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There's no Fable 2 Mods here?


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So I'm a little blown away there's no Fable 2 mods available after all these years... Is there a reason for this? I just bought Fable for XBONE and after the prolog the backstory was filled in for me. The combat, controls, and framerate were wonky and just didn't really pull me in like Fable 2 did. I bought Fable 2 for XBONE a few months ago hoping for for fixes on the old game (lag menu, better expressions, not having to suck up your exp before it falls off or through the map) but it was the same... Game was great besides those things. Would have also been neat to have an option for an uncommon wife besides Alex or Lady Gray which both were crappy options and left you with only common npc's with random traits. At least the option the change your wife's clothes would have been something so she stands out in the crowd of fans. Also thought the fade to black for sex was just lazy as I'm pretty sure it's rated M. I always felt It's odd that blood and gore is fine but sex is bad. My modding ability is limited to rebalancing scripts and I have never shown anyone my mods but this game doesn't need a rebalance. Is there anyone out there with the talent to fix the few shortcomings of this game? New expression animations or models or better UI so selling isn't such a prick when you have more than one of the same item? Not looking for cheats, but at least not having to hold down the absorb exp button for 30 sec's after every fight would be nice. I would buy this game a third time for PC just for that. Anyway that's my drunken vent for tonight, have fun and be safe all! PS nexus team you Emoji's don't work, how are people gonna feel my groove??? xD

Edited by sirdano35
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I bought Fable 2 for XBONE a few months ago hoping for for fixes on the old game



As far as I know Fable 2 was never released on the PC which makes modding very difficult.

Nexus doesn't HAVE Xbox mods, it only has mods for PC



It has mods for the Switch and PlayStation and my point stands, without a PC version it's harder to mod.

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Sorry, I had no idea Fable 2 was not on PC. Seems like they missed out on a pretty big market... I just assumed it was from the Fable 1 mods. That what I get for not doing my homework. Maybe someday it will be, but until then sorry for wasting your time...

Edited by sirdano35
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Sorry, I had no idea Fable 2 was not on PC. Seems like they missed out on a pretty big market... I just assumed it was from the Fable 1 mods. That what I get for not doing my homework. Maybe someday it will be, but until then sorry for wasting your time...


Yeah they missed out there, not only from the sales from Fable 2 but also the ones from people not bothering with Fable 3 because they'd not been able to play the second. It can be played on the PC now though through Microsoft's cloud gaming but it's a big laggy and doesn't look great.

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Sorry, I had no idea Fable 2 was not on PC. Seems like they missed out on a pretty big market... I just assumed it was from the Fable 1 mods. That what I get for not doing my homework. Maybe someday it will be, but until then sorry for wasting your time...



Yea, that "Exclusive to XBOX" decision really p'd me off, especially after playing Fable 1 on PC, then playing Fable 3.

I like continuity.


That would be like playing Mass effect 1 and 3

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Yep, Fable 2 was a massive expansion on all the underdeveloped ideas that Fable 1 had, then Peter molyneux'd all over 3.


People whine about The Elder Scrolls and Fallout "streamlining" all of its depth away? It ain't got nothing on Fable 3.

Edited by Radioactivelad
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Fable 3 treated the player like a moron, if you don't touch the controls for five seconds it tells the player what to do next, literally five seconds, not even Oblivion had that level of hand holding.

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