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New file adding "wizard", tagging and more prominent content blocking


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Thank you for leaving the use of tags or content blocking up to the discretion of the user. I'm sure this means a lot to many users.


I have been using this site on and off for a long time now, and I must say that every time I return from a being absent, I am impressed. You all have done a fantastic job with this site, and for that I wanted to offer my wholehearted gratitude: thank you very much for the work you put into the site.


That said, I've finally scrounged up enough funds, and have purchased a life membership.


Please keep up the great work!

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How exciting! I hope these systems stand to the test of usage, because they sound great right now.


One thing I have to commend you on is listening and acting upon the feedback of your users. Even Facebook and Youtube don't seem to understand that little trick. :P

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I am in full support of an easier to use tagging and censorship system. Although I don't use it myself, I could easily understand why someone would want to. Thank you for leaving the decision of what we can and cannot see up to us! Freedom is a great thing! :)
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Sounds like a great improvement. I always tag my own files. Not doing so is irresponsible.


-EDIT- Also...


Please repeat after me: penis penis penis, vagina vagina vagina. - Dark0ne


Best quote ever.

Edited by Zonzai
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I'm glad for the tagging. I see children and teens for therapy. Most of the teen boys play computer games - no surprise there - and some want to mod. Sometimes I use my laptop in sessions to work on Internet safety (these guys are MUCH more Internet savvy than their carers!). For the ones who are old enough to play certain games with mods on the Nexus, it is great for me and for the carers to have the blocking so the young people can cruise the site (with supervision), find mods and have minimal exposure to things beyond their years or parental preferences.


Thank you for all your hard work Dark0ne - and thank you to your team as well.

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automatic translation

I think a useful tag can be if the mod is "script free" because it's more safe. And I would like if the incompatibilities being declared in a tab apart.


Edit: I'm seeing that the major problem is related with sex mods. There is the filter, use it.

In my char statistics there are countless killed, dismembered, burned people, stolen objects, lockpicked coffers, pools of blood and beheaded. This isn't a game for the childs. There is a high rate of violence, but it seems that all is rounding on the fact of the genitals.

I remember that Sloft made a beautiful mod for oblivion related on the horses, and a user said that he/she didn't want to see the asshole of the horses, really. The fact is that the animals have the assholes. Men have penis, women vagina and breasts, such is the life.

And so, there is a filter for it, use it. It's recommended by best gynecologists of the best universities. Can be improved? of course, give the time. Simple and plain. Or not? The rest is censorship.


Dark0ne: your replay is clear and cristalline. Kudos to you

Edited by BobValdez
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"The Penis is evil! The Penis shoots Seeds, and makes new Life to poison the Earth with a plague of men, as once it was. But the Gun shoots Death and purifies the Earth of the filth of Brutals. Go forth, and kill! Zardoz has spoken."


But really...I popped in, saw the "Dongs of Skyrim" or whatever the name was and went "ha...took longer than morrowind..." AND WENT ON MY MERRY WAY! But I guess some people and their sandy vaginas felt the need to complain...(and I practically guarantee you they all downloaded one of the "better female body" mods at one point and see nothing wrong with that.) Still, more filters and junk can only help make searching better, so no worry here, good job.

Edited by jediakyrol
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In response to post #8302415.

this doesn't make sense. what makes a chat room ZONE different from other pages. because it has java or real time chatting, or you hire a priest to maintain the chatroom. btw guys I'd like to promote this awesome mod:http://www.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/35463/p/s: your avatar sucks, those eyes looks like bleeding tits. Edited by pixelettesea
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