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Groovatron NV port to FO4 - pole dance animations, poses, dances


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Would anyone consider working on porting Groovatron mod from FNV to FO4 please if you have time. It has a good pole dance animation plus a lot of dances and poses. It's all clean animations even if my screenshots here are racy. The Groovatron gun did have a disrobe function. The original mod was for FO3, then FNV.
Screenshots in FNV:
I just finished Thuggy's Depravity mod and I enjoyed it. Neat characters and things to do. (l've done Fusion City Rising a long while ago too.)
I was noticing that the Rexford dance animations for the girls at the poles are (vanilla) dance animations used also in the Fusion City Dance gun (which I
use a lot). I remember actual pole dance animations used in a similar animation gun in FNV, Groovatron (instead of just boogie-ing in
front of a pole).

I contacted the mod author of the original Groovatron mod from FO3 (as well as Depravity mod author) but haven't gotten any reply. The person how ported it to FNV said I was pretty much on my own. The original mod's permissions allow modification. "You can use parts of this mod to make a better one as long as you give credit to me, DraykCannon."

The original mods didn't require script extender so this should work in VR as well if ported somehow.

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Port is probably not going to happen. Koupoable has set the mod permissions to others needing their permission to modify the files, and they haven't been active on the Nexus since 2019.


I would change your request to someone making a similar mod for FO4.

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  On 5/21/2021 at 10:33 AM, Yulliah said:

Port is probably not going to happen. Koupoable has set the mod permissions to others needing their permission to modify the files, and they haven't been active on the Nexus since 2019.


I would change your request to someone making a similar mod for FO4.

That doesn't sound correct. Drayk_Cannon did the original mod for FO3 and the permissions are open for modification.



Here is what it says,

" Modification permission -

You are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the features so long as you credit me as the original creator

Conversion permission -

You can convert this file to work with other games as long as you credit me as the creator of the file

Asset use permission You are allowed to use the assets in this file without permission as long as you credit me."


This is what Koupoable, the author of the FNV port, told me, "keep in mind that I'm not the owner of the idea of the mod and it was just ported from FO3." It doesn't matter that he limited permissions if we used the original FO3 mod because it's permissions are largely open. I've ported a simple mod before and published it and was told that as long as permissions are open like they are for Groovatron FO3 then it's alright to port and publish without checking with the mod author again.


"So I basically responded to the forums topic to warn modders about the permissions for the original FNV mod."

The original mod wasn't FNV but FO3.

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Even though the permissions from FO3 original mod are largely open it sounds like porting an animation gun from FO3 to FO4 is not plausible from the little bit I found googling. That as Yulliah said building from scratch may be the only real way but not for permission reasons but due to the games being different. Though I'd think the original animations, poses, and assets could still be used while giving credit to Drayk_Cannon:

"It (FO3 mod) would have to be remade (for FO4) - certain file formats are different versions, and the game may handle things differently."

"if it's anything that requires animations then that is currently a resounding 'no' (long story short: we don't have the tools for that anymore), if it's something that requires scripting then it'll be a "maybe" (papyrus has updated since FO3, no idea how significant the changes are, but that aside FO4's script extender isn't nearly as well developed yet so we won't have any fancy scripting yet),"

There is the Fusion City dance animation gun. My desire is to make NPCs do the pole dance from Groovatron FO3 mod. I also liked the disco ball with lights but that is extra. Groovatron gun had a lot of cool things.

I think the one thing that could be used from the original mod though (if not other assets as well) is the pole dance animation file itself from the FO3 Groovatron mod.

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As I tend to build very large and elaborate bars in my settlements, I have been searching for such a mod for a long time. There is an excellent pole dancing mod that you can download on the site whose name must not be uttered. It is fully assignable to any NPC, even a companion. You can even assign the NPC to stay in the area of the pole and dance/climb/twirl 24/7. I have uploaded a pic of an NPC on it on Nexus, just check my "about me" and look at the images I've uploaded. It's entitled Greygarden pole dancing.

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Re: "There is an excellent pole dancing mod that you can download on the site whose name must not be uttered."
Alexw95's Stripper Pole you mean, too bad it requires AAF and that doesn't work in VR. I guess this is why I hoped for a Groovatron port.

I had to dig pretty far into your images/uploads to find one image of someone on a pole in the distance.

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  On 5/23/2021 at 4:42 PM, ntblood said:


Re: "There is an excellent pole dancing mod that you can download on the site whose name must not be uttered."
Alexw95's Stripper Pole you mean, too bad it requires AAF and that doesn't work in VR. I guess this is why I hoped for a Groovatron port.

I had to dig pretty far into your images/uploads to find one image of someone on a pole in the distance.


could not take a close up shot without the content being too revealing given the puritanical nature of the site. You can decapitate, mutilate, and simply annihilate a person and that can be posted without blurring, but heaven help you if you show something of an "adult nature" i.e., nakedness. One might go blind I guess.

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