mindw0rk2 Posted August 4, 2013 Share Posted August 4, 2013 (edited) Im begging you, dont make those things overpowered. Better make them less powerful then traditional shouts, but with cool effects. Edited August 4, 2013 by mindw0rk2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tykiii Posted August 7, 2013 Share Posted August 7, 2013 Hmmm... btw. Any possiblity for a compatybility version for: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14353/? ?Some of the modifications for the vanilla shouts could collide. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EnaiSiaion Posted August 7, 2013 Author Share Posted August 7, 2013 I make my own changes tyvm. :tongue: Ps. Summon Tempest - MONSTER FENRIR. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
UWShocks Posted August 8, 2013 Share Posted August 8, 2013 Wow! How did I miss this!Can't wait for this mod; you make the best Magic based Mods! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tykiii Posted August 8, 2013 Share Posted August 8, 2013 On 8/7/2013 at 9:17 PM, EnaiSiaion said: I make my own changes tyvm. :tongue: Ahhh... in this case make drain vitality shout actually drain things... in vanilla Skyrim it only damadges them with no absorb effect. ;) Alsoo... word meditation shout ability called: Feim - eteranl spirit is kinda useless compared to the other two... it needs a buff. ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted3765355User Posted August 10, 2013 Share Posted August 10, 2013 I'm way to excited for this pack haha. How goes the development? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EnaiSiaion Posted August 10, 2013 Author Share Posted August 10, 2013 Progress is very slow because it is hard to make shouts that are actually interesting. The shouts cannot overlap with existing magic or else they make it redundant; they must be self contained (no combos); they cannot overlap with each other; they are given for free so they cannot be very powerful but at the same time they have to do something useful; etc.I did implement something new: The Conqueror 3 (Supernova).How do you kill wolves?Hit them with your sword. Shoot an arrow at them Make the sun explode.The correct answer if you're a Dkin is 3, of course. Because SEPHIROTH. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tykiii Posted August 10, 2013 Share Posted August 10, 2013 On 8/10/2013 at 1:14 PM, EnaiSiaion said: Progress is very slow because it is hard to make shouts that are actually interesting. The shouts cannot overlap with existing magic or else they make it redundant; they must be self contained (no combos); they cannot overlap with each other; they are given for free so they cannot be very powerful but at the same time they have to do something useful; etc. I think I have an new idea... Hmmm shot that the works only when shouted at a specific thingy. For example maybe shouting it at one moon gives you one type of bonus while shouting it at the other moon another type... and when shouting it at the sun it is also different? Alsoo... it could come up with with some visual changes to the player... something like the DragonAspect shout? Orr just a different glowing aura. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EnaiSiaion Posted August 11, 2013 Author Share Posted August 11, 2013 I broke out of my modder's block by moving around shouts. :) This is what I did today: [DLC] AnnihilateTemporal Burst: deals 2 true damage to target for each ingame day you have been playing, up to 300 damage. Demi: a small black energy ball that explodes on impact and deals 25% current health as magic damage. Shockwave Pulsar: creates a giant electrical black hole in the sky that levitates enemies into it, then explodes and throws them.[DLC] The ConquerorOne Stands Tall: Reduces the max health of nearby units by 20 and transfers it to you. One Stands Taller: Same, but lasts longer and has a bigger radius. Supernova: must be cast at the sun and makes it swell up and explode, dealing 4% current health per second as fire damage to everything for the next 20 seconds.[DLC] Oblivion (once a day)Absorb Knowledge: This has a 15 second cooldown and places a 30 second debuff on targets that makes your shout cooldown go down 20% faster per debuffed target (and their shout cooldown go down 20% slower). Overwhelm: Deals 2 true damage per unlocked word and roots for 1 second +0.1 second per unlocked word. Deathstrike: Creates a giant eye of Herma-Mora in the sky. The eye then randomly shoots nearby targets with energy, overloading their mind with knowledge and killing them instantly. This CAN hit the Dragonborn, but only drops them to 25% health.Shattersphere (once a day)Lesser Sphere: 60 damage. The nice thing about this shout is that it can be used once a day and has no cooldown, which goes great with things like Storm Crown which resets your shout cooldown shortly after you enter combat. So while you can get off two shouts (instead of one) in combat with that ability, you can throw in this one and get three. Fragmenting Sphere: 140 damage. Greater Sphere: 250 damage.[DLC] LifestreamTBA TBA Lifetide: creates unnaturally sunny weather that heals everyone on the map. TOLL THE BEGINNING OF TIME! BIG BANG! http://i42.tinypic.com/1z6zaxe.jpg If knowledge is power, does absolute knowledge corrupt absolutely? http://i39.tinypic.com/wv3gqx.jpg Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted3765355User Posted August 11, 2013 Share Posted August 11, 2013 Awesome, and very original ideas! This is shaping up to be your best work yet in my opinion. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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