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Any problem with the Old races?


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TTW has issues with races that don't have child races set up properly. You have the obvious problem that TTW expects you to be 18 years old when you leave Vault 101, but aside from the lore issue, there is also the issue that geriatric races aren't going to switch properly into child mode at the start of the game and again when you go into the VR at Vault 112. There are some custom race fixes for TTW that, while they won't fix the lore issue, they will at least fix the race swapping issue in-game.


Outside of TTW, I'm not aware of anything in FNV that would have an issue with it. Custom races in general don't cause any heartache anywhere in the vanilla game and I'm not aware of any mods that require specific races to be used.


Bethesda and Obsidian only made head textures for the old races, so certain outfits that show more skin are going to have an old head on a young body, which will probably look a bit odd. As long as you stick to outfits that don't show skin it's not an issue.


NPCs in the game will react to you as if you aren't geriatric. Chris Haversam (the guy in Repconn who thinks he is a ghoul) is going to call you ugly, which is supposed to be ironic since you are a normal-looking human. If you have a particularly ugly custom character it kinda messes with the intent of Chris's greeting. If you are a wrinkly old geriatric character, you're probably going to take offense at being called ugly for reasons other than what was intended. If you are female, Corporal Betsy is going to say "it's a damn good thing you're hot" if you follow particular conversation paths. I'm sure there are a few other conversation options that may be a bit off if you are geriatric that I'm not thinking of off the top of my head.


The courier's age in the game is intentionally vague. While the courier's back story is also intentionally vague so that players can make up their own story, there are some hints at your background from Ulysses and other NPCs in the game. The courier has enough history that they have to be older than 18, probably in their early to mid 20s at the youngest. On the top end, probably no more than about 40 or so. You have to really dig to get to any of this info though so mostly if you play a geriatric character it's not going to be an issue.

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Yeah I wasn't really concerned with the lore or minor aesthetic oddities. Off the top of my head the only age related comments made towards the courier is a couple people calling you "kid", and the elderly people with ripped bodies is no more an issue than it is with NPCs.


That is an issue with TTW, but well, I don't use it, and I figure the people who play it generally like to play it the "canon" way anyway, being born in FO3 and progressing to NV later, so they wouldn't want to use the Old/Geriatric races anyway.


Although, do you suppose there's any reason I couldn't just define the Child Race as the Younger race of the Old/Geriatric races? By default it's Caucasian adult, but I have no idea why it couldn't just be set to the child.

Edited by Radioactivelad
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