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Dragon Age support for NMM, DA2 support incoming, site splits and top


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Sweet Maker, yes! I'll go through dragon age, uninstall everything via the currently used DAO Mod Mgr. and then reconstruct with the new NMM. Also love that you're splitting DAO and DA2. Thanks so much :)
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Okay, seems to be doing fine so far. Question, though. The .dazip addons seem to be being added to the addin directory instead of the packages/core/override directory. Will that cause any issues with loading or is that not an issue? Other than that little concern, it's working like a charm so far! Did a few downloads from Nexus, did a few installs from file for downloads I had from IIRC bioware's social site, etc.
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I'm sure it's too early to worry about yet, but Dragon Age 3 is coming and hopefully it will support modding, or at least the wonderful community of the Nexus sites will mod it anyway!


Keep up the great work. That goes for the site admins and modders!

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Well Done Dark0ne!


While there are some interesting complexities with DA modding that NMM may not be able to address ("NV4.override" for example) this is a huge step forward. Really looking forward to putting NMM through it's paces. ;D


But as for kendubz09's question:


awesome work i allways wanted a easy way to mod dragon age. but am i the only person what cant see my mod load order ?


Unlike the Morrwind/Oblivion/Skyrim games, there's no such thing as "load order" with Dragon Age (or any other Eclipse-engine game.)


As HeimDallCarrot points out, in those cases where there are multiple files that contain the same element, the game selects which specific file to use as follows:


1. File located in the original game install folder (usually under "\Program Files...")

2. FIle located in the game's "\override" folder under the install location. (Replaces the one found at 1, if any.)

3. File located in the player's "\override" folder usually located under user's profile under "\My Documents", or equivalent. (Replaces the one found at 1 or 2, if any.)


In cases of multiple options within the same folder, the game does a reverse alphanumeric search and uses the first one it finds there.


For example:


Let's say you had the two folders "\old_wynne" and "\new_wynne" within your "\<user's documents>\Bioware\Dragon Age\packages\core\override" folder, both containing the file "hf_genfl_wynne.mor" as a face replacement for Wynne.


Then the one in "\old_wynne" would be used and the one in "\new_wynne" would be ignored, since "o" comes after "n".


But if you were to rename "\new_wynne" to "\pretty_wynne" that one would be used instead, since "p" comes after "o".


So the "load order" is entirely dependent on the player, based on mod location and folder naming decisions! :thumbsup:

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Thanks for the heads-up, Thandal. It should be helpful!


There are yet more wrinkles to the "Where are Dragon Age files found?" story.


With the original piecemeal disc, (or Steam, or other) installs the DLC were placed in the folder "\addins", under the player's profile.


With the all-in-one Ultimate Edition (UE), the DLC were placed in the "\addins" folder under the game's install folder.


(The fact that BioWare used the same folder structure/naming for both the game install and the player profile has always bothered me. Two "\addins" folders? Two "\override" folders? Really? Ya' couldn't have picked different names to avoid confusion?!? :huh: )

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