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Dragon Age: Prelude to Chaos

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Posting it here, as well, just to be sure. I'm going away for a week on a vacation, so you won't be hearing from me. Anyways, Steffi knows what to do with Al since I sent her a message and Fletcher will be on hold for now since he's waiting for something anyway. Have fun, guys! :biggrin:

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OK, take this as a sign of my tentative joining. :P One character for now, but I have another in mind.




Name: Danae


Gender: Female

Race: Human

Age: 26

Class: Warrior (2-Handed Style)

Occupation: Adventurer/Mercenary


Height: 5'11''

Weight: 155 lbs

Hair: Short cropped, sandy-colored hair that is cut about jaw-length. It is often messy, but never uncombed.

Eyes: Pale blue.

Skin: Generally tanned due to her near-constant traveling, but she can get pale if she stays indoors a lot.

Handedness: Right

Scars/Tattoos: Several thin scars crisscross her arms and legs. There are a few barely noticeable scars on her face.

General Physical Description: Danae has a sharp face and bold features, including a strong jaw and chin. Her nose is thin, long and straight; her lips are full but her mouth is relatively small. She has small ears that are usually completely hidden by her hair. Danae's eyebrows are thick, but not unruly. She is tall for a woman, with a lean but strong build. She carries herself with pride and confidence, something that usually catches people off guard.

Voice: Strangely feminine considering her appearance - she can be quite soft-spoken at times, though she does like to talk. Her tone is even, and is neither high nor low. Her voice gets a bit rough and harsh when commanding or if she angered.

Disabilities: None

Clothing/Armor: A simple leather jerkin and breeches with a soft, loose blouse. A full suit of grey steel plate armor and an open-faced steel helm.

Weapons: Steel greatsword.

Visual Appearance: TBA


General Personality Traits: Confident, bold, proud, honest, virtuous, sarcastic, realist, diplomatic, funny, lighthearted

Likes: Good food, friendly company, listening to bards' tales, winning battles, joking around, making Ferelden a safer place

Dislikes: Darkspawn, bandits, liars, thieves

Fears: Dying alone

Attitudes towards friends/strangers: Is friendly towards most strangers

Opinion of the world: Ferelden is an adventurer's dream - all it takes is the guts to go out and pursue it.


Past: Danae is the daughter of a Grey Warden and his seamstress wife. Her mother died in childbirth, and her father never supplied a surname of any sort...thus, Danae has no idea who her ancestors are. Her father trained her to be a fighting woman, and it seemed that she was to join him on his adventures when she came of age. However, shortly after she turned fifteen, he vanished without a trace, leaving only his amulet behind with the emblem of the Grey Wardens upon it. So, with no family to speak of, she struck out on her own, doing odd jobs here and there for the Chantry and the nobility of Ferelden, often hiring herself out as a guard. Since then, she has become quite the capable adventuress and mercenary. She doesn't do many guard jobs anymore, preferring to stay on the open road. She continually wonders what happened to her father, but she has never gained any leads.

Birthplace: Redcliffe, Ferelden

Family/Relationships: None

Friends: None to speak of

Enemies: Anyone who wants to kill her


Skills and feats: TBA

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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I'm a bit new on Dragon Age lore, so if I've gotten anything wrong in my first post, please let me know and I will correct it.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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