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New file adding "wizard", tagging and more prominent content blocking


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In response to post #8302415. #8308015, #8308059 are all replies on the same post.

so if the mall says "this is a naked mall" entering a shop inside the mall that says "no naked here" is wrong? what are you, ass kisser? the chatroom is part of the nexus community, am I wrong or the moderator here are ALWAYS right. terms and conditions my schlong mod. Edited by pixelettesea
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In response to post #8302415. #8308015, #8308059, #8308195 are all replies on the same post.

You need to adjust your attitude before one of us adjusts it for you. Permanently.

what makes a chat room ZONE different from other pages

Because that's how we want to run our chatroom. We run different parts of our site in different ways and clearly state it on the relevant pages. E.g. we allow nude mods in the file database but we don't allow nudity in the general image share. It's clearly stated before you enter the chat, so what exactly are you crying about?

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In response to post #8302415. #8308015, #8308059, #8308195, #8308281 are all replies on the same post.


p/s: your avatar sucks, those eyes looks like bleeding tits.

If that's what your seeing, then I honestly think you need your eyes checked.
Also - don't see why you even attempted to insult me directly, it has no bearing on the subject, and quite frankly only made you look like an idiot.

As the Site owner (Dark0ne) has said - different sections of the site have different regulations - because that is how he wants the site run, the rest of us are here to make sure it is run that way.

No point getting bent out of shape over it, if you don't like the rules here, then go elsewhere. No one's stopping you.
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LOL! I come here to thank you for the new feature and stumble into this ;D


Anyway cheers for the new upload setup, just used it and was very helpful to get all the components done in one go :thumbsup:

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In response to post #8307686.

I wouldn't say it's certain that they've all downloaded. The nude body freakout is certainly possible and applicable to both sexes. Gamefaqs has a moralizing post every two days about it, and that's just the boobs.

We're just f'd up about sex and the body in general in the West, it seems.

Edited by jonas66
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hey thank you for this article, the sexuality comments just made my day !


And I just blocked all content that's not in english

not that I'm bothered that much with non-english results, however if when searching I can have 1 page of results instead of 2 it's great !

And since my skyrim is set up in english ^^ (no-brainer for me, mods are just outright compatible, no questions asked ! :p )


btw I wonder what the "translation" tag is for ?

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