vanilla. Play it long enough to get to Cambridge to see if it CTDs there. If it does not, you had a mod conflict and even if you thought you had removed all the files, you may not have done so as there are files located in other directories depending on which mod manager you use, and using a save when you have disabled or uninstalled mods will usually result in a corrupted save (depending on the mod removed). Some mod authors will state that you can safely uninstall the mod after making a hard save, but I do not buy that. Never uninstall a mod and continue using the saved game unless you have a save from before you installed that mod. You can create a custom save using the console and what I do if I add a mod is basically open up the console and type in "save name_ of_ the_ mod_05202021. I then check if the save took by clicking on the load option to see what saved games exist, and then install the new mod.


Once you have determined that you can safely go into Cambridge without a CTD, you can then look at installing a mod manager as well as ALL of the requirements to mod the game and make all the necessary ini tweaks to allow you to mod a game. In Vortex, you can create several profiles. I would recommend that you create a profile that is completely vanilla, no mods whatsoever. Then create a test profile and start adding mods incrementally and to test the area, you can go to the Cambridge area either by console command, or download and use the mod Cheat terminal which can get you there without console commands. Save the game first before traveling to Cambridge. When you get there, if it does not CTD just exist the game without saving (open the console and type qqq), then add some more mods (preferably, one at a time) and test them again. rinse and repeat. Vortex will automatically you load order, but you must at least use Loot once from the regular game exe file, so that the game can create the required ini files. After that always launch the game using FO4 script extender.


There are several great guides as well as YouTube presentations that will help with choosing mods, setting up your game for modding and performance optimization, as well as guide that make suggestions as to what mods to install that play well together. Here are some examples:






I would not worry about performance mods but would rather look at have a stable load order and then start tweaking your game.


You should learn to use xEdit as it can find mod conflicts that you can identify and possibly fix with a change in load order or creating a patch. I am not that good in using xEdit but I am trying to learn, There are a ton of tutorials to that effect.


Good luck. You will eventually have a stable and travel to Cambridge at your heart's content, but it will take time to create a stable build. Sometimes we overdo our modding and it just not provide a great game depending on your machine, as well as limited by the game engine.


Hope this helps.

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So you uninstalled all of your mods, reinstalled the game (which includes deleting the Fallout4.ini, Fallout4Prefs.ini, Fallou4Custom.ini files too) and even started a new game but you still get CTDs? Then it's not a "game issue".


You should update your Graphics Card driver, check Windows updates, etc...

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But why is it just that area? I can go anywhere else just fine, but when I try to go to where I hear fighting nearby Cambridge I get a CTD. I can have multiple companions all rwuipes with fat mans and rocket launchers and have all the explosions go off at once with no problem. I just can't approach the center of Cambridge. Edited by keokithederp
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But why is it just that area? I can go anywhere else just fine, but when I try to go to where I hear fighting nearby Cambridge I get a CTD. I can have multiple companions all rwuipes with fat mans and rocket launchers and have all the explosions go off at once with no problem. I just can't approach the center of Cambridge.


I don't know.. maybe a bad mod added texture of an object which can be found only in Cambridge. It can be a lot of things..

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