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Things TES NPCs


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Oh hell, I can't fix the title :(


I was going to make this 'Things TES Players Don't Say' but I figured I'd say the wrong thing and someone would get a hair up their butt and the whole thing would end in tears and bannings. So instead it's things that you would never hear a TES NPC say. Add your own! If I get enough good ones, I might make a video.


1. Hey, an Outlander! I love Outlanders!


2. Killing people for money is wrong. I could never work for the Dark Brotherhood.


3. The Lusty Argonian Maid is a masterpiece!


4. If Nerevar doesn't get his/her butt here soon, I'm going to bed.


5. Oh no I don't need you to get that thing for me, it's just a minute's walk away.


6. Considering I'm bigger, stronger, and better equipped than you, maybe I'd better go deal with that dragon instead.


7. Against my better judgement, I'm believing what you say with no requirements of proof from you (Baurus, Jauffre, and Martin, I'm looking at YOU).


8. I saw a mudcrab the other day. It was soooo cute!


9. Meh, Mundus is boring. come, my minions, let us leave this place. It's a whole bunch of no fun.

Edited by nyxalinth
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"It's your choice".

"I'd be glad to help, no need to go on some random errand first".

"I used to be an adventurer like you until I decided it's more fun to wonder around the town insulting people".

"I'll investigate the sweetroll theft at once."

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"I don't feel like telling you my profession and present mood."


"Could this person who's shooting me from a secluded location possibly be hiding in the shadows?"


"True Nords of Skyrim only back down sometimes."


"A daedric sword? That's a pretty decent weapon."


"I'll mount my own head on your wall!"


"I will not give you my family heirloom as payment!"

Edited by billyro
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"What? You think that the entire Land of Skyrim knows who you are? This is a BIG place. Lots of people. In Fact, there is another Dragonborn as well doing the same stuff you're doing. Have you heard of him? No? My point rests"

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"Mirrors! Get your Mirrors here!"


"And I woulda got away with if it wasn't for that meddling Dovahkin."


"Oh, great, another hero... Life was just fine till you showed up."


"No, really, you look like you need my 4 septims more than I do, all that shiny armor must be expensive to maintain. Do you want my pocket lint too? It might be related to some quest."


"Careful venturing into the woods, floating trees and rocks everywhere, you might bang your head by accident."


"And here we have the tallest mountain in the land. People jump off it for fun."


"Here's my magical sword that looks different, please don't kill me! I'll even help you hang it on your wall where it will sit for years unused."


"I'm a ghost... Lol"

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"Fus do rah!" (Lol)


"Take everything you see, sneak thief."


"A malicious force just left my body and I can remember everything."


"Heard they're reforming the Vampires: Dawnguard hunters or something, in the old castle near Solitude."


"I did not swear to carry your burdens."

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