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Can an Unofficial Special Edition patch be used with the Scrip Stender (SKSE)?


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I installed Skyrim Special Edition from Steam and am using Vortex to install some mods. Vortex suggested installing Script Extender and I would also like to install the Unofficial Patch. Can installing both cause any conflict?

(I apologize for writing "Script Extender" wrong in the title. I was unable to edit.)

Edited by ferdguill
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There is a separate version of SKSE for Skyrim Special Edition, so I would say yes, as long as you use the correct 64 bit version of SKSE.


You must also use mods designed for SSE, of course.

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It is perfectly fine to use the Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch (USSEP) with the Skyrim Script Extender 64 bit (SKSE64). Just make sure you start the game with the SKSE64 loader rather than the default launcher. Vortex should have that option available to you once SKSE64 is properly installed.


That said, you should be aware that the Nexus has a separate forum section for Skyrim Special Edition. It can be found here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?c=4040,4045

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