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TAB key not working


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I don't know if it's because of Steam overlay but my TAB key REFUSES to work. Now it wouldn't be a problem since I could just change the key for opening the pib boy to another key (which I did) but the game REQUIRE you to press TAB to perform some actions.


So if I try to read a quest item and the only way to close it is pressing TAB I simply can't do it. I'm soft locked and have to reload a save. Same thing with building and storage. I CAN NOT store anything, I have to move each piece individually one by one which takes HOURS and is quite frustrating.


I don't understand why it doesn't work. I tried changing the binding for steam overlay to F1 and it doesn't work, turned it off entierely still doesn't work.


Now I'm stuck at a quest and I can not continue because I made the mistake of buying it on steam.


Does someone now how to fix this ? I'm getting desperate

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Does your tab key work outside of the game?



Oh my god....



It's a valid question. Keyboards die, even expensive ones (the 5 key on my nice mechanical keyboard sticks something horrible if I don't come down on it hard). Since you probably rarely use the Tab key outside of the game you might not have noticed.

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No no, I mean oh my god as "How f*#@ing stupid am I for not thinking about that"


Yes, my TAB key doesn't work I just checked it. I was so convinced that it was steam doing that that I didn't stop to consider for a second that maybe my TAB key is just broken.


Well I got my answer, at least I know now

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