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The Court of Queen Auriana

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***If you can't think of a position you want to hold in my court, here are some ideas***



Disgruntled Goddess, Desiring of Temples in her Honor - Lisnpuppy


Official Unofficial Queen of the Nexus - AurianaValoria1

Queen Mother - naomis8329


Royal Mason (Temple Builder) -

Temple Keeper(s) -


Lord of Lunacy - Keanumoreira

Crown Jeweler in Exile - Aurielius

Royal Bard - Nightshade715

Court Mage - Alaylyne

Court Jester(s) - Thor.

Official Face-Puller - tokyobleach

Queen's Royal Bison - bison1967 (aka, "Hoofster," "Hoofy," "Sir Hoof-a-lot," "The Divine Bovine")

Queen's Royal Artist - amnis

Queen's Royal Dancer - Carah

Royal Fashion Advisor - Mythicdawnmaster

Queen's Chamberlain - Ithildin

Constable - darkedge42392

Steward -

Queen's Usher (protector of queen's property) -

Lord High Executioner - Eckss

Military Advisor - SoulofChrysamere

Master-of-Arms - Ironman5000

Master of the Hunt - nethgros

Master of the Horses -

Captain of the Royal Guard - Zephyr Kronos

Knight Commander - josh900

Knight(s) - Iv000

Squire(s) -

Queen's Standard-Bearer -

Ladies-in-Waiting - grannywils

Scribe(s) -

Royal Herald - Malachi Delacot

Royal Gardener - Flipout6

Royal Janitor - spyro1202

Royal Brewer -

Royal Head Chef - tokyobleach

The Grinning, Purple and Pink Striped Cat (GPPS) - M48A5

Court Seer - AltmerLover1313


***If you have the appropriate post count in order to change your member title, be sure to change it to your newly appointed position***



An RP thread has been created here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1028918-the-kingdom-of-nexonia-aurianas-court-rp/ for actual storymaking revolving around this illustrious court.


Rules will be fairly simple and less restrictive than other RPs. Still, the following guidelines should be taken into account.



1) Have fun. If you are finding yourself always irritated or unhappy...then why are you here. Figure out the issue or go do something else.

2) Never forget the line between RP In Character and Out of Character and don't cross it. It is easy, especially when you have particularly intense RP, to take things personally. Don't....99% of the time it isn't all about you.

3) Start with a well made character. Have a decent background and personality to make your RP more fun and easier. Your character doesn't have to be set in stone. But having a solidly made character is important or your RP may peter out. Have your character have likes/dislikes, goals, dreams, an arch-enemy....this will help you flesh them out even more and bring them to life.

4) Relationship RP should be the ICING not the CAKE! Make it a side-quest if you will...not the main one.

5) You have to give a little to get a little. We all have RP storylines in which we want others to engage. That is what makes it fun, right? But if you find a friend knee-deep in a RP of their own, don't come in and hijack the RP for yourself or refuse to participate because its not all about YOU. Have fun and throw your lot in with them! Trust me, when your time comes around, people will remember that you play well with others.

6) Don't be a MaryJane! Don't decide that you are going to be a half-dragon or the long-lost illegitimate son of the King of Whoville. It doesn't work, it probably isn't in the lore anywhere, and it will lead only to your RP downfall. Eventually your “special” character will begin to dominate everyone else and their RP. No one will want to play with you...so make your character special in other ways.

7) No godmoding!! Remember, you only control YOUR character and not others. When you RP, do not take over the actions of other Rpers.

For example: Jon casts a frostbolt at Matt knocking him back into the wall and breaking his arms.

Instead try: Jon cast a frostbolt hoping to hit Matt and knocking him out of the way.

This allows the other player to take action. You can have decided before hand how this will go out. You can roll to see what actions happen or how bad an injury is.

8 )Soap Opera-ing. Many of us have wanted to play our character as crazy, a total badass or having an illness or amnesia. Those can all be valid and fun stories. The doom is in taking it too far or too long. These kind of stories ultimately leave little RP options for those around you. Always have movement and a goal in your RP...otherwise it goes nowhere.

9) Be willing to RP with anyone, anytime. Just because you are in a guild or Rping with a friend doesn't mean you can't include others. Walk-Up RP can lead to great things...or simply pass the time for a bit. If others don't RP EXACTLY like you...no sweat. Perhaps they are new and need some gentle guidance. So be open to everything!

10) Communication is the key. Always establish your RP boundaries when you are Rping with someone long-term. If you don't like swearing...or a particular kind of violence...or if you will take anything coming down the pike! Let others know. It avoids awkward and unpleasant conversations later.


All in all, this is supposed to be a fun, humorous RP, very similar in content to things like Monty Python or The Princess Bride. It's not supposed to be that serious, but don't get out of hand or out of forum rules.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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I am pleased to see that you are appointing your court after the election. Not as someone who will not be named handed out knighthoods in a vain attempt to buy votes. I would like to put forward Thor as court jester. He already has the hat for it and will return to the post he held under another. Also, you can now change your title to "The Only Official Queen of the Nexus".

I would like to take this time to warn you about a couple of pretenders to your position. You will need to keep a watch for them as they both seem to be under the misquided illusion that they still hold some sway here. Even though they were both defeated in the previous poll by "None of the above".

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Have Thor message me as soon as he is able, and I will consider him for the position. It is first come, first serve.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Mistress Mythic is ready to purchase you the best of the best for this month and all that follow... I was thinking a different colour scheme every month, you know to really spice things up a bit. I say thinking, although, I actually mean that is exactly what shall be happening. Your attire belongs to me now :devil:


Majesty, there is also the matter of your coronation gown... I do have a few in mind if you would like to see them?


Oh, and our colour this month, to mark both the coming of our new Queen, and simply for some summery vibe, is Orange, in honour of our Queen.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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